GEICO supports wildlife conservation. Not convinced? Watch the gecko have a heart-to-heart with an otter and a jellyfish, courtesy of the Association of Zoos and Acquariums.
The gecko shtick never gets old. We're glad GEICO didn't lose sight of that in the face of its neurotic caveman's mushroom cloud popularity.
Catch the gecko in the flesh at the San Diego Zoo's Children's Zoo from January 5-February 17. You'll meet a few real geckos, and a big fake one too. (The GEICO mascot, that is.)
ABC's The View and Kimberly-Clark -- the pretty name behind a bunch of brands lying around your house -- are conducting their second annual Room-a-Day Giveaway. 16 people will get 25 grand for a room makeover from January 12 to March 7.
15 winners will be announced on the show; the 16th will appear on the March 13 episode. Last year (arguably the height of the UGC craze) the contest got about 3.6 million entries.
It's not like there's anything else to watch, right? Damn writers strike.
This Round Table ad by WONGDOODY has a stripping knight in it. It's not as exciting as it sounds, but it's probably funny as hell when you're high. (Then again, so is this.)
The ad is for Big Vinnie, a New York-style pizza for the budget-conscious. (But who's gonna remember that?!)
To draw eyes to its eco-friendliness, UK-based energy company EDF put together this Frankenstein's hide of an ad. It includes cuts from Thunderbirds and The Wombles, and bits of speeches by John F Kennedy and former President Clinton.
The last frame reads, "This commercial is made from recycled film clips." It was put together by Euro RSCG and includes a hazy adaptation of Kermit the Frog's "It's Not Easy Being Green."
Preach it, you long-suffering recycler you.
We can't wait for the day that Kermit song is adapted for albino animals. Won't be long now.
Maybe to boost its reputation beyond "that site where spammers and pyramid schemes score college kids," is launching a no-holds-barred campaign called "Your Calling is Calling." So far we've managed to score one spot, which reminds us of a low-impact Creed music video.
The BBDO Worldwide campaign will appear on TV, print, radio and online. The pressie says it's all about getting people to "take an introspective look at their lives by shining a light on the connection between a job and personal fulfillment."
That's all well and good, but JSMN calls the selection crappy and cookie-cutter. Burrrrn.
14 years ago I started watching NBC's ER. 14 years later I'm still watching. Despite Marc Berman's continual trashing of the show in his MediaWeek column and his urging NBC to cancel, the show continues to shine. It's had its ups and downs but it continues to deliver solid, entertaining drama.
Last night's episode really stood out. After a nine-year absence, Gloria Reuben's Jeannie Boulet character made an appearance with her son who, as she did many years ago, suffers from HIV and was treated by Dr. Pratt who was undergoing difficulty maintaining his status as chief of the ER.
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For Sri Lankan society magazine Hi!, Leo Burnett Solutions Inc. put together three ads with a dark (but friendly!) feel.
The tagline: "Everyone smiles for Hi!" The angle: Even in miserable situations (a funeral, a riot, a stampede of Nazis or psychotic clowns) you're still gonna smile for a Hi! photographer.
The effort will appear on TV and in magazines, as well as at high society functions in the form of what the PR people call "quirky activations." Is that a euphemism for "overhead projectors"?
Ooh, fun. Heat, SF shot us this ad for Speed ProStreet, a game by EA Games.
The spot glides between real video imagery and gritty animation, which still exhibits a dull gleam of reality. And the music brings you back to the first time you watched Rebel without a Cause, when so much was on the line in that one game of chicken. You know, before James Dean started crying and shit.
The agency hoped to leave gamers with the sense that "every battle counts" on both real or virtual streets. (We're sure mom will love that manifesto when it's spouted over her kid's next speeding ticket.)
The spots will run on ESPN and other gamer-friendly stations.
Hey Heinz, remind all the women in Pittsburgh why football fills them with resentment, why don't you.
This spot was created by Garrison Hughes, Pittsburgh for the Heinz History Center. Its purpose is to generate traffic for the Heinz History Center's Western Pennsylvania Sports Museum.
Here's another spot from the same campaign. We don't feel super turned-on by them, but maybe we'd feel differently if we saw the spots from the Jumbotron in Heinz field, which is one of the places these ads will be airing.
You've gotta love a country that isn't politically correct 24/7 by shying away from the fact people drink alcohol. Oh sure, Americans drink all kinds of alcohol on a regular basis but we like to equate drinking to some artificial social status or lifestyle and we never, ever talk about getting a hangover. After all, everyone in America has been beaten over the head with the "drink responsibly" message.
While Sky Vodka did tout it's hangover-free qualities several years back but, for the most part, we don't like to talk about the simple fact alcohol makes you drunk and gives you a hangover if you drink too much of the stuff.
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