Jamie Lynn Spears The New Marketing 'Must Have'

As Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Linsay Lohan, Amanda Bynes, and Hillary Duff shift from tween/teen queens to adults with flaws, marketers are now clamoring for the next new fresh face and they may find it in a younger, less tarnished version of Britney Spears: her sister Jamie Lynn Spears. Spears just debuted her new Nickelodeon show, Zoey 101, in which she plays a student at a California boarding school. Yahoo searches for the show are up 1,733 percent this week.

Soon, no doubt, the sponsorship requests will pour in as marketers shed themselves of Olsen drug scandals, Lohan breast obsession and Duff stuff overdose. Yet, dampening hopes the younger Spears will cast off the baggage of her elder stars to display much needed refreshing intelligence and cultural insight, she said, in a USA Today interview, "I want to get a new Louis Vuitton purse. I've had that one (a Murakami) for a while. I need something a little bigger." Yes. A brain.

by Steve Hall    Jan-14-05    
Topic: Celebrity

Christina Aguilera Appears in Hot, Hot, Hot Skechers Ads

By far the hottest ads to date from footwear company Skechers will be a series of ads for an upcoming fall campaign featuring Christina Aquilera in poses sure to raise the blood pressure of any normal human. There are three ads in the series which will run internationally beginning in August. Each ad shows double images of Aguilera. The firts portrays Aguilera as a nurse aiding a patient, the second shows her as teacher and student and the third shows her getting some legal treatment from herself dressed as we wished all police officers would dress - well, at least the hot ones.

On her agreement to work with Skechers, Aguilera said, "I agreed to be part of Skechers' international marketing team because I like its image -- youthful but edgy. It has attitude and is willing to try new ideas -- refreshing,"

All three ads can be viewed here. Thanks to Dan at The Superficial for the tip.

by Steve Hall    Jul-28-04    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity

Beyonce Says God is OK With Sexy Booty Enhancing Clothing

God OK With Booty

Apparently, big booty babe Beyonce has permission from God to wear hot clothes however, she says God is not OK with girl on girl kisses like the Britney/Madonna MTV Awards spectacle.

"I have standards. There are things I will not do," says Beyonce. "I always carry myself like a lady. I don't feel like I ever do anything raunchy. It's entertainment and I believe God is OK with that."

Alrighty then. Bring on that big 'ol booty and shake that ass for us in more Pepsi commercials.

by Steve Hall    Oct-15-03    
Topic: Celebrity

Britney Spears Tops Yahoo Popularity Contest

Britney Spears, without an album in a year, is back on top of Yahoo's weekly Buzz Index. She's been in the top twenty for 126 weeks but just hit the top spot again due, in no small part, to her recent almost nude spread in Elle magazine. America still loves Britney or else there are lot of navel gazers out there.

Currently, she's number two on the Lycos Top 50 chart.

With her MTV Video Music awards appearance and upcoming album release, the cutie will be on the charts for a long time to come.

by Steve Hall    Aug-26-03    
Topic: Celebrity

Olsen Twins Grace Cover of Rolling Stone

When I first saw this picture, cover shot for the September 4 issue of Rolling Stone, I reacted like a highschool kid who hadn't had sex in a year. Right in front of my computer, I said, "Oh My God! Can they get any hotter?" Can you blame me? Look at these two babes! They are simply the hottest media stars out there right now. I think what's so hot about Mary-Kate and Ashley is their supposed innocence. They haven't gone down the Britney/Christina road of pop trash. They have remained above it all and are reportedly worth $150 million each.

They have a new film coming out called New York Minute. I'm going to see it. I don't care if people look at me and say, "Dude, aren't you a little old for this movie?" Well, no guy of any age is too old to check these chicks out. And no, I'm not that old anyway.

Mary-Kate puts the desire of us all to see them this way:

"We have to take into consideration the people who want to watch us," says Mary-Kate. "And we're still going to keep those little kids happy."

And you know what? They are going to be able to do it. Strange as it is, they will continue to appeal to kids, sex-starved teenager, and 40 year old dudes like me. There, now you know how old I am and you can call me a pervert!

Sorry, I can't help myself. See more and read more here.

by Steve Hall    Aug-14-03    
Topic: Celebrity

Prediction: Charlotte Church Becomes As Popular as Britney

Charlotte Church as popular as Britney? Crazy? Maybe. But I have this feeling that she will be. If I'm wrong, I'll look stupid. If I'm right, I'll at least be able to say I said so.

Why do I say this? Well, she can sing. That always helps. She's 16 and sick of doing her operetic stuff and wants to go pop. She is starring in a movie. She's cute. She has an English accent. OK, so maybe some of those are stupid reasons.

Just remember, if it happens, you heard it here first.

BBCi: Charlotte Church makes her big screen debut

by Steve Hall    Jan- 8-03    
Topic: Celebrity, Opinion

Britney Spears on the Cover of New York Times

Yahoo! News - N.Y. Times Execs Talk News Coverage

Popular culture, meanwhile, is "the pulse of the country," and influences everything from the business world to governments overseas, Raines said, praising a recent front page story about pop idol Britney Spears. "It was about the fame machine, the economic engine that's behind it," Raines said. "Our readers are interested in reading a sophisticated exegesis of a sociological phenomenon like that."
OK...everyone...1,2,3...PULEEEEEZE! "...exegesis of a sociological phenomenon..."?

Come on. Have some honesty here. You put her on the cover because she is a scantily clad, sexy, young girl...uh...sorry...woman who happens to sing. Or rather, tries to sing. And you did it because it would sell papers.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-02    
Topic: Celebrity