We're not usually a fan of highly stylized commercials just for the sake of being highly stylized but this Callegari Berville Grey-created, Stardust-produced Hugo Boss Green campaign featuring Jonathan Rhys Meyers, is stylized for a reason and seems to catch our eye. Like Coke's Happiness Factory, the spot illustrates the world of beauty a cologne can create. Oh, sorry, we got caught up in all the hype there for a minute but a cologne doesn't just make you smell good. It's supposed to whisk you away to another world for a moment and make you feel special. That's what this campaign does in our opinion.
The campaign. which introduces a new fragrance, consists of :10's, :15's, :20's and :30's as well as print. You can view the :30 here ( it's 15MB so give it some time) and check out additional campaign information here.
- XM is launching a Lowe New York-created Q4 Holiday ad campaign which will include television, cable, print, DM and interactive.
- In Demand Networks is launching a $1 million campaign to promote its 24/7 Howard Stern subscription TV channel.
- And just or fun, Brooke Hogan. They really can make anyone look good on a magazine cover.
- A Bosch bush moons an old guy next door for, well, we have no idea. Probably some sort of turbocharged hedge trimmer.
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Here's a pretty funny ad in which a jogger becomes food for the Loch Ness Monster after wandering transfixed over to what looks like a deserted Toyota Vios. Everytime we see Nessie's head snap back after swallowing we can't help but smile a little. Hey, you didn't think monsters ate? Somebody's got to pay for all those free photo opps. Our favourite part is when it pokes its head back out of the water to neatly set the decoy back up. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
Europe loves futbol. America love football. Both games bring out competitive spirit and national patriotism. After viewing NBC's airing of Friday Night Lights, we feel we have to say never before has a TV show done such a wonderful job illustrating the love for and importance of a sport. A spin off of the 2004 Billy Bob Thornton movie of the same name based on H.G. Bissinger's book about the Odessa, Texas Permian High Panthers, the show brings to light small town America's love for the sport and the importance it plays in everyday life. While American soccer is alive an well on the fields of suburban America, that sport is unlikely to ever overtake the intensity of and love for good 'ol American football.
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Perhaps in disgust over being forced to incorporate ever more sizable product placement within network television shows, the writers of House gave House these choice words to say while he stared into a gigantic Dell monitor, "Why don't I have a high-def in my office? I'm a department head. Tissue characterization is impossible when the pixels are the size of Legos." Yes, and soon product placements will be the size of the TV screen negating the need for actors at all. Oh wait, without actors, there's no shows. Without shows, there's no place to put product placements. Hmm, we better keep our product placements smaller than legos. (Oh, and for you Lego freaks, notice how he said LegoS and not Lego?)
In a very un-TV network-like manner and in response to freaks like this who are offended any company would dare to promote anything on YouTube, NBC created a video called Bill the Promo Guy in which Bill asks viewers to understand he does the promos because the salary he receives for producing them puts his son through prep school and buys his daughter a horse. NBC has arrived. It gets YouTube. It gets the video response. It gets this groovin' social media thing. Ah fuck it, it's just another ad. But a good one. A really, really good one. Kudos.
Like a scene out of Mallrats, four guys in this commercial for the Alltel Wireless My Circle plan plot a way to stop the "call ten friends for free no matter what plane they are on" feature because, after all, who could possibly have more than ten friends? Created by Campbell-Ewald, the spot is part of the wireless company's second campaign called "Sales Guys" which follows the initial "Icons" launch campaign. Beyond television, the campaign will include radio, print, event marketing, online advertising and webisodes. Be sure to check out the geeks on the Alltel website along with "Chad" who attempts to get in touch with competing wireless company CEO's to tell them about the My Circle plan.
In this Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield campaign created by Publicis & Hal Riney, three sort of funny scenarios or near health harming situations work to convince people of the importance of a good health plan. One spot has a guy toppling backwards in his office chair. Another has a kid explaining the antics he and his Dad went through while Mom was away that caused Dad to check the Anthem website after several "mishaps." A final spot has an injured married guy talking to his dumb, single friend about why he should have good insurance - all while the dumb guy is doing potentially health harming activities.
With this new patented invention from Colin Davies, the marketers vs. DVR ad skippers war continues to heat up. Davies' system allows for full frame, still images to be placed on screen while a person is fast forwarding through ads. This is almost kind of funny. It's so amusing to see what each side of this battle comes up with to usurp the other side's efforts. TiVo already does something similar to this during its fast forward process. Although we don't mind watching a still ad while fast forwarding, sometimes we actually do want to see what we're fast forwarding past so we hope this system allows for some method of accomodating that.
- GM has ended its sponsorship of Survivor which, of course, has nothing to do with the show's recent announcement this year's team would be split by race.
- Over at Dallas agency Dieste Harmel & Partners, Creative Director Mack Simpson tells us ECD Aldo Quevedo has moved up to President and Chief Creative Officer turning the agency into, as he says, an asylum run by the patients.
- Strumpette, the proverbial thorn in the side of the PR industry, has launched a survey to determine "if the profession has the political will to make the necessary changes to move forward."
- When you shop, there's no reason a couple of Hyundais shouldn't follow you up the escalator as they do in this Istanbul mall.