Clickbooth Says It's Good to Be On Top


If you are attending Affiliate Summit in New York next week, you might have noticed there are three competing parties Monday night during the conference. You might have received numerous emails from the organizers of these events as well as the event sponsors.

In the past, we have attended parties by all three of these organizer and all have been well attended, enjoyable events. Which is really why we wish they weren' all on the same night. Sunday night would work just as well as Monday night, Yes, yes, ShareASale always has it's party Sunday night but it starts early and ends early. The other three parties tend to be later at night so it wouldn't be so much of a conflict.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-10-12    
Topic: Industry Events

USA Tops Combined Cannes, Olympic Wins


Campaign Brief took it upon themselves to see which countries rank high in both Olympic medal wins as well as Cannes Lions wins. Currently, America is tops with the most Cannes Lions wins and the second most Olympic medal wins. The UK, which placed second in Cannes Lions wins, landed third in Olympic medal wins.

China is the big winner at the Olympics with the highest number of Olympic medal wins though it didin't place so well in Cannes where it place 22nd.

Check out the full tally here.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 9-12    
Topic: Industry Events

The One Club Launches OneScreen Film Festival


The One Club has launched its inaugural OneScreen Festival, a global competition designed "for the creative community by the creative community" to highlight the creative minds behind some of today's best short films and videos.

Produced by The One Club, OneScreen was developed for today's filmmakers who want to showcase their work to the organization's established global audience. Submissions are open July 16 through the deadline of September 7. Films and videos must be ten minutes or less in run time to be eligible. Competition categories include Narrative, Documentary, Music Video, Animation and Branded Content. All entries must be submitted online at in MP4 or MOV H.264 format. Entry fees are $25.00 per submission; Students $20.00 per submission.

by Steve Hall    Jul-18-12    
Topic: Industry Events

DDB Behind Cannes Lions 'Ethel's Brew' Antics


While covering Cannes Lions last week, a woman named Ethel kept popping up in our Twitter stream and we sort of tossed it off as some agency attempting to leverage the event for publicity. We exchanged a few tweets with the dear lady who let us know her husband had just died and she had decided to launch a beer brand, Ethel's Brew, in honor of her late husband's love for the suds.

As it turns out, an agency was behind the stunt and that agency was DDB. Led by DDB CCO Amir Kassaei, the agency created the entire campaign including Ethel's persona, her Twitter account, video and, yes, the actual beer that was served at various events during Cannes Lions. Brassierie Duyck in Jenlain, France brewed 15,000 bottles of the stuff.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-28-12    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns, Industry Events

Jung von Matt's Cannes Lions Wins Questioned


Adland wonders whether or not Jung von Matt padded their "Stones Telling Stories" case study which outlined Holocaust awareness work that ultimately won a Media Gold Lion and an Integrated Bronze Lion. Oh to have been a judge back in the day when Barbara Lippert said all you had to do was sit around and watch a bunch of TV commercials and decide which ones you liked as opposed to watching the hundreds of case study video judges have to slog through today.

According to Adland and her translation of a story in German, several inconsistencies in the claims made by Jung von Matt have been cited. Inconsistencies are said to include representations of work not yet complete, descriptions of Google Maps function that do not exist and information said to exist online that doesn't.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-27-12    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events

How the Geeks Will Inherit Cannes Lions


Advertising Age just published a round up of last week's Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity and took a look at five of the hottest topics discussed. There was controversy surrounding the judging of the Media Lions. There was the acknowledgement of technology's increasingly important role in advertising. There was the growing debate over the relevance of effectiveness in judging work. There was the shifting viewpoint among giants P&G and Unilever over the importance of copy testing. And there was a bit of hang wringing over the increase in the number of clients (as compared to agencies) attending the festival and whether or not Cannes will transform itself from a festival of creativity into a global marketing event.

And it is this last point that, in our mind, is worth further exploration. It appears Cannes is undergoing the same seismic shift our U.S.-based SXSW has experienced over the last few years. Just as Cannes was once a small conclave of agency types, SXSW was once a small conclave of early adopter widget heads. Now, both events have, rightly so in our opinion, expanded to include other elements of their respective domains.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-25-12    
Topic: Industry Events, Opinion

Pinterest Board Captures Cannes Lions Big Ideas and Overheards


SapientNitro has been busy this week. Along with having a presence at Cannes Lions, they have been creating infographics that graphically represents each day of the week. One more is due that will cover Friday.

If that weren't enough, they've also put together a Pinterest board collecting the biggest and best ideas expressed during the week along with interesting overheards.

From former President Clinton wishing he was 20 again so he could experience the exciting changes happening in our world to day to Leo Burnett CCO Mark Tutssell saying, "Data is really important but an idea rooted in insight is worth its weight in gold" to Twitter CEO Dicl Costolo saying, We're moving from a world where we plan campaigns for the future to one where we adapt campaigns to the moment," the Pinterest board gives a good overview of the week's sentiment.

by Steve Hall    Jun-23-12    
Topic: Industry Events, Social

Cannes Lions Thursday Captured Infographic Style


In its continuing mission to quantify all the goings on this week at Cannes Lions in France this week, SapientNitro is out with its fourth of five infographics. This version, called Social, takes a look at the number of Cannes Lions Twitter impressions (61,400,000), the number of #canneslions photos on Instagram (4,043), the number of Twitter mentions (71,799), top Twitter influencers of the week, top Tweeting companies, a summary of the important topics getting traction, top celebrities on Twitter who are at Cannes and more. Check it all out below.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-22-12    
Topic: Industry Events, Social

Cannes Lions Friday: Levy Probes Levinsohn


As Cannes Lions week winds down (there are no seminars tomorrow but the final Lions will be awarded Saturday night), we take a look at what happened today. A seminar with Yahoo CEO Ross Levinsohn had Maurice Levy humorous prodding Levinsohn on just what it's going to take to right Yahoo! Levinsohn, while comparing business to boxing said it's the right people and the right partners who will help the company succeed.

See below for more snippets from Friday at Cannes Lions.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-22-12    
Topic: Industry Events

Cannes Lions Thursday Night: The Parties


There wasn't an awards ceremony Thursday night in Cannes so all the delagates had to do was party. Which, of course, for advertising people, isn't difficult and comes quite naturally. With big expense budgets and planty of hosted parties there's always something for everyone to do on Le Croisette.

An addition to the too-numerous-to-mention pool parties, rooftop parties, yacht parties and countless other smaller, more private soirées which took place, there were several large parties last night. Ogilvy took over Martinez Beach and gave attendees Zulu WInter to listen to. Google hosted a party at which Groove Armada played. Mindshare and Havas had parties too. And, of course, there was the infamous Shots party at which one delegate tweeted, "Girl at Shots party wearing sunglasses. It's 2AM. Twat." Gotta love late night tweets.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-22-12    
Topic: Industry Events