John Mayer Gets Bold, Bus Shelters Get A/C, Man Pees to Save Earth


- As the rest of the world goes green, Dubai sets its sights on air-conditioned bus shelters. Groovy Green is not amused.

- Chuck McCarthy has produced a PSA that encourages men to save water by wizzing in the sink. Beware of hazardous ass action. McCarthy was also responsible for this York Peppermint Patty spoof.

- I realize this Turkcell spot is over a year old, but you have to appreciate that charming kid with the Turkcell "noid" antennae.

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by Angela Natividad    May-18-08    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Commercials, Outdoor, Promotions, Spoofs, Video

Travails of Miley Cyrus Illustrate Need For Destigmatized Sex


It's probably just me. No, I'm sure it's just me but I'll ask the question anyway.:Is there something strange about Miley Cyrus jumping immediately from that Vanity Fair/Annie Leibovitz "scandal" -- where she was portrayed as, well, a bit more sexy than our sexually repressed society can handle -- to an appearance in the Body by Milk campaign, where she sports...white stuff all over her lips?

One could argue it's just a natural transition to the next level of, um, participation in the oh-so-seedy activity of -- OMG! -- engaging in dirty sex acts. But, that would be gross so let's just leave that stuff on the table.

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by Steve Hall    May-15-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Opinion, Trends and Culture

Attention David Beckham Lovers! Sharpie Spot to Give Good Look


David Beckham has been tapped by Sharpie and will appear in a new commercial for the pen maker airing July 15. Press information says the spot "shows Beckham using a Sharpie to autograph a variety of unusual items for fans, but when the time comes to return the Sharpie to its owner, Beckham resists. Ultimately, his quick moves and clever thinking lead to a happy ending, but in the process, viewers get a good laugh - and a good look at Beckham."

We we do hope that's indeed true because laughing is good therapy as is drooling over a hottie such as Beckham himself.

by Steve Hall    May- 8-08    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials

CEO Uses Daughter's Ass on Billboard, Rossellini Has Sex With Bugs


- It's got to be a creepy thing to use one's daughter's ass in one's corporate advertising but there it is: the ass of 36 year old Laurie Adams, daughter of Georgi vodka CEO.

- Following AdWeek, MediWeek has unveiled its new website which mirrors the look of the new AdWeek quite closely.

- Previously a no no, yesterday's change in Google's terms and conditions now allows brands to mention competing brand names in their ads.

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by Steve Hall    May- 6-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Outdoor, Racy, Social, Strange, Tools

Audrey Tautou the New Chanel No. 5 Girl


Following the footsteps of Nicole Kidman, actress Audrey Tautou will step into the starring role of a Jean-Pierre Jeunet-directed commercial for Chanel No. 5. Tautou is best known for her appearances in Amelie and in The Da Vinci Code with Tom Hanks. The commercial will air in early 2009.

by Steve Hall    May- 6-08    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials

Darfur Cause Aims for Paris Hilton-Like Publicity


Forrester Senior Analyst Jeremiah Owyang has written a concise summary with insightful commentary on the Louis Vuitton brand-jacked Darfur t-shirt situation. Briefly, an artist, Nadia Plesner, created a t-shirt showing a Darfur child holding an LV bag and a little dog.

Imagery sound familiar? It should and that's Plesner's point who explains, "My illustration Simple Living is an idea inspired by the media's constant cover of completely meaningless things [ie. Paris Hilton]. My thought was: Since doing nothing but wearing designer bags and small ugly dogs apparently is enough to get you on a magazine cover, maybe it is worth a try for people who actually deserves and needs attention."

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by Steve Hall    May- 5-08    
Topic: Brands, Cause, Celebrity, Consumer Created, Opinion, Social

Will Ferrell Rolls the Cause Dice for Burma


Whether you're an air traffic controller or some random kid in Toledo, Burma could use your help tackling that slippery "human rights" concept.

Seriously. There's some screwed-up stuff happening there, including ethnic cleansing and the imprisonment of a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and Will Ferrell took time out of his busy Funny or Die schedule just to tell you so.

In the next 30 days, other celebs will lend their earnest faces and awkward jokes to Burma: It Can't Wait, orchestrated by Fanista and Digital Influence Group. Up to bat tomorrow: Jennifer Aniston and Woody Harrelson. Sure it's an odd pairing (Natural Born Killers meets Friends?), but crisis has a way of making unlikely bedfellows.

Loving how the site cuts right to the chase with that big red DONATE button.

by Angela Natividad    May- 1-08    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Online, Video

Real Secret in KFC Snacker Commercial is B Movie Star


So KFC has been running this commercial that continues its "find the secret" approach to TV advertising. If you correctly identify the secret image in the spot or in the chain's POP display and are among the first 1,000 to do so, you will win a free sandwich.

So while there is, indeed, a secret image to be found in the ad, it was the nagging "who's that B movie star" reaction that captured more attention here at Adrants. The blond girl in the ad has been seen in several movies. Can you guess who she is? It's not Brittany Snow who's currently starring in Prom Night.

by Steve Hall    May- 1-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Promotions

Guy Ritchie Fuses Glory to Mayhem in Nike Soccer Spot


For client Nike, 72andSunny tapped Guy Ritchie to direct "The Next Level," a two-minute romp in the skin of an Arsenal soccer player.

Get a throbbing sense of a day in the life: star chums in your face, women kissing your fingertips, vomming behind the water coolers, knocking teeth out in the shower, admiring the other guy's sportier socks.

All that grit-dipped glam for the taking. Don't you wanna go quit school and play soccer?

Go be a hero and bend it.

by Angela Natividad    May- 1-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Good, Video

Schizophrenic NBA Ads Take Up Residence on MySpace


The MySpace homepage has been invaded by concurrently-running banner ads for the NBA. Each features two different basketball players whose faces are cut down the middle and mashed together. Each player is repeating the same speech about fear and slowly ... sloooowly ... driving me mad.

The banners drive users to, which tells you nothing about the ads themselves. Too bad; I actually wanted to know, but not enough to dig through all that other crap.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-28-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Sponsorship