Youth Panelists Tell Guy Kawasaki About Media Habits


We all love to go to trade shows to schmooze with others in the industry, attend panel discussions in hopes we pick up the latest cool marketing tactic and, perhaps, strike a business deal or two. While some of that may have merit, in this fast changing media landscape where everyone's skipping your ads, blocking your pop ups and stripping banners from web pages, it's unlikely any panel is going to deliver you as much insight and usable information as this Guy Kawasaki-led panel called Next Generation Insights. The panel consisted of kids aged 16 to 24 and offered up more a treasure trove of first hand information about media usage habits that will soon define the future of media. From cell phone usage to use of MySpace to IM to online shopping to text messaging gaming to computer usage habits to television viewing to magazine readership to iPod usage to email to online video to RSS and more. It's a motherlode of insightful, usable information about a generation that is indicative of what media usage will look like in the future.

After watching this, you will very quickly realize that all current methods of marketing have a very, very...very short lifespan. There are bright spots though. Interestingly, magazines and billboards were mentioned as viable media outlets. Give it a watch.

by Steve Hall    Oct-12-06    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Research, Trends and Culture

KISS's Gene Simmons Attends ANA Conference, Gets Interviewed


AdWeek's Alison Fahey, writing on the AdFreak blog, tells us about her experience interviewing famed KISS bassist Gene Simmons and how he's taken what was once just a rock brand and turned it into a successful global brand. Alison says there wasn't much tongue wagging and there was no blood spilled. All in all, a good interview.

by Steve Hall    Oct-12-06    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Industry Events

Colle+McVoy Wins AdWeek Buzz Award


Colle+McVoy is pleased it recently won Adweek Magazine's award for "Best Guerrilla Marketing Campaign" at the magazine's second annual Buzz Awards. Colle+McVoy tells us they chosen for their "use of grassroots marketing" to generate brand attention and awareness on work they did for a crushed vehicle campaign for the Minnesota State Lottery. Congrats.

by Steve Hall    Oct-11-06    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events

Young Guns Probes Fresh Meat

youngguns anal probe.JPG

To promote their ad contest for the practitioners of tomorrow, Young Guns releases Worth the Pain, which straddles the fine balance between educational and entertaining in a satisfyingly dark way. We dig the sense of despair dripping from the guy holding his head in his hands. What's got him so down? Is it the pressure that comes with competing for attention in a cutthroat industry, or is it the anal thermometer that explodes in hearts and rainbows? Come on, we all have to pay our dues. -Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 9-06    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Online, Racy

Do Your Part, Attend the Advertising Industry Diversity Conference


Adrants, along with Business Development Institute, is presenting the Advertising Industry Diversity Job Fair and Leadership Conference, an event that aims to tackle, head on, the hot issue of diversity in the advertising industry. With recent legal wranglings and diversity basically taking a back seat since, well, ever, we though it time to get a conversation going about what, if anything, the industry can do to address the topic.

The conference will take place Wednesday, November 8 from 8:30A to 5:30P at the NYU Helen & Martin Kimmel Center for University Life. The first half of the day will feature speakers and panels consisting of industry professional who are knowledgeable about the industry's diversity issues. The keynote will be given by Burrell Communications C0-CEO McGhee Williams. The second half of the day will be set up as an actual job fair where those interested in joining the advertising industry can speak with prospective employers.

How can you get involved? If you, as an individual, have strong feelings about this issue, you can participate by speaking at the event or simply showing up to hear what others have to say. If you, as an agency or brand organization, have strong feelings about this issue, you can participate as an event sponsor and/or exhibit at the event. If you, as a student or someone interested in advertising, want to consider working in the industry, you can come talk to people who work for ad agencies and brand organizations.

