Trump Sells Clothes For Macy's


Seems The Donald has a clothing line at Macy's and is advertising it in the Wall Street Journal. It's his "signature collection" which Not Only But Also said is ridiculous because A. Trump nor his personal shoppers even know where a Macy's is; B. Trump is clearly fashionless and C. Success doesn't equal fashion authority which may be true but most people are happy to latch onto the latest celebu-fashion statement. Oh well, we're sure Trump will make money. He always does. Oh wait, he loses a lot too.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-05    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Newspaper

Bruce Willis Says Ad Business More Cutthroat Than Hollywood


While in New York to film the psychological thriller The Perfect Stranger with Halle Berry, Bruce Willis, who plays an ad exec in the film, spent some time with Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners learning the industry's ropes and lingo. After spending a bit of time at the agency, Willis, humorously, commented to Richard Kirshenbaum and Jon Bond, "Wow, this business seems more cutthroat than Hollywood." You got it Bruce. Hollywood is for pussies. Madison Avenue is for tough guys.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 6-05    
Topic: Celebrity

Selma Blair Pimps Chanel Vision


Having played a girl of innocence in Cruel Intentions and a girl of less innocence in A Dirty Shame, Selma Blair will now play the face of Chanel Vision in a campaign shot by Karl Lagerfeld. Not much else you can say about these celebu-campaigns other than has any celeb not done one?

by Steve Hall    Dec- 4-05    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity

Mo Rocca Sings Christmas Carol For Best Buy


Political satirist, former correspondent for Comedy Central's The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and current contributor to NBC's Today Show, Mo Rocca has been tapped by Best Buy and has produced a goofy version of some Christmas carol, which, maddeningly, we can't seem to name, to, yes, promote all the goodies Best Buy would like us all to buy for Christmas. There's even a Geek Squad version of the video too. Good stuff.

by Steve Hall    Nov-21-05    
Topic: Celebrity, Viral

Danica Patrick Beats Paris Hilton in GQ Ad Babe Showdown


There's never a lack of ad babes peering, longingly, out of magazine ad pages luring guys into buying things they really don't need so it's without surprise that we find both been-there-done-that Paris Hilton and IndyCar babe Danica Patrick meeting our eyeballs as we flip though the December issue of GQ, which, by the way was a multi cover issue on which Jennifer Anniston appeared semi-nude but we, unfortunately, ended up with the Vince Vaughn version. Come on, Jim. You read Adrants. You know what we like. Send a memo to the circulation department, stat!


Paris, who, hands down, has the best "do me" look, is in GQ hawking her Paris Hilton For Men fragrance. Oddly, the container looks like a lipstick wand so we're doubtful too many men will actually be seen buying or using this stuff. Danica, who has the more girl-next-door, wholesome look, except here, is smirking for TISSOT Swiss Watches. The ad carries the headline, "A Woman's a Man's World," which appropriately, references her place in the male dominated world of car racing.

So in terms of which ad does a better job selling its product, without doubt, the award goes to Danica Patrick's TISSOT ad. It's a product an actual man would actually buy and Patrick's demeanor, at least in this ad, is far more tangible and realistic that Paris Hilton's airy, empty, vacuous persona seen here.

by Steve Hall    Nov-17-05    
Topic: Celebrity, Magazine, Opinion

Snoop Dogg to Launch Snoop Doggs


Adrants reader John Brock points us to Snoop Dog's latest marketing venture: hot dogs. Yes, the one time Lee Iacocca sidekick has teamed with Platinum One Media and business partners Franco Petrucci and Jeff Earp to launch (oh, come I have to tell you?) Snoop Dogs, a line of celebrity wieners. In a spark of enlightenment and wit, Snoop's brother and manager, Bing Worthington, told the Boston Herald the hot dog market was wide open for the taking saying, "There aren't any celebrity hot dogs out there. Who's the competition? Ball Park?" Well yes, there aren't any celebrity nails either but we're not sure we want MC Hammer to come out of retirement anytime soon and bring "Hammer Time" to the nail aisle at a nearby Home Depot.

by Steve Hall    Nov-15-05    
Topic: Celebrity

Paris Hilton Video Ad Written For Dummies


OK, so the Paris Hilton video thing is so, so over but, amazingly, the thing is still for sale and, in this case, the ad, just to be clear to the two people in the world who haven't yet seen the video and might think this is some sort of new Paris Hilton in the flesh offering, is marked, "Paris Hilton Not Included."

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-05    
Topic: Celebrity, Outdoor

'Jesus Juice' Wine Marketed With Michael Jackson Crucification Imagery


California business partners Dawn Westlake and Bruce Rheins have submitted a patent request for a wine label which reads "Jesus Juice" and contains a Jesus and Michael Jackson-like image in a crucification pose. the two hope to market wine under the label and are currently seeking business partners

by Steve Hall    Nov-10-05    
Topic: Celebrity, Policy

Nordtrom Gives 80's Go-Go's A Makeover


Bringing two decades of style together and highlighting a few products a long the way, Norstrom, with help from Fatboy Slim, has launched Norstrom Silverscreen a remixed version of the 80's G0-GO's video "Our Lips Are Sealed." Random Culture points out several products are featured in the video and the two decade groups cavort in typical music video style. Other similar video remixes are forthcoming. Visitors can opt to watch a basic version of the video or an enhanced version which requires a download but will automatically play each new video as it becomes available.

Unfortunately and stupidly on Nordtrom's or it's agency's part, the enhanced version only works with, you guessed it, Internet Explorer and not with the IE-killing and fast growing Firefox, the browser of choice for anyone that has a clue. Marketers and technology providers have got to stop sleeping with one bed partner and start playing the field. There's a lot of untapped Firefox hotties out there willing and waiting for the "enhanced experience." So, come on marketers and technology providers. Stop being so prejudice in your choice of bed partners.

by Steve Hall    Nov-10-05    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Opinion

Juliette Lewis Gets Nude For Designer


Already appearing on posters and wearing the designer's clothing during performances, actress and rocker Juliette Lewis recently appeared topless, draped between two chairs in a dressing room, in an ad campaign for designer Johan Lindeberg. The nude ad is viewable on the Lindeberg site.

by Steve Hall    Oct-31-05    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity