Yes! DVR Users Finally Get Their Own Ads!


If DVR users ever lament the disparity of ads made just for their kind, rest assured that prayers do get heard.

Dubbed by Audi as the world's fastest commercials, these :15 spots by Venables & Partners push the zippy new TT Roadster in a manner most trippy. The ads are blink-of-an-eye quick and according to the usual zealous PR guy, "[this is] the first time that DVR technology will be used as media - they're so quick that they can only be understood by being rewound and slowed."

Confident in their ability to mystify, the spots encourage users to rewind, then guides them back to

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by Angela Natividad    May-10-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Television

SWAT Lays Law Down on Puppets, Mountain Dew Absorbs the Shock


Andrew at Puppetvision tells us it's against the law to perform puppet shows from windows in New York. Hrm.

Because somebody had to, BBDO New York did this off-colour Diet Mountain Dew spot in which the SWAT team executes a puppet bust.

Inadvertently sucked in, we felt pretty thrown (in a good way) when the shot zipped over to the green-suited guy holding the Mountain Dew. It was a little like how we felt when the Tanqueray appeared except it didn't take 10 fuckin' minutes.

by Angela Natividad    May- 9-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Television

Smoking is Child Abuse, Says Maryland ALA


Exit10 created this spot for the American Lung Association of Maryland to discourage parents who smoke around their kids.

We've seen some provocative, bizarre and just plain stupid anti-smoking efforts in our time. This is probably the first occasion we've had to wince, though. Check it out.

If smoking is child abuse, then so were our mothers' Like a Virgin-inspired outfits, because those damaged our health in so many ways.

by Angela Natividad    May- 9-07    
Topic: Good, Television

Harry Enfield Shows Us How to Advertise


We really dig this classic spoof from the Harry Enfield Show about the proper execution of "advertisement breaks."

It's never too late to learn from the slickest society-shapers out there, of which the spot includes three: liquor, tobacco and child advertising in general. Put together, they're even more compelling.

And look - no colour or jingles! Beat that, Old Navy.

by Angela Natividad    May- 9-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Online, Spoofs, Television

Saatchi, Company X Redesign the PSA


How do you make cancer funny? With tighty whities and hairy men, which make most everything funny.

For Olay's Skin Cancer Takes Friends, effort, which encourages watchers to get free screenings, Company X and Saatchi and Saatchi put together a spot about a screening station on the streets of New York. Only one man balls up to take the exam and he strips all the way down to his briefs, to the horror of passers-by.

Check it out on the Company X website.

The ad was shot with a set of hidden cameras and reactions were for the most part genuine. Company X editor Barney Miller gushes, "Every friend I play it for says something along the lines of, 'Wow, that's funny. I really need to get a skin cancer screening.'"

Hrm. Okay, then.

by Angela Natividad    May- 8-07    
Topic: Guerilla, Television

3-Legged Rabbits Get New Lease on Life


This new spot for Traveler's Insurance lauds the surgical reattachment of rabbit feet to their hosts following a growing public realization that luck means little when you've got good insurance.

Fallon, Minneapolis did the spot. The PR girl was quick to note the rabbits' paws were dyed with a vegetable base and that the American Humane Association was on set along with the frolicking little extras. Well, we're sure PETA is too busy with other things to decry the loss of a potential pro-bunny crusade.

We smiled a bit and reflexively clutched at the string of hoodoo chicken legs around our necks. Hands off, Fallon.

by Angela Natividad    May- 8-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Caveman Sucks, Cool Chased, Doodles Published, 90210 Reborn


- Apparently, the much anticipated ABC Caveman sitcom based on the Geico ad campaign really sucks.

- But he gets to be an action figure.

- Cynopsis Digital reports, "American Eagle Outfitters is sponsoring It's a Mall World, its first original series for the web. Shorter three-minute versions of the comedy will premier on air during MTV's Real World from August 1."

- Publicis has re dubbed Modem Media Publicis Modem. OK, then.

- If you're cool enough to work in advertising then you're probably cool enough to read Chasing Cool.

- We've all spent countless hours wasting time in pointless meetings and have passed the time by, perhaps, doodling on the equally pointless meeting agenda. This guy turned his doodling into a business.

- Diet Pepsi does 90210. Anachronistically. And badly.

by Steve Hall    May- 7-07    
Topic: Publishing, Television

Strong Bones Help Against Lax Gravity


Having been accustomed to Got Milk? campaigns that generally just present us with celebrities who can't wipe their mouths, we like the contrast of Hispanic-targeting Toma Leche?, which paints improbable stories about why milk is more relevant to everyday life than it actually may be. (Hey, we're avid milk drinkers here, just sayin').

For example, its tooth-strengthening properties can leverage you in an island where people giggle all day. And in a city where gravity is less rule than inclination, those tough bones certainly do come in handy.

Creative courtesy of RL Public Relations and Marketing.

by Angela Natividad    May- 7-07    
Topic: Commercials, Strange, Television

Badminton Brings Legitimacy to Enhanced Water ... Oh Wait.


Because badminton is as much a sport as Glaceau's Vitamin Water is water, we thought this quirky Vitamin Water ad featuring Urlacher and Ortiz was appropriate.

Thanks Bill for the tip. We're also glad at least one more person out there is frowning dubiously at the merits of badminton.

And yeah, we can say that, because we were on the high school badminton team. Why did we join the high school badminton team? Because the pain-inducing potential of tennis balls frightened us. Although apparently shuttlecocks can be equally scary, if the above ad is any authority.

by Angela Natividad    May- 7-07    
Topic: Commercials, Television

Axe and Tag Are for Boys, Not Men, Says RGX


A clever little campaign dubbed RGX Life touts RGX as a mature brand that's easier on the senses than flashy jockstraps like Axe and Tag. In a compelling series of ads, actress Rachel Specter challenges the camera eye's manhood with a few well-written insecurity jabs.

Bravo, RGX. Shame is a time-honoured and totally legit tactic. Consider how long Listerine's been doing it.

If you're curious about how RGX is holding up against the competition, Advertising Age has practically written a novel about it.

by Angela Natividad    May- 4-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online, Television