Sears Does Geek Squad/Real-Time Price Match Thing


Ho there. Know what we never get tired of? That retail-superhero crap that Best Buy did with Geek Squad and Dell tried doing with Nerd Buddy.

But that's cool, because this is Sears, and you know they're hurtin' for imagination.

In defense of the Sears Blue Electronics Crew, we will say real-time price-checking is neat if it works the way it does in the ad, and we dig how research-intensive purchases, like a new TV, are made to look like a rest-easy impulse-buy process.

The slogan is equally brief: "Sears: Life. Well Spent."

These are the parts we like. The parts we don't: it's derivative, as usual; the piece is too long; and we feel like they tossed in Brett Farve because a celebrity face will ensure at least some campaign love. Also, did they even do the price comparison before Farve OK'ed the buy?

Nice tie-in with the "waffle" joke though. High-five for that, Y&R/Chicago.

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by Angela Natividad    Aug-26-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Online, Video

Montel's Daughter Promotes Vegetarian Cafeteria Options


If the children of celebrity chanteurs can draw a crowd to a promo, why not the children of celebrity talk show hosts?

In an ad slated to debut tonight during ABC Family's The Secret Life of the American Teenager, 14-year-old Wyntergrace Williams will urge Congress to amend the Child Nutrition Act to require the inclusion of vegetarian options in school lunch lines.

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by Angela Natividad    Aug-24-09    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Commercials, Political, Television

Bored With GoDaddy, Danica Patrick Now Pimping Watches


In her every GoDaddy appearance, Danica Patrick always looked as if she was sleeping or bored out her mind with the silly antics which accompanied every GoDaddy outing in which she appeared. So now she's off to pimp watches. Where does the girl find time to drive anymore?

Patrick hooked up with GQ to appear in a four page advertorial (pdf, sadly) for Tissot Swiss Watches in the September issue. So there she is All glamor girl-style. In the pool wearing a bikini and getting some hunk boy love. Against a wall in a dress and heels getting pulled away by a mysterious arm which has "I want to have sex with you" written all over it. Sitting atop an old school newspaper man as if to...I don't some form of mini-skirted feminine superiority. And presumably naked and embraced by a dude while watches the size of a person's head grace each of their wrists.

Well, at least she's moved beyond her car model days.

by Steve Hall    Aug-18-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Megan Fox Says Eat And Kill Boys to Overcome Peer Pressure


In a "PSA," actress Megan Fox tells us the world of high school can be tough and cruel but kids should not to succumb to peer pressure. Her recommended solution? Fuck 'em. Stand up and be yourself. Kill and eat your peers and you won't have any pressure left to deal with.

Sounds simple enough.

by Steve Hall    Aug-14-09    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Promotions, Spoofs, Video

Kentucky Mad Men, Queen Latifah and Woodstock Love

- Need a date? Mad Men need not apply.

- KFC wants you to Go f... fry yourself.

- More real fake designer bag bargains.

- Naked Netflix.

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Walmart Hopes Miley Cyrus Can Bring Some Cool


In case you were wondering, the Miley Cyrus machine is alive and well. While we'd have to query a bunch of 12 year old girls to know for sure, it seems Miley is on her way to convincing kids it's (shudder) cool to buy clothes at Walmart. Out with her new line of clothing from Max Azria, Miley talks about what clothing means to her and what it was like to work with designer Max Azria.

While far from sluterrific Britney Spears-inspired fashion, Miley says, "This line has inspired me to take chances with what I wear a little bit more."

Ooo. Risky. But moms will be happy there's no belly shirts in this line of clothing.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 5-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials

Yawn. Ozzy. Chimps. Yawn. Samsung. Yawn.


Not because the animal lovers don't like them being used in commercials but, rather, because they are overused and the concepts are increasingly lame, we feel all primates should be banned from advertising. Yes, CareerBuilder, you heard us right. The chimpanzee thing is over. Dead. Done.

And that's made crystal clear in this new Sansung Solstice commercial featuring Ozzy Osbourne and, yes, a band of chimpanzees. Or is it monkeys? We can never tell the difference.

So Ozzy's getting atour of the Samsung facility and is shown the new phone. He drops a lame line about how cool Samsung is. He drops the F bomb (real surprise there) and he gets a text asking if he'd like to be in a new band...formed by the aforementioned chimps.

Lame. Lame. Lame.

And doesn't Samsung know the Solstice is a car? Oh wait. Not for much longer.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 5-09    
Topic: Bad, Celebrity, Commercials

Marina Orlova Added to Stable of GoDaddy Girls


If we didn't know GoDaddy was in internet service provider, we'd think founder Bob Parson's was running some sort of modeling agency or, heaven forbid, an online brothel of sorts. But no. GoDaddy is just an ISP with a propensity for hiring hot-looking female spokesmodels.

The latest addition to the crew is Russian model Marina Orlova. Orlova, who's been dubbed the Sexiest Philologist in the World and the World's Sexiest Geek (the LA tech scene might have a thing or two to say about that), will join current GoDaddy Girls Danika Patrick and Candice Michelle.

Marina was selected to be a Go Daddy Girl shortly after her appearances earlier this month on Go Daddy CEO and Founder Bob Parsons' video blog and weekly radio show, where she was, reportedly, an instant hit.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 4-09    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity

Britney Spears. Still Hot After All These Years


Our girl is back. Well, actually she's been back for a while but just this second, her latest commercial for Candie's was released and we really, really like it. Why? It's classic Britney. All pomp and strut.

Of course the full length video is a bit racier but we're talking television here, people. There's only so much bare midriff the television viewing audience can take before someone calls the cause group police.

by Steve Hall    Jul-25-09    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials

Peter the Pedophilic Pilot Promotes airtran's Inflight Internet


We love this Cramer-Krasselt-created airtran campaign AdFreak points to. Probably because we're old enough to remember the pre-Tom Cruise Mission Impossible television series which starred Peter Graves who, more recently, also starred in the Airplane! movies as a pedophilic pilot.

He's dead-pan perfect in a series of commercials touting the airline's gogo internet service which is now on all planes. Awesome. Too bad it's not free.

But the campiagn is funny. Check it out here.

by Steve Hall    Jul-23-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials