Oprah Will Kill Twitter, right?

Okay, since signing on last week, she has 368,000+ followers. No really, in one day I'm watching her follow count go up literally 20,000 every 4-5 hours. Thing is, when she and all those Mommy Bloggers™ get bored and leave Twitter like Texas leaving the Union, will there be a disturbance in the internet's social media bmi? There could be as they all head to Plurck. How long before she realizes how much of a PITA it is actually is to update and turns it into a "Will Tweet For Oprah!" or "Win a chance to get @ed by Oprah!" daily contest.

So when does Oprah kill Twitter. Before the 4th of July? Labor Day? (By the way, is it proper netiquette to kill a social net after Labor Day?) Vote below adranters.

When Will Oprah Kill Twitter?
Free polls from Pollhost.com

by Bill Green    Apr-20-09    
Topic: Celebrity, Social

'Stayin' Alive' Reminds Us that Shoes Make the Man...


...and what that has to do with razors, we're sure we have no idea.

Tiger Woods, Derek Jeter and Roger Federer lend modern swagger to Gillette's "Stayin' Alive" -- or try to, anyway.

The video's a wordless recounting of three down-ass blokes whose confidence -- or lack thereof -- shines through their shoes. We'll leave you to see which athlete busts out with the platforms in chrome.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-17-09    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Good, Promotions, Sponsorship, Video

Green Eyed World, PhotoBucket's Delusions of Relevance, Adweek v AdAge


- Sprite + YouTube + Facebook + pop star = Green Eyed World, an orgy of Entirely Too Much BS.

- How to nail an interview. (Complete with hidden camera footage!)

- "It's not the shape of the thing, I just like the perfect blend of tech-speak and contraception."

- Pharma popped in PPC prevarication shakedown.

- PhotoBucket tries breaking TwitPic territory. Good fucking luck.

- Adweek v AdAge.

- Mattel, please keep your silicone-stained hands off Dora the Explorer. Oh no, too late.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-17-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Online, Trends and Culture, Video

Volvo's In-Ad Twitter Feed, Linds Spoofs Self, BK Upsets the Mex


- Volvo embeds Twitter feed into YouTube ad. (Via.)

- The Domino's YouTube brand bust.

- Lindsay Lohan spoofs self -- and eHarmony -- for Funny or Die. Hey, that's almost (but not quite) as funny as...

- Manifesto on how Gaia made users love branded stuff that's not real. (Via.)

- Burger King pisses Mexico off. *condescending sigh.* What else is new.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-15-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Online, Political, Social, Spoofs

They Call Him Dr. Love. And Guess What He's Drinking!


In the event you thought you could go one day in ad land without a cheap pun, we're gonna help stop that ludicrous idea right now. Because you know you're gonna scroll down and watch Gene Simmons -- aka Dr. Love -- try his hand at being Dr. Pepper's new spokeslackey.

"Drink it Smooth" (with a KISS of cherry!) starts out slightly less watchable than "Drink it Slow" featuring Dr. J. But it manages to save itself when the over-the-hill rock star gets schooled by his son, a perfect specimen of apathetic offspring in the bloom of youth.

That's right, in this ad and this ad only you get two Simmons for the price of one! Plus, we never get bored watching people get told off by their kids. It's the American way.

Work by Deutsch/LA.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-13-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Television

American Idol Top Eight Does Britney Spears


So tonight on American Idol, Ford and the top eight contestants let unleashed a new commercial for the Ford Mustang GT called Magic Show. In the commercial the remaining eight contestants do their version of Britney Spears' Circus.

Not so bad. Come one, it's American Idol!

by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-09    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials

Inside All of Us is...Poop


Wait, what? So here's the deal. Everyone knows Spike Jonze has adapted the famed children's book, Where the Wild Things Are, into a movie. What everyone might not know is that another famed children's book, Everyone Poops, is also being made into a feature length film. OK, not really but check out the trailer here.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-09    
Topic: Celebrity, Spoofs, Video

Post Office Refuses to Mail 'Obscene' Postcard For Movie


Adam Rifkin is trying to promote his new movie, Look, an examination of how pervasive video surveillance cameras have become and the sometimes shocking footage they capture. The movie's producers intended to mail postcards with scenes from the movie and the copy "Will you be watching? May 5, 2009" on the back.

One of the postcards carries an image from the movie which shows a man having his way with a woman in a storage closet. Technically, there's no nudity but the Post Office has called the promotional piece "obscene" and won't allow it to be mailed.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-09    
Topic: Celebrity, Direct, Policy, Promotions, Racy

Yawn. Debate Rages Over Britney Spears' Digital Enhancement


It's been a while since we've had a good healthy debate on the truth and merits of Photoshopping celebrities to wash away the ugliness of their realities and the less than ad-worthy attributes of their physical self.

Thanks to a sneak peak of the new Britney Spears Candie's print campaign, we can all, once again, wonder if Britney Spears is really as hot as she appears to be when she's not shot Paparazzi-style leaving a 7-Eleven.

Oh of course she's digitally altered. What would photographers and graphic designers do all day long if people weren't routinely manipulated to the point of perfection?

This is advertising, after all, right?

by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Joan and Melissa Rivers Fail Miserably in All Detergent Videos


WTF? What is wrong with Joan River's face? Could it be any more stretched out? Damn. It looks like it hurts! Whatever. If it weren't for her freakishly manipulated face, there'd be no reason to watch her in this Celebrity Apprentice Guess That Stain video for All detergent. Lame. Lame. Lame.

Daughter Melissa, on the other hand, at least has a real face (well, accept maybe for those lips) in her role as the laundry fairy in a second version All's Rivers & Rivers videos. Still. Lame. Lame. Lame.

Again, just our opinion. You can check them out here and let us know.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-09    
Topic: Celebrity, Video, Worst