Win 'Front-Row' Seats to the Future of Online Advertising


Because we love you so much, Adrants is giving away five free passes to the Future of Online Advertising conference held June 7-8 at New York's Gotham Hall. That's two days (a whoppin' $895 worth) of all the buzz-hocking and inspiration you can swallow -- for free. Nada. Zip. Nothing.

Conference topics will include search, online video, click fraud and online advertising basics. Many speakers at the conference are at the forefront of advertising's future including BlogAds Founder Henry Copeland, Co-Founder Mike Hudack, Feedburner's Steve Olechowski, Edelman Senior Marketing Strategist and uber-blogger Steve Rubel, Brightcove's Jeremy Allaire and many more. Apart from the serious stuff, let's not forget the fun-having! Every conference has it and this one will too.

The fun and games take place June 7-8. This is a new conference. It doesn't have a track record but it's shaping up nicely. We're pleased to offer five Adrants readers free passes to this event. If you're interested, all you have to do is send an email to [email protected]. We'll choose five people at random on April 18, providing you the penultimate experience of wallowing in the future of online advertising.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Announcements, Industry Events

ad:tech Chair Offers Vision of Conference's Future


OK, so it's the all ad:tech issue today but you already know we're married to that conference. So there's the parties but there's also serious content and ad:tech Chair Drew Ianni has just published an article on the ad:tech blog which examines the current focus of the show and takes a look to towards where he'd like to see the show go in the future. He'd like to see the show broaden it's coverage beyond advertising and expand to encompass ans examination of "how digital media and technologies are transforming the business and discipline of marketing communications. " Check out his vision for ad:tech here.

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Adrants In Search of ad:tech San Francisco Parties


Come on people. Two weeks prior to last year's ad:tech New York conference, we had at least eight known parties listed on our fun little ad:tech party calendar but with ad:tech San Francisco just two weeks away, we've got just two. Are you San Francisco marketers going to let New York marketers rule? Put you to shame? have more fun? Of course not. We know you can do better so let's get with it.

As a bit of self service to those in the industry who plan to attend the ad:tech conference in San Francisco a couple weeks from now, we're launching our own call for entry, socially speaking. We're interested finding out which companies are planning to host "social events" during the evenings of the three day conference. If you are a company planning a party or if you simply know of a party that is going to occur, please let us know. Along with all our learning during the show, we need our social activities as well. Send info to [email protected].

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Industry Events

One Shows, Pig Ponders, Bloggers Conference


- From May 8-11, The One Club will host its One Show Festival Week

- There are bad commercials that promote local Spring fairs...and then there's this one. But the agency, Big Bang Seattle, really, really wants you to know they created it.

- The Blogger's Choice Awards is now collecting nominations.

- And don't miss PostieCon, a conference in Orlando for bloggers to learn from the leaders in the space.

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Bad, Commercials, Industry Events

ihaveanidea's Portfolio Night Goes on World Tour


Complete with full blown faux rock band returning after a 25 year absence, behind the scenes-style video and a "hit single," the folks over at ihaveanidea are promoting their upcoming Portfolio Night in style. The band, Burn Back, was popular back in the day but disappeared because they "weren't getting enough respect." Now, they're back to help push the organization's annual world-wide portfolio review during which top creative directors the word over will review the portfolios of aspiring creatives eager to get into advertising. It all happens May 3rd in 28 cities across the globe. Get your portfolios ready people!

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Online, Promotions, Strange, Video

Miller Looks, Youth Conferences, Asbestos Does WTC


- Miller is looking at five agencies after exiting Crispin: Saatchi, Y&R, Mother and two unnamed agencies.

- On July 16-17, youth-focused YPulse will host a conference called The 2007 Mashup which will cover all aspects of youth marketing.

- Hadji Williams gets a nice review for his book, Knock the Hustle: How to Save Your Job and Your Life From Corporate America.

- Copyranter dug up an old pro-asbestos ad that touts the material's fire-retardant qualities and features an image of The World Trade center. Particularly prescient is the ad's headline which reads, Whenthe fire alarm went off, it took two hours to evacuate New York's Trade Center."

