Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony Bring Hilarity to Kohl's Campaign


Now this is funny! It's always a crap shoot when a brand selects a celebrity to represent it in an ad campaign. Mostly because it's never believable the celebrity would actually purchase the product or service they're representing. Not that that's any different with Kohl's and Jennifer Lopez but they way these new McCann Erickson-created Kohl's commercials link Lopez and the brand, it's mostly irrelevant.

The campaign, promoting new clothing lines from Lopez and Marc Anthony was conceived prior to the couple's split. In one commercial, Lopez is blocked by a security guard from entering Kohl's headquarters because he doesn't know who she is. Thankfully Lopez doesn't throw the predictable celebrity hissy fit, rather subtly tries to remind the guard of her fame. It doesn't work. But the low key humor does.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-31-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Creative Commentary

Stripper vs. Underage Girl, Sinead Dates, Hubspot Apologizes


- Yawn. The battle continues to rage regarding the definition of sexual suggestiveness in advertising. This time it's a stripper versus an underage-looking girl in a jeans ad.

- Sinead O'Connor placed an ad on Craig's list looking for a male companion. The list of requirements is very long.

- HubSpot has issued an apology to the children of North America for causing a shortage of unicorns.

by Steve Hall    Aug-30-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Racy

Sears Still Gasping For Air With Help From The Kardashians


Is it just us or is the match up between Sears and the Kardashians a total non-sequitur? Number one, you have an extremely conservative, run-of-the-mill department store that's the last thing on anyone's mind when the word "fashion" enters the conversation. Number two, you have the Kardashian sisters who, in some circles, are the furthest thing from run-of-the-mill.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-30-11    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials, Opinion, Trends and Culture

Woody Likes Panties, Original Facebook Friends Found


- Yawn. Woody Allen's new star Lea Seydoux appeared in racy American Apparel underwear campaign.

- Orangina wants to see your originals. Your original Facebook friends, that is. And they've launched an app to make finding those original friends easy and fun.

- A new M&C Saatchi campaign the New Mexico Tourism Department aslks you to help them find Billy the Kid.

- A couple of new Footlocker commercials (one, two) re-envision the invention and creation of the sneaker.

by Steve Hall    Aug-18-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Social

Don Draper Just Might Give That Creative Circus Graduation Speech


We really, really like this campaign from three students attending Creative Circus. Nine months ago, they embarked upon a mission called Grad Men to get Mad Men character John Hamm to speak at their graduation as Don Draper. You can view the details of their efforts in the video below. Last week, AMC saw the video and got in touch with the three students behind the project. The two parties are working with John Hamm's handlers to see if the mad man can speak at the graduation.

As part of the project, the students traveled the country to collect pleas from fifty of the countries creative greats. everyone's rooting for Draper to do his part and enlighten Creative Circus students on how wonderful and amazing a career in advertising could be.

Dear AMC and John Hamm; please make this happen.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-18-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Industry Events, Social

Madonna Seeks Best Dancers For Next Tour


Partnering with Smirnoff, Madonna has launched Global Nightlife Exchange, a JWT-created campaign which uses Smirnoff's Facebook page to ask people to share their nightlife experiences. Part of the campaign includes a November 12th event that will consist of 50 parties held simultaneously in 50 different countries. Madonna will attend one of the parties and choose her next tour dancers. To enter, a dancer has to submit a 60 second video.

by Steve Hall    Aug-18-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Social

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen Don Wet T-Shirts to Hype Contest


It's been a long time since we've had anything to say about the Olsen twins. Recently, Mary-Kate and Ashly launched Stylemint, a website that, just as the title suggests, is all about style. And the sisters are fronting a new campaign to promote the site. And, shocker, there's even some wet t-shirt action. Well, a very PG, Olsen twins sort of wet t-shirt thing.

In a promotional video, the twims splash around in a kiddie pool to promote the site's August T-Moment contest, a contest to see who can come up with the best t-shirt design.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-16-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Racy

Twilight Hotness Other Than Kristen Stewart Fronts Denim Campaign


If you follow the Twilight series then you are familiar with Kellen Lutz who plays the Emmett Cullen character. If you're a fan of his hunky hotness then we have something special for you. He's front and center in a new campaign for denim brand Abbott + Main.

As with every other fashion ad on the planet since time began, he's frolicking with some hot chick in bed who can't wait to pull his pants off and catch a glimpse at the prize package within. Check out all of Lutz's hotness here.

by Steve Hall    Aug-15-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Racy

Danon's Oikos Makes You As Cool As John Stamos


Only John Stamos could get away with something so lame as to show up at a party with yogurt as a gift. Up against champagne and chocolate, offering up yogurt as a party gift can only mean you're some sandal-wearing health nut or Michael Weston from Burn Notice which, upon further reflection kinda makes yogurt hot. So we guess the whole yogurt-as-party-gift isn't half bad.

Danon is touting its Oikos (yea, it's Greek but who names this stuff?) yogurt which, it claims, beat Chobani 2 to 1 in a taste test. Wanna be a hit at the next party you attend? If you're an ad savant then we know you'll show up at the next party with a crate of Oikos in hand. After all, it worked for John Stamos.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-11-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials

Fosters Does Goldfinger, Drunk Monkeys Sober Up


- Foster's Beer does the James Bond Goldfinger thing with Holly Valance. last year, Sky+HD did the same thing with Kelly Osbourne.

- The Monkeys are no longer Drunk. They're just regular Monkeys now. Australian Agency Three Drunk Monkeys will be now known simply as The Monkeys.

- Ten memorable ads that defined a generation.

- Facebook never liked breast feeding. Now they don't even like the word "breast."

- This is what Calvin Klein thinks is customers do all day long.

- American Express has launched Friends of Japan, a program that is "designed to reignite attention and support for earthquake relief efforts."

by Steve Hall    Aug- 9-11    
Topic: Agencies, Celebrity, Commercials, Social