It's been swept under the carpet long enough. Do something. Get involved. Don't run like a chicken with its ass plucked clean. Check it all out here.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 8-06    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Industry Events, Trends and Culture

Webby Awards Announces Call For Entries


Called "the online equivalent of an Oscar" by the New York Times, The Webby Awards has launched their call for entries for its 11th go 'round. Fifteen new categories have been added as well as additional judges. If you want yet another trophy to put in your office, get all the details here.

by Steve Hall    Sep-29-06    
Topic: Industry Events

Agencies Run From Diversity 'Like Chickens With Asses Plucked Clean'


Dishing out some of the best diversity-related smack talk, New York City Councilman Larry Seabrook, in reaction to New York advertising agencies' failure to heed an invitation to appear at yesterday's minority-owned public hearings. said agencies "ran like chickens with their asses plucked clean." Well we all know agency folk are right up there with metrosexuals when it comes to trimming the privates, ass plucking is a new one on us. Agencies, advised by the AAAA's legal counsel, idn't show because they were told their earlier hiring arrangements with the Human Rights Council was enough to do the diversity trick. Like last minute preparations for a big presentations where "Fuck it. We don't need that. We'll just fake it during the presentation" is commonplace thought, agencies figured Advertising Week events would be a whole lot more fun than being grilled by a bunch of pissed off, pro-diversity city officials. Afterall, the Week's crucially important, all expenses paid, lavish luncheons and late night parties just can't be missed.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-27-06    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events, Trends and Culture

Give, Play, Win, Discuss, Disclose


- Ad legend Phil Dusenberry and colleagues Ted Sann and Charlie Meismer created Don't Almost Give. Give for the Ad Council.

- Shawn Waite says Scion scratch off posters are a pain in the ass.

- Sneakerplay is a social networking site for smeakerheads. Who knew? Apparently, it's important because Nike has partnered with the site.

- The Truth campaign has earbed itself an Emmy Award or programming distributed via Advanced Media.

- At the MIXX Conference and Expo this week at Advertising Week, online video company VideoEgg announced its advertising offering which will allow advertisers to place ads within VideoEgg videos on Bebo, Dogster, hi5 and Tagged.

- Here's a little promotion from VitaminWater with Red Sx player David Ortiz called Who's Your Papi in which you can win a trip to the Dominican Republic.

- Tokion magazine is holding its Fourth Annual Creativity Now Conference October 14 and 15 at Cooper Union in New York City.

- This past Friday, Red Robin Restaurants launched a qtags-powered text campaign in all of its Texas area restaurants.

- The Word of Mouth Marketing Association is hosting a telephone briefing on the issues surrouonding social media disclosure as brought to light once again, this time, by the LonelyGirl15 thing.

by Steve Hall    Sep-26-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Outdoor

Yes, It's Another Fist Bump. Tom Ajello Speaks At OMMA


As a featured speaker at MediaPost's Online Media, Marketing & Advertising Conference during Advertising Week next week, one seriously has to wonder if Executive Creative Director Tom Ajello will be able to discuss any topic other than his fist bumping Subway Pitch video. I feel for the guy but he really has to take that thug life wool hat off. Anyway, we're not going to be there because MediaPost doesn't like us but feel free to tell us how it goes,

by Steve Hall    Sep-22-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Strange

Adrants Goes to Boston For Hatch Awards


In front of the thousand or so creatively dressed creative community members that attended Boston's 46th Francis W. Hatch Awards last night - hosted by KISS 108's Billy Costa - at the newly renovated Back Bay Events Center, Boston's Arnold took home 89 awards including the evening's Best of Show award. Following Arnold with 42 awards was Hill Holliday. Mullen took home 22, Fort Franklin, 14 and Modernista!, 12. Dunkin Donuts was named Marketer of the Year partially in recognition of its America Runs On Dunkin marketing program.


As with all advertising related events, there was liquor and lots of it. Following a two hour cocktail party, attendees were properly sloshed by the time the awards began and much hooting and hollering could be heard throughout the auditorium as each agency won their respective awards. Particularly busy was Arnold having to applaud for itself 89 times throughout the show. That's them in the picture to the right. Oops. We're told this is the Mullen crew. not Arnold. Sorry.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-15-06    
Topic: Good, Industry Events