Monotonous Trade Show Booth Spiels Replaced by Tiger and Cheerleader


"They're Greeeeeeat!" Oh wait, that's "a Tiger in Your Tank!" Oh wait, that's a guy in a tiger suit next to a cheerleader standing in front of the Traffic Marketplace booth on Monday during ad:tech New York. What tigers and cheerleaders have to do with whatever it is Traffic Marketplace does, we know not. But it seems to have attracted the attention of conference goers who at least stopped and looked. That's gotta count for something.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 6-07    
Topic: Guerilla, Industry Events

Staged Skits the New Conference Booth Babe


Booth babes, with their sexy little outfits and bursting cleavage, are now passe. In their place comes the staged exhibit hall skit. Courtesy of No More Landing Pages, we get the babelicious heroine saved from certain death by superheroes from ineffective landing pages. A little theater to spice of exhibit hall blues. Who can complain with that?

by Steve Hall    Nov- 6-07    
Topic: Guerilla, Industry Events, Promotions

Hot Cops Accost ad:tech Conference Attendees


OK, OK, so I'm a sucker for booth babes. I admit it. I joined the twelve step program but it did no good as you can plainly see here. Besides, I've been bad and I need punishment. Or at least that the excuse I'm giving for this gratuitous booth babe shot. Just cut out the cheesy dude in the middle and you'll be good. And, what better people to dole out the proper repercussions for bad behavior than two ladies dressed like hooker cops?

These fine ad:tech trade show floor ticketers come courtesy of interactive ad company Vizi.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 5-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Racy

No More Landing Pages to Descend Upon NY in Superhero Garb


No More Landing Pages, which conducted a mock strike at ad:tech SF, is hitting ad:tech NY in capes and tights.

Among other heroes evangelizing the battle for increased conversions and better ROI, meet Landing Page Man, who is pompous and lame; Conversion Girl, who sexes up conversion quality; and LiveBall -- who (not unintentionally) frequently suffers from that other kind of balls resulting from Conversion Girl, who uses him to get what she wants. (Um, conversions and increased ROI. Like any smart sexbomb?)

If the spectacle isn't enough to get you running (yellow tights and blueballs always do it for us), there are grab bags too. Hit the Cyber Cafe on the 4th floor of the Exhibit hall for a chance to get an iPod Touch, maybe a Shuffle or some sort of office "weapon."

We're guessing branded staplers but hoping for lawn darts.

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 5-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Promotions

Bay Facebooks, Hyundai Reviews, Draft/FCB Sued, IPG Losests rate


- San Francisco's Bay Area Interactive Group parties Facebook-style for its REACH Mixer.

- Five agencies, Optimedia, Initiative, Havas Media, Horizon Media and Carat are in a shoot out for the $800 million Hyundai/Kia account.

- A former Draft/FCB employee is contemplating filing a lawsuit against the company claiming it routes all work through the agency's "PUSH" process when it could have been done more cheaply outside the network.

- IPG, today posted a third quarter loss of $21.9 million.

- MDC has upped its stake in Crispin Porter + Bogusky from 49 percent to a controlling 77 percent. And there goes another "independent."

- Newsweek has dropped its rate base 500,000 to 2.6 million. The trees are having a party.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-07    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events

Join Your Closest 10,000 Ad Friends at ad:tech Next Week


If your planning on coming to New York for ad:tech next week, you better get yourself over to the ad:tech site and register. Already, there's over 10,000 attending with a couple thousand or more likely to register between now and next Monday when the show kicks off at the Hilton New York. Over 300 exhibitors and just shy of 50 sessions will keep you busy over the course of the four day event.

Angela and I will be there and we'd love to meet you. One of these years we'll get around to having our own Adrants event during the week but there's certainly no lack of parties already scheduled. You can check out the handy Google calendar we made for the parties and an accompanying Google map to help you find your way to all the parties.

You can still save 20 percent on the registration fee by using the discount code ATNYS1 when you register. We hope to see you there for all the learning, booth babe viewing and social events.

by Steve Hall    Oct-30-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Real Mad Men Get Their Due At One Club Hall of Fame Induction


OK. Enough about that fictional silliness on AMC's Mad Men. It's time to raise a glass to the real Mad Men in this business. Last week, the One Club held its Creative Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony at The Metropolitan Club where Tim Delaney, Phil Dusenberry and the late Paul Rand were inducted for their lifetime achievement of work

more »

by Steve Hall    Oct-24-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Effies Offers Tips on Award Show Behavior


To hype the 2008 Effies, the organization has created a three-video series which offers tips for effective awards show behavior. The first is, well, obvious: don't steal an award. Earn it. The two other videos will follow as the show approaches. The entry deadline of October 19 has passed but has been extended to November 7.

by Steve Hall    Oct-22-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Video

Second Year of Diversity in Advertising Conferences Announced


With four conferences under it's belt, Business Development Institute has announced plans for its 2008 series of Advertising Industry Diversity Job Fair & Leadership Conferences. Kicking off the series will be the New York event held at NYU February 28. San Francisco, Chicago and an Experienced Hire Diversity Recruiting Program in New York will follow. For more information on the New York event in February, go here.

by Steve Hall    Oct-11-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Short, Plaid, Pleated Mini-Skirts Fulfill Conference Goer's Fantasies


We've been to plenty of ad conferences and we've seen plenty of people sitting on the floor with their laptops checking their email or IMing a colleague but we don't recall seeing too many women wearing very short school girl-ish skirts sitting with their legs in a position that would allow all all to see...well, all. While some of us might like seeing that, we're thinking it's fairly unlikely to become anything more than a fantasy in the mind of an away-from-home conference goer.

However, the ecomXpo thinks it's the norm according to one of their recent brochures promoting this week's conference. The brochure has four people - two men and two women (because, after all, we are totally PC in this industry) - sitting on the floor using their laptops. Both women's skirts are short but one is quite short and of the pleated plaid variety, her legs, in all their glory, fully exposed. We have no problem at all with this style of dress. In fact we wish we saw it more often. Sadly, we just don't think it's something one would see too often at a trade show. Except, perhaps, during that fantasy-cum-reality hotel room tryst.

Of course, the fact the ecomXpo is a virtual trade show and not a physical one, short, plaid, pleated mini skirts on women with long legs and the fantasies they fuel make perfect sense.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 7-07    
Topic: Direct, Industry Events