Marketers Educated On Weblog Benefits


Yesterday, Business Development Institute held a seminar entitled, "Blogging Goes Mainstream: Is Your Company Ready?", which examined how weblogs can benefit marketers. The largest theme at the seminar was that weblogs create conversations and, to take advantage of these conversations, marketers should join the conversation rather than try to manage it. In a world increasingly filled with consumer created content, created outside the control of big media companies, marketers must subdue their desire to launch the typical top-down, scream from the rooftops marketing campaign. Rather, marketers can leverage consumer created content to listen to what's being said about their brand and join the conversation, just as one would at a cocktail party, rather than attempt to control it.

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by Steve Hall    May- 4-05    
Topic: Industry Events, Weblogs

Tuesday Night AD:TECH With Robin Williams And Hookers

Michael Mina Restaurant

As day two of San Francisco AD:TECH drew to a close and exhibitor's packed up their booths faster than a booth babe can say, "Got traffic?", conference attendees headed straight for the hotel's Atrium lounge, quickly filling it to capacity as a non-AD:TECH hotel guest was overheard saying, "This is insane! Let's get out of here." We could identify with that comment when faced with the choice between fighting off the meat to score a drink at the bar versus having dinner with AD:TECH Chair Susan Bratton and IAB Industry Research Director Doron Wesly at the Westin St. Francis Hotel. The decision was easy. In the hotel's relatively new and very elegant Michael Mina restaurant, we had a fantastic meal presented with flair and style. As the conversation moved from industry trends, trade show details and names suggested as keynote speakers for future conferences to more important issues such as life in San Francisco versus New York and the importance of white teeth, we respectfully ignored Robin Williams and Andre Agassi who were eating dinner three feet behind us at the next table.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-27-05    
Topic: Industry Events

AD:TECH Attendees In Search of the Next Party


Depending on one's viewpoint, Tuesday afternoon, with no sponsored parties and Exhibitors packing up, is either a great chance to flood the hotel bar and chat or have dinner with associates or it's the sad beginning of the end of AD:TECH even though the conference still has a half day to go. Traditionally, companies pack their events into Monday night rather than spreading them across both days. The exception, of course, is the usual AD:TECH Wrap Up Party. However, this year, there is no official Wrap Up party but rather a party, sponsored by a host of companies most have never heard of but that claims, as we indicated yesterday, to be "The After Party People Will Be Talking About For Years." Whether that comes to pass, we won't know until tomorrow but we'll do our best to let you know.

by Steve Hall    Apr-26-05    
Topic: Industry Events

Booth Babes Become Booth Operators


At the last AD:TECH show in New York, attractive representatives of affiliate network iTraffic, Mandy Ashford and Michelle Moya were roaming the halls, boothless, promoting the companies "got traffic" business mission. Usually you don't expect to see these "representatives for hire" nor the company they are promoting more than once. They come to a show. Do their thing and move on. Well, it seems iTraffic has gained some staying power appearing at this year's show with both a booth and the same booth babes last seen at the New York show last November. Mandy and Michelle were gracious enough to pose for our cameras again.

by Steve Hall    Apr-26-05    
Topic: Industry Events

AD:TECH Monday Night Party Report

Following a long day attending session after session and hearing each exhibitor's well rehearsed story while walking though the Exhibit Hall, it was, at long last, time to set out and conquer Monday night's social activities. Kicking off the night's long list of parties was Tribal Fusion which, as always, hosted its traditional Grand Opening Reception in the Exhibit Hall. lightened up the mood with, for lack of a better description, WhitePages Man who mugged appropriately for our cameras.

After receiving an invitation late last week for a party hosted by search engine marketing company Semphonic, we ventured up to Suite J on the 5th floor of the conference hotel and were met by the gracious David Libby and CMO John Williams who made our group feel very welcome.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-26-05    
Topic: Industry Events

AD:TECH San Francisco Party Plans Revealed


Well, here we go again. As we all prepare to descend upon San Francisco next week for this year's AD:TECH San Francisco Show, April 25-27, we thought we'd assist you in planning your social schedule by rounding up the numerous planned parties for the three day extravaganza. Headlining the party scene, as they did last year and this past Fall in NYC, is Bluelithium who will host The AD:TECH San Francisco 2005 Party Monday, April 25 at 9PM at Ruby Skye. Bluelithium promises fire breathers, flying acrobats, giant stilters, ice sculpters and open bar.

Earlier on Monday, TribalFusion will, as always, host the Grand Opening Reception in the Exhibit Hall beginning at 5PM. Immediately following, will be the PartnerWeekly Mixer, a Las Vegas-style event complete with blackjack, held in the Marriott Hotel's Club room from 6:30P to 8:30P. Following these early evening events, there are reports of an "exclusive" party hosted by YFDirect at an undisclosed location.

On Tuesday night, AdDrive and Impulse Marketing will co-host host The GRS Poker Tournament from 8:30P to 12:30A at the Marriott's View Lounge. A prize of $10,000 towards a World Poker Tour Main Event will be offered. Also Tuesday night, the International Game Developer Association will host an event at Metreon beginning at 7PM and featuring work by 4orty2wo Entertainment, creator of ILoveBees, followed by free food and drink at LJ's.

by Steve Hall    Apr-18-05    
Topic: Industry Events