ad:tech: Riding Johnny Utah's Beast, and Other Unfortunate Events


There are plenty of reasons why Sunday night's party made us all want to kill ourselves, but probably the most potent one was the mechanical-bull-riding-bikini-contest.

This battle of bronzy bumps was allegedly open to volunteers, but it grew pretty clear that none of the entrants actually came from the industry. "Not the ad industry, anyway," smirked UnSubCentral's John Engler, who effectively exhausted his double-entendre quota for the night.

But don't take my word for it. Watch three contestants ride the bull like eager extras in a softcore tribute to Urban Cowboy:

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by Angela Natividad    Nov- 3-08    
Topic: Industry Events

Bulldog Gin Wants Your Mouth Election Night


If you've got nothing planned for next Tuesday night, head over to Catch-22 at 4 West 22nd Street between 8P and 10P where SMG United and Way Over Budget Production will be hosting an election night party for ad agencies. If hangin' with fellow industry peeps isn't enough (and we know it isn't), then go for the free drinks courtesy of Bulldog Gin. RSVP to [email protected]

by Steve Hall    Oct-31-08    
Topic: Industry Events

Booty Juggled, Last Call For Effie, Youth Mashed Up


- Rubber Republic offers the chance to juggle booty. No, not that kind.

- The deadline for the Effie Awards is November 5. If you've got some killer creative you want to submit, now's the time to do it.

- Next Thursday and Friday in Boston, Ypulse will host Marketing Mashup East, a conference covering marketing to youth with technology. Check it out here. Use discount code "friends" for a 30 percent discount.

- Michael Hastings-Black, Executive Producer at Desedo Films has written a paper on Islam, identity politics and advertising...what he dubs a $170 billion untapped consumer market in the U.S.

- Here's the winning Golden Joystick Awards Grand Master Flash entry created by Goda Januskeviciute's for 'Stickman Madness'

- James Gardener has collected a lengthy list of online political ads which can be viewed here.

by Steve Hall    Oct-31-08    
Topic: Industry Events

So, Like, I Heard BBDO Only Hires D-Cups. Hey, Why Don't You Go Check?


To promote the Li Yue Long Men Young Creatives Competition, BBDO/Shanghai is using this :45 video to spread the weirdest rumour: that all its female staff members are D-cups.

Finding three young D-cups in all of Asia is a feat, which alone made the video worth watching. I also like the effect the cheesy music had on this slow exploration of the Shanghai office. It made all that leering look less ... leery.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-21-08    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events, Racy, Strange, Video

Hatch Award Video Brings Clarity to Clutter 3.0


We didn't make it to Boston's Hatch Awards this year and therefore we missed this hilarious introductory video created by Fort Franklin. In the video, we see the desktop of a creative seemingly hard at work developing the voiceover for the Hatch video itself.

All seems to go well until the desktop explodes with activity not far from the reality we all experience everyday as we try to work on one thing while endless distractions such as email, IM, stupid YouTube videos, Skype, iTunes updates and stupid pictures begin to bounce incessantly along the bottom of the desktop making actual work impossible. Revision after revision fails.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-14-08    
Topic: Agencies, Best, Industry Events, Trends and Culture

At AdEaters, Watch for Roofies ... and Teeny Little Gorillas


To promote Night of the AdEaters, a 40-country show that screens ads from around the world in a no-holds-barred atmosphere, Euro RSCG/London resuscitated some of the ad icons it helped create.

The idea was to convey what someone might experience the morning after an indulgent ad event. (Odd, DDB/Stockholm seemed similarly inspired for the Roy awards.) At left, see the Cadbury Gorilla at the end of a tooth-scraper. Here's Flat-Head Eric in the same context, and the Energizer Bunny on dental floss.

The shit people put in your drinks!

Night of the AdEaters happens on October 16 at London's Bloomsbury Theatre. Tickets have sold out since the campaign started running.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-14-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Industry Events, Magazine, Poster

Not All Booth Babes Are Curvaceous


When it come to conference booth babes, usually the rule is the more curvaceous the better. For Brunner Digital, the flatter the booth babe, the better. Highlighting and app they created for a client that allows a PDA to exchange information with a laptop for the purposes of real time interaction, the agency created 2D booth babes and booth dudes for its booth at the Interact 08 conference.

At the conference, visitors were able to mashup the company's logo on their PDAs, see what other people were doing with the logo and then print the finished work out on a t-shirt. Of course, Brunner Digital's Ernie Mosteller wanted to make it perfectly clear his agency does not think booth babes are two dimensional people.

There's a Flickr album of all the 2D goodness here.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 2-08    
Topic: Industry Events

Award Shows Aren't About Work; They're About Getting Trashed Beyond Recognition


DDB/Stockholm knows the score. For the Roy awards, which it claims are among Sweden's most prestigious ad shows, it produced this print ad featuring the Cadbury gorilla -- puking its brains out.

"Roy: Great advertising and open bar," the ad concludes.

Get tickets here. Hope you can read Swedish.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 1-08    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Good, Industry Events, Magazine, Poster

Vegas, New York, Friends Bring Good Times

So I just returned from a week-long, back to back conference trip where I re-connected with current friends and made lots of new ones. Personally, I love traveling to conferences. Sure, it puts a huge dent in daily productivity but what you glean from the experience, what you learn while you are there and the new connections you make with people far out weight staying home and going through yet another day of the same old thing no matter how much you love your job.

In Las Vegas at Blogworld, a conference which explores blogging and its role in just about everything, I was lucky enough to have wandered over to the conference a day early where there was a sort of pre-conference occurring. At the conference, Wine Library's Gary Vaynerchuk, who I'd seen once before in Boston, was giving a keynote about how, as a blogger, one can carve out a niche and work their way towards becoming the expert in that niche. It was very motivational talk, filled with Gary's trademark excitement. It was informative and gave me more than a few ideas I could put in motion to improve my own situation.

Wherever I was - at the conference, at the Techset party, at the Affiliate Summit dinner, at the Prive party, at Mirage's Revolution, in the exhibit hall, at a Planet Hollywood dinner, hanging by the Maker's Mark bus during the exhibit hall party or during the insane last night during which 23 of us just sort of moved from one place to another in the MGM Grand - I just kept seeing and meeting more and more people I knew or came to know.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-29-08    
Topic: Industry Events

Advertising Week Ends But Friends Never Do


So while Ad Week doesn't officially end until today, Friday, it felt like it ended Thursday. I didn't make it to the Facebook party but, instead, opted to have drinks and dinner with some friends. The first stop was Undercurrent marketing in SoHo where I met Julia Roy (who was just featured on Awesomeology) and Yianni Garcia.

Undercurrent is a young, small agency which specializes in online marketing and social media. We ended up somewhere in mid-town at a place which looked like it was right next to Wall Street. Everyone had a suit on and, if it were the eighties, could have been labeled Yuppies. Pictorial goodness here.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-26-08    
Topic: Industry Events