Oprah Will Kill Twitter, right?

Okay, since signing on last week, she has 368,000+ followers. No really, in one day I'm watching her follow count go up literally 20,000 every 4-5 hours. Thing is, when she and all those Mommy Bloggers™ get bored and leave Twitter like Texas leaving the Union, will there be a disturbance in the internet's social media bmi? There could be as they all head to Plurck. How long before she realizes how much of a PITA it is actually is to update and turns it into a "Will Tweet For Oprah!" or "Win a chance to get @ed by Oprah!" daily contest.

So when does Oprah kill Twitter. Before the 4th of July? Labor Day? (By the way, is it proper netiquette to kill a social net after Labor Day?) Vote below adranters.

When Will Oprah Kill Twitter?
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by Bill Green    Apr-20-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Celebrity, Social   

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