As a prelude to the first ad:tech keynote given by Sequoia Capital Partner Mark Kvamme, ad:tech chair Susan Bratton welcomed a packed room of attendess to ad:tech San Francisco 2006 and told the audience there would be 9,000 attendees to this years show, breaking all former ad:tech attendence records. In addition, she mentioned there would be 300 exhibitors, 200 speakers and 55 sessions, more than any prior conference. Noting the conference's tenth tyear anniversary, Bratton, calling the show the "biggest, deepest and widest" to date, told the audience ad:tech would be expanding its conference series to Sydney, Hamburg and Paris this year and, in 2007, to Mumbai, Dubai among others.
Following her introduction, Bratton introduced Kvamme who quickly followed the ten year theme Bratton had begun by telling the audience the next ten years will see growth in the Internet space that will make the first ten years seem trivial. Noting all media expcept the Internet is declining in use, Kvamme pointed out the disparity between adspend and consumption comparing television to the Internet. Thirty two percent of people are reached by TV and 38 percent of ad dollars are allocated to TV. In contrast, the Internet reached 32 percent of people but only receives five percent of ad dollars. With TV CPMs hovering around $64 and $10 to $30 for the Internet, Kvamme sees huge growth potential for Internet advertising.
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For those attending ad:tech in San Francisco, search marketing firm Outrider and web optimization company Offermatica are hosting a Bay Cruise Wednesday night, April 26 from :6:30P to 10P. It will be aboard the San Francisco Spirit and feature cocktails, dinner, jazz and more. ad:tech attendees can register to be considered for the Evening Bay Cruise or the Outrider/Offermatica VIP Room by visiting
Sometimes the best part of going to an industry trade show is the unexpected get togethers that occur. I knew 360i Director of Strategic Planning David Berkowitz would be at the ad:tech San Francisco show but I didn't expect to run into him on the corner of 4th and Howard after leaving the exhibit hall heading back to the hotel. He was on his way to meet a few folks prior to catching a ball game. So we both headed over to some burger bar where he was meeting the others.
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Tuesday evening before the storm known as ad:tech San Francisco hit, ad:tech hosted a party for all the exhibitors who have been hard at work planning for the event, putting their booths together and generally making sure all expected 9,000 attendees have something worthwhile to see as they saunter through the exhibit hall. the event was held in the center of the exhibit hall in an area dubbed the "experclick cafe." Beer, wine and munchies were served while ad:tech VP Don Knox graciously welcomed the exhibitors are revved them up for the next two days of action.
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This year marks a major expansion for ad:tech San Francisco as well as an overall expansion of ad:tech shows across the globe. Upon entering the Moscone Center, one word comes to mind: bigger. Because it's being held in the cavernous Moscone Center, this just might be the first ad:tech conference where one isn't forced through a chute like a cow on the way to the milking parlor.
The exhibit hall is large with very high ceilings making for a spacious feeling unlike the somewhat claustrophobic venue in previous years. The large registration area leads one to believe the process of getting one's badge will proceed quickly. After you register and head down the stairs or elevator to the exhibit hall, make sure you turn around and look back up the stairs and marvel at the stair mural DoubleClick has created.
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On April 26th, the Boston-based Prescription Access Litigation Project will present four Bitter Pill Awards to pharmaceutical companies that have engaged in outrageous advertising tactics to over-market their product to consumers. The Bitter Pill Awards were created to call attention to the many problems caused by direct-to-consumer advertising conducted by the drug industry.
If you follow George Parker's line of thinking that the marriage of Madison Avenue and Hollywood is sort of like that Britney Spears/ Kevin Federline train wreck the gossip media can't seem trash enough, you'll likely think Advertising Week 2006's partnership with the Tribeca Film Festival is equally dumb. The two have come together in a partnership through which each entity hopes to glom off the other whatever remaining originality is left. What the two don't understand is there are no similarities. Advertising is all about selling shit. Movie making is all about entertaining. Or, at least, that's the way it should be. Unfortunately, the two just want to increase each other's celebu-status rather than concentrating on what each should be doing separately and better.
If you can actually get the video to work (keep your mouse moving. We have no idea why but it helps), a collection of U.S. creative directors get their goof on to call attention to ihaveanidea's Portfolio Night IV, a multi-city portfolio review event where those interested in breaking into the business can get their work in front of America's top creatives...or at least in front of the people occupying the top spots in America's ad agencies.
Up against big boys Monster and CarreerBuilder, communications industry employment site Talent Zoo is in the running for a Webby Award. Sort of a People's Choice Award for the web but with judges, the Webby's honors sites in multiple categories for excellence in web design, creativity, usability and functionality. Check it all out here. Register to vote here.
Bluelithium, the company that's "reinventing the ad network," is reinventing the ad:tech party. On April 20 at 6PM, a week prior to the ad:tech San Francisco show, Bluelithium, famous for its ad:tech Ruby Skye blowouts, will host a party at Le Colonial and feature belly danvers, caligraphers and other Asian and French Colonial inspired activities, an open bar and small plates. We assume small plates means hors douvres...or however you spell that. To request an invitation, please contact Carla Vicens of blast! PR at (919) 833-9975 x.10 or [email protected].