ad:tech Launches Ten City, One Day Online Marketing Conferences


ad:tech, which hosts three major national online marketing conferences, is launching a new conference series called IMPACT, a ten city, one day show kicking off February, 28 in Seattle then moving on to Phoenix, LA, Dallas, Atlanta, Denver, Boston, Toronto, Cincinnati and ending with Fort Lauderdale April, 6. The shows, as does the three big shows, will focus on all thing online marketing from planning to buying to analytics to search engine marketing to campaign optimization to ad formats to blogging to consumer generated media to behavioral marketing.

The day's events will consist of keynotes, separate tracks with sessions of differing topics, presentations from service providers/vendors, mini expo session where attendees can explore exhibitor offerings and an ad:tech Connect LIVE! Session, an interactive Q & A jam session. We'll be attending the Seattle and Boston events.

by Steve Hall    Feb-11-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Mobile/Wireless, Online, Podcast, RSS, Tools, Weblogs

Adrants Hits the Seas For Industry Conference On Cruise Ship


If you've been in advertising for a while, you've certainly been to your fair share of trade shows, conferences and seminars but we're pretty sure you've never been to an advertising conference held on a cruise ship. Well, that could change for you very soon. While, you've no doubt heard of or been to other conferences that focus on how the weblog medium can help your marketing, PR and advertising, the Blogonmics conference, held aboard Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines' Enchantment of the Seas will be very different.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 7-06    
Topic: Announcements, Industry Events, RSS, Weblogs

Music Video Promotes Clio's


Our friends over at the Creative Liberation Intelligence Organization are at it again with a promotional music video to, one assumes, drum up more entries for this year's Clio's. Back in early December 2005, the group launched a very spy-like website using all manner of spy metaphor to create awareness of the Clio's. Take a look and let us know what you think.

by Steve Hall    Jan-30-06    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Online, Promotions

Industry Experts Offer Insight on Word of Mouth Marketing


Owen Mack from coBRANDiT conducted a series of interviews at the recent Word of Mouth Marketing Association conference in Orlando. Mack interviewed Intelliseek's Pete Blackshaw, Ad Age's Bob Garfield, Cooper Katz's Steve Rubel, Brand Autopsy's John Moore, Weblogs Inc.'s Steve Friedman and many more capturing industry perspectives on the current state of word of mouth marketing and why many feel it's on its way to becoming a predominant medium.

by Steve Hall    Jan-27-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Word of Mouth

Ruskin Slams Ad Industry At ANA Conference, Change Needed


Perhaps it was all fire and brimstone or perhaps it really was the truth but Commercial Alert Executive Director Gary Ruskin Minced no words when he told ad execs at an Association of National Advertisers luncheon yesterday that "most Americans really despise what you do." He also told the audience what we all have known for a long time; we are not loved by people. Poll after poll ranks us right up there with car dealers in terms of trust. Citing yet another study, Ruskin said, "your industry is not yet as unpopular as the tobacco industry." It's not inconceivable that, with the increasing amount of ad-avoidance control people gain, that will happen quite soon.

He had no kind words to say about product placement or buzz marketing either and that's not surprising. The walls between advertising and content have long since disappeared because of media fragmentation which gave people more choice to avoid advertising and because of ad-avoidance platforms like pay-per-view, DVRs, bit torrent, file-sharing and the iPod. It's no surprise that marketers are grasping at straws to regain the control it once had over consumer eyeballs when a three network buy would reach every person in the country.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-26-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Online, Opinion, Radio, Television

Adrants Contender in 'Battle of the Ad Blogs'


It's always a welcome bit of ego-stroking when one finds oneself worthy of consideration. Adrants has been named a contender in AdLand's Battle of the Ad Blogs in the Best Commercial Ad Blog category. We're joined in that category by some other very fine ad blogs including Adhurl, AdJab, AdFreak, MarketingVOX, The Spunker and Fast Company. We're honored to be among such a fine collection of fellow advertising opinionites.

Other categories in the Battle include Best Non English Language Ad Blog, Best Ad-Porn Blog (lots of ad images, not porn images), Best General Ad Commentary, Best Ad Commentary Not From The United States, Best Ad Agency Ad Blog, Best Planner/Teorist Blog, Best School Ad Blog, Best Design Discussion Blog, Best Typography Blog, Best Marketing Blog, Best PR Blog, Best Viral Blog, Best Inspiration Blog, Best Online/Interactive Blog and Best Topical Blog. So go check out all the blogs and give a shout out to your favorite ones.

by Steve Hall    Jan-20-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Weblogs

Future Marketing Summit Explores Advertising's Outlook


On Thursday, February 23, Remote People will host the Future Marketing Summit at which the evolving advertising industry will be explored and sessions of the future of advertising will be moderated by Naked New York's Paul Woolmington, Anomaly's Justin Barocas and VCU Adcentre's Rick Boyco. The Summit will be followed by the Future Marketing Awards which used to be called the Viral Awards.

by Steve Hall    Jan-17-06    
Topic: Industry Events

Contest Offers Free Ride to Clio's For Young Creatives


The Clio Awards and advertising intellectual archive ihaveanidea are launching The Clio Awards Future Gold: Young Creatives Program to find the best junior creatives from around the world and send the 12 best to the Clio's all expenses paid. The contest launches January 16th and winners will be announced on April 1, 2006and is open to junior copywriters and art directors from advertising agencies around the world. To be eligible to participate entrants must hold full-time employment as a junior art director or a junior copywriter in an ad agency. Fire up your portfolios and check out all the details here.

by Steve Hall    Jan-17-06    
Topic: Industry Events

Awards Show Ads Similar But Different


Plageristic kleptomania is alive and well, as it always has been, in the ad industry indicated by this AdPulp find comparing an Art Directors Club Italiano 2005 ad to a One Show 2006 ad. While the stick and carrot thing is nothing new, seeing the concept used in very similar ways in the same industry just a year apart is depressing.

There's conceptual speed thing in the Art Directors Club Italiano ad and an almost "who gives a shit" thing in the One Show version so they each create a different feeling but there's no denying the similarities. Perhaps, that was the intent with the One Show ad in that there are so many pointless award shows, why should one care a this donkey clearly doesn't. Certainly, it's possible each ad was created in a vacuum but in our incestuous little industry, that's highly unlikely. We're just going to assume the One Show is simply riffing off the Art Directors Club in a wink-wink, nod-nod sort of way, adding its own snarky commentary on award shows.

by Steve Hall    Jan-15-06    
Topic: Bad, Industry Events, Opinion

Online Video Growth Stunted by Old School :30 Mindset

Following his trip the the recent iMediSummit, Underscore Marketing President Tom Hespos is voicing his frustration with the advertising industry's continued cling to the television nipple. Concerned that many new online video advertising opportunities will amount to "shovelware TV," Hespos reports many industry execs are pleased as punch with the status quo, happy to unnecessarily pay middlemen to serve their precious TV spots and offended at the notion online video should be any different than a :30 spot.