Shake Off that Cartoon Crush; Erin Esurance Has a Steady


Emo heartthrob Kazutaka Nomura of PWRFL POWER gets animated, woos the uncatchable Erin Esurance, and teaches her a powerful lesson about self-esteem. In song.

Not that she needed it. She does, after all, prance around in spy clothes to sell car insurance.

This is part of a partnership between Esurance and the Monolith Music Festival at Red Rocks. The website, linked above, also includes a bio and an interview with PWRFL POWER, as well as tour dates.

by Angela Natividad    May-29-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Online, Television

Skydivers to Spell 'Honda' On Live Commercial Break


Tonight, at 8:10PM on London's Channel 4, 19 skydivers will spend three minutes and 20 seconds attempting to spell out the word Honda in Britain's first live commercial. part of Honda's ongoing skydiving campaign, the ad will appear during the reality show Come Dine With Me and, as Honda Manager of Customer Communications said, "If it works, people will know who it's for. If it doesn't, they won't." Brave simplicity. Nice.

Here's hoping all 19 parachutes open successfully after the crew finishes its spelling exercise. Damn, it's almost that time there right now! Someone send us the video!

Here's the video.

by Steve Hall    May-29-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Guerilla, Television

Stand Up to Cancer Gets 'We Are the World' Celebu-Treatment


Not usually a fan of weepy PSA's for cancer, this one from non-profit Stand Up to Cancer directed by David Fincher and voiced by Sydney Poitier caught my attention if only to make sure I could pick out all the celebrities that pop up in the ad. Sydney Poitier, Christy Turlington, Susan Sarandon, NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Morgan Freeman, Lance Armstrong, Keanu Reeves, Tobey Maguire, Casey Affleck, and Jodie Foster are in there. Can you spot more?

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by Steve Hall    May-29-08    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Good, Television

'HONG KONG! ... That's China.'


Check out the new tool off E-Trade's freak-of-nature assembly line (1, 2).

Douche-tacular. If I were China, I'd be scraping him, and his ilk, off my stock exchange.

by Angela Natividad    May-28-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Fuel Efficiency and Cement-Encased Man Don't Work For Honda


Honda decided the two-hour season finale of guilty pleasure Grey's Anatomy last week was a good time to show their new commercial, previously mentioned here as part of their new campaign promoting the 2009 Honda Pilot.

In the spot, a man in a Pilot approaches a man who had accidentally been encased in cement. He offers to help and after getting the man, still trapped in a cement block, in the back seat, notes they won't have to stop for gas because of how fuel-efficient the Pilot is. The other man, who doesn't seem the least bit worried about the fact he's essentially a talking head sticking out of a chunk of cement, agrees that the Pilot is indeed really fuel-efficient. He read it on a blog.

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by Amy Yen    May-28-08    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Television

Scion: It's Love or Loathing, No In-Between


In an ad for the xB called Pendulum, Scion quite startlingly demonstrates it does not give a damn what you think.

Given the car's sheer ugliness (that pumpkin shade ain't helping), whoring for mainstream acceptance would have been a depressing uphill fight. Instead of trying to hide its blunt features, Scion made them the draw. And the ad suggests it isn't afraid of strong feelings, whatever they are.

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by Angela Natividad    May-27-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Down's Syndrome Sufferers Showcase Their Own Capabilities


For The Prodis Foundation, Vitruvio Leo Burnett demonstrated how versatile children with Down's Syndrome are by letting them put together their own ad.

Well, that's how it was sold to us. The ad is more like a (professionally produced?) patchwork of their everyday activities: laughing with friends, winning karate trophies, going dancing, etc.

The video's about two minutes long and quite moving, though it's probably more so when you understand what's being said. In any case, it won an ADC Gold Cube in Corbis' Search for Justice awards show.

Samsung Reinterprets HP's 'Hands'


I think Samsung missed the point of HP's "Hands" effort. "Hands" was cool because the hands in the ads belonged to people we could both admire and identify with. By exposing the contents of their hard drives, celebrities also shared the contents of their minds: how they saw the world and chose to make it their own, all in a style that resembled play.

Along that vein, Samsung gives us "Express Yourself" by Cheil Worldwide Canada. Its two ads, "Express Yourself" and "Hands," try replicating HP's idea but taking the human interest story out.

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by Angela Natividad    May-26-08    
Topic: Commercials, Mobile/Wireless, Outdoor, Poster, Television

'Rush Hour' Director Launches Brand Consultancy, Uses Idol Finalists as Guinea Pigs


Brett Ratner, the director who gave us X-Men: The Last Stand and the Rush Hour trilogy, has launched Brett Ratner Brands.

Less an agency than a "consultancy," Ratner aspires to marry brand messages to pop culture.

His first such effort was for Guitar Hero. During the American Idol finale this week, two ads appeared -- one with Idol finalist David Cook in briefs, lip-synching to Old Time Rock 'N Roll, the other with David Archuleta in boxers, following suit, Risky Business-style.

Ratner said he wants to make ads "everybody wants to be in." His models include "Got Milk," HP's "Hands" and iTunes' "Celebrity Playlist."

Kevin Garnett's Just Like You -- Except Kevin Garnett Has FiOS in His Bathroom


Tonight Verizon debuts this spot for its "This is FiOS; This is Big" campaign.

Put together by McCann Erikson, New York, it depicts Celtics player Kevin Garnett as a guy who can poke fun at his own rich-ass, gratuitous-technology-loving self.

Yeah. It's the "I'm human too! Now let me image-bomb you with everything you can't afford" shtick.

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