GoDaddy's Got Some New Snatch. And It's a Golfer!


Here's a new GoDaddy spot that will neither change your life nor get you off. In it, two preppyland hotties on a golf course find an enchanted genie lamp. One wishes for the world's longest drive, har har, and I'm sure you can imagine what happens next.

Bob Parsons stars as the somewhat seedy genie; the more vocal chick is model Anna Rawson, a new GoDaddy girl and LPGA player.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-18-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Television

Laboring Mom Bears Teen, Finds the Strength to Scold


"One Powerful Mother," the latest PSA by Partnership for a Drug-Free America, casts light on a powerful woman indeed. Moments after giving miserable vagina-decimating birth to a teenager, then having her heart shredded to pieces as he rolls his eyes and starts walking off, she still has the strength to raise her head -- ever so slightly -- and say, "Don't even think about going to Kevin's."

The message is swiftly and cleverly delivered: it takes one powerful mother to have a teen. And an even tougher one is called for to keep that teen drug-free.

Work by agency Martin Williams and production firm Gartner.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-17-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Television

Find Freedom from Thirst ... in a Most Refreshing Seppuku.


"Insane Crash" is a coupla months old and continues Sprite's "Freedom from Thirst" campaign, which launched in 2005.

From what we can gather, a passel of sun-fatigued, thirsty teenagers sit around, baking in their boredom. Then, in a moment of Sprite-lubricated genius, two guys on opposite ends of the quad come up with a really fun idea: slamming into each other at high speeds and exploding into droplets of sugary dew.

The first slam sparks a chain of equally inexplicable -- but apparently thrilling! -- martyrdoms, and everyone is happy, and there is rock music, the end. This sordid piece of wasted time brought to you by Ogilvy/Asia-Pacific.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-16-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Strange, Television

Your Car is a Chum, a Love Interest, a Family Member.


Our intimate dependence on cars -- and weird tendency to humanize them -- lies at the heart of AAMCO's "Romance of the Road" campaign, a $30 million effort that marks the largest in its 46-year history.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-15-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Trash Guys Are Like Any Other Guys, Just With More Toys.

86it-junk.jpg is a Canadian service that checks out your junk, gives you a quote and hauls it away on the spot.

The service sounds both parts filthy and boring, but instead of confirming our collective yech by going down the cheap-homemade-ad route, the company actually invested in a pretty good -- wait, no, highlarious -- campaign.

Charmingly taglined "Taking crap. It's what we do," three spots feature two increasingly lovable junk guys, which stay sane amidst the trash by doing guy things: engaging in potentially fatal bets, sparring with blunt instruments, and just generally destroying each other's dignities.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-15-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

If Corona's Not Tripped-Out Over Financial Ruin, Why On Earth Should You Be?


Corona demonstrates how to make good use of the newspapers that've spent the last six months foretelling our economic doom, bleeding woe like a car crash we have to relive every. single. fucking. day.

And as for that BlackBerry that you no longer need because of ad spend-related job cuts? Here's what you can do with that.

Life's too short to throw our well-being out with the bathwater. Good chill material by Cramer-Krasselt, which also handled the media buy. Also impressively in keeping with Corona's longtime creative positioning: those lounge chairs, that sea, nicely-chilled bottle just within your reach.

Ahhh. We want beach.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-12-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Wouldn't It Be Neat if Every Purchase Were Accompanied by Bowing and Dancing?


The music in Palm Pre's "Flow" feels Stephen Spielberg epic, but the concept of the ad itself is a little weird.

In "Flow," a woman saunters into an empty field, settles on a giant rock and starts futzing with her Palm Pre phone. At the same time, an entire army of orange-clad martial arts-inspired dancers appear around her, illustrating her big internal soliloquy with their unified movements.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-12-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Strange, Television

Dr. Dre Drops Knowledge on Beat-Production and Fountain Drinks


It's telling that eclectic music lover @quikness apprised us of this ad, featuring Dr. Dre for Dr Pepper, with nothing but a sad face. That's pretty much how we felt when Dre gave us his whole "slower is better" spiel -- a philosophy for hip-hop hits and Dr Pepper drinking etiquette.

For Dr Pepper's "Trust me, I'm a doctor!" effort, Dr. Dre joins a colourful list of other non-doctors that made careers out of pretending to be: Dr. Love and Dr. J.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-11-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Television

SPAM Crashes the Bored Room. AND YOUR LIFE.


We're just waiting for the spoofs on "Break the Monotony," a campaign for SPAM -- yes, the meat whose identity you can never quite peg -- put together by LAIKA.

See "Bored Room," which depicts bread slices in a meeting, falling gradually into comas, until SPAM leaps in, Kool-Aid Man-style, and crashes the party.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-10-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Strange, Television

Soften Their World -- Before They're Too Big to Fight Back.


We've heard it said that we'll always be about five or six years old in the eyes of our parents -- no matter how much we accomplish, how old we really get, or where on our bodies our hair starts to grow.

Which is why this campaign for UK-based Fairy hits home in a manner both awkward and charming. Each spot depicts a generic Gen-Xer getting infantilized by his mom, who despite old age (and complete senility?) hasn't lost any of the maternal instincts she possessed in the prime of motherhood.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television