- Mr. Clean has launched a consumer-generated effort and is offering $10,000 to th person who creates the best 60-second ad. Nothing like getting what would normally cost about $100K for a tenth of the cost.

- In Belgium, you can Rent A Wife. Actually, you can rent a lot of stuff.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 6-07    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Consumer Created, Industry Events, Strange

Joost Will Rock Your World


If you've been in the online industry longer than a day or two, you've certainly heard about a company called Joost which is, seemingly, about to turn the world of online video and television on its head. Still in private beta with an official launch date set for several months out, Joost describes itself as "free TV, with the choice to watch alone or with friends. Joost is packed with internet tools such as instant messaging and channel chat, allowing people to really share the TV experience. It's a completely secure platform for content owners that respects their rights, while protecting and enhancing their brands. And it's an incredibly flexible way for advertisers to reach a truly global audience, in ways that really work. Joost isn't just video on the internet - it's the next generation of television for viewers, content owners and advertisers everywhere."

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Online, Television, Trends and Culture

FWA Wins, Runaway Bride Campaigns, WMA Calls, Goodby Scoops


- Chicago Tribune writer Steve Johnson thinks the U.K.'s Favorite Website Awards is the best online awards site out there.

- The Runaway bride is now an ad campaign for the Albuquerque, New Mexico Police department.

- The Web Marketing Association has announced its call for entries for its 11th annual WebAward Competition which judges website development against peer sites within 96 industries. The deadline for entry is May 31, 2007 and the competition Website is

- MDC Partners is merging Kirshenbaum Bond + Partners with Margeotes Fertitta Powell.

- Cisco is sponsoring the redesign of Slate's forum, The Fray. Forum members will have the opportunity to make design and feature suggestions and vote of potential designs.

- Goodby gets goodies in the form of $1.2 billion dollars worth of Sprint Nextel business.

- Patron Tequila gets slapped for using sexual imagery and innuendo to sell its wares.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 2-07    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Industry Events, Strange

Wanted: Writers, Bloggers for ad:tech San Francisco


Four times a year Adrants, along with MarketingVOX, produces the ad:tech weblog, a site that provides in-depth coverage of the ad:tech conferences. During each show, we report on topics discussed during conference panels and keynote speeches along with memes and trends that arise from the show. We also walk the exhibit hall floor to discover the latest and greatest the industry has to offer as well as scour the party scene to see who's hip and who isn't. It's a fun gig and we like to share the fun.

We're looking for a few well-versed people in the ad industry who'd like to join our team to cover the ad:tech show in San Francisco April 24-26. ad:tech focuses on interactive and online marketing so you should have a good understanding of that space and be able to write intelligently about it as well as offer opinion and insight. If you already write or blog about the industry, that's a plus.

The compensation isn't stellar. In fact, there really isn't any to be honest other than free entry to the conference (about $1,000 depending upon when you sign up) and the chance to schmooze with the industry's best. Oh, and then there's the parties. So, if you're interested in joining the team, please contact me, Steve Hall at [email protected].

by Steve Hall    Mar-29-07    
Topic: Industry Events

ad:tech Announces Bigger, Better Awards Ceremony


ad:tech San Francisco is on the way. Yes, we go. Yes, we promote it. This year ad:tech is hosting a newer, bigger, better Awards Show. The biggest yet, the event will judge work in 24 categories from best B to B website to best campaign optimization to best mobile campaign to best overlay ad to best consumer campaign and more. Finalists include AKQA, T3, Mullen, Sharpe Partners, Deep Focus, Ogilvy, Draft/FCB, R/GA, Spacedog and others.

The judging will be done by 80 members of the advertising community along with an executive panel of 16 including FedEx's Steve Pacheco, Denuo's Scott Witt, Organic's Mark Kingdon and Real Girls Media Network's Kate Everett-Thorpe. And that's just the formal stuff.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-29-07    
Topic: Industry Events