First Day of ad:tech San Francisco Summarized Picture-Style


Rather than bore you with a wordy monologue of what went on during the first night at ad:tech San Francisco, the story is best told through pictures and there's a lot of them here that capture the first day of the online marketing conference with hit record attendance levels of 14,000 plus. In the picture album, you'll see all the usual shenanigans including booth babes, costumed characters, women with lots of cleavage for no reason other than to make men drool and hang around a trade show booth, industry luminaries, nightlife and just plain fun.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-19-08    
Topic: Industry Events

Painting Town Red, Dancing All Night, and Other Cliches You'd Kill to Live Out


Wednesday night at ad:tech totally kicked Tuesday night's ass.

It started pretty innocuously. I met up with Ana Yoerg, whom I haven't seen since last year, and we hit the W to bootleg internet and do work. Turns out Return Path was having a party there, so we sat on a couch like square bears with our Macbook Pros and tried to avoid the aerodynamic alcohol beverages.

Every once in awhile I'd look up and meet eyes with a well-dressed waiter, whose only function was to hold up a sign that said "Return Path."

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-19-08    
Topic: Industry Events

ad:tech SF: In Pursuit of Something Shiny


Power Panel: The Internet Economy. It's an amalgam of nonsense. What's a power panel (Ariel asks)? What does it mean to discuss the internet economy?

It turns out discussing the internet economy is a lot like discussing the US economy. Conversation goes in circles, common frets are repeated to a fever pitch, and the most influential players tread shallow water.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-19-08    
Topic: Industry Events

...and God Created Kodak


Did you ever see that spot where Vinny Pastore beats the crap out of a printer, then gets a Kodak EasyPrint? This is part of Kodak TWO-OH, a bid to cash in on modernity by a brand that's been around since the beginning of time.

CMO Jeff Hayzlett of Kodak, who led the ad:tech opening keynote today, has an inferiority complex. He thinks he's too big. His suits are undoubtedly XXXL, his expressions cup-runneth-over, and his swaggers could alter the course of human minnows in a crowded hallway.

But in the hallowed sanctum, Jeff's big views and irrepressible personality are forcing an old brand to learn new tricks.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-15-08    
Topic: Industry Events

Bloggers Rapped, Fonts Focused, Flickr Adds Vid, Butt Doubled


- Remember Neil French? The man who created a miniature shit storm a year or two ago is back mugging with his fellow judges for his World Press Awards.

- Deep Focus' Ian Schafer comments on the oddity of similarly fonted (yes, I just made up that word) Geico and Casio Shea stadium signage placed so close to each other. Yes, that is what ad people think about when they go to a baseball game.

- Twitter-like site Pownce has added RSS and video/photo support for YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, CollegeHumor, Zooomr, Photobucket,, Viddler, Qik, Google video, Metacafe, Revver, and Viddyou.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 9-08    
Topic: Industry Events, Outdoor, Poster

It's Second Life for Internet World


If you're into online games about trade show then this one for Internet world from TAMBA Internet might just be your thing. Me? I'd rather go to the actual trade show where I can learn things and enjoy the side benefit of booth base. But, that's just me.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 3-08    
Topic: Games, Industry Events, Online

Ten Social Media 'Rules' Explored, Debated


Thanks to all the Emerson College students and everyone else who showed up last night at the Bordy Theater in Boston for the panel on social media. It's nice to see interest in what's going on in the space and its encouraging that people think it's important enough to talk about. Thanks to everyone who came up to speak with me after the panel (including you who loved the Boy Bootie story:-) ). And to all in Twitter Row, watch out. I'm following you now! @SarahHutton, @amyyen, @AmandaMooney, @pamelump, @MariaGarcia, @WillWheeler (sorry if I've missed anyone).

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 3-08    
Topic: Industry Events, Social, Trends and Culture, Word of Mouth

'Brothers Forever' Guy Parties with EyeWonder in Trademark Supersuit


Renaldo Lapuz -- who gave American Idol fans whiplash with his infectious hurts-so-good tune -- rocked out with EyeWonder for the latter's first-ever "March Adness" event in Times Square.

March Adness, which was co-sponsored by Adobe and Akamai, kicked off the NCAA college b-ball tournament on March 20 with three concurrent parties. The other two went down in LA and Chicago.

Here's a closer shot of Lapuz with his awesome Simon hat.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-31-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Industry Events

Hub Strategy Wins ADDYs, Top 50 Shocking Ads, AgencySpy Tweets PSFK


- San Francisco's Hub Strategy took home Best of Show and two Best of Divisions along with other awards at last week's Greater San Fransisco ADDY Awards.

- Trendhunter has put together a long list of the top fifty most shocking and controversial ads. Oh the memories:-)

- The Web Marketing Association's 12th Annual WebAwards has opened its Call for Entry which will extend until May 31.

- The future of advertising is clear. Word of Mouth is aided by floating "nano-millo-chip thingies." Sampling is handled by robots. Car dealers will employ robots dressed in monkey suits to sell flying cars. Google will live inside your brain.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-27-08    
Topic: Industry Events, Outdoor, Racy, Research, Strange

iJustine Examines 'Cultural Divide' Between Geeks and Music Fans


This is hilarious. So last week, lots of people were in Austin for SXSW which is is three events in one: an interactive conference, a film festival and a music festival. During the first half of the week the film crowd and the internet geeks descend. After the geeks leave mid-week and the music fans arrive, the city takes on an entirely different vibe.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-20-08    
Topic: Industry Events, Strange, Video