Social Hotties Endorse Their Favorite Brands


Well OK. So now when you troll MySpace, Facebook or whatever your favorite daily social diversion may be, you can view, yes, even more ads courtesy of SocialVibe, a service that lets people choose brands they wish to endorse with a widget they can embed on their profile pages or blogs.

For example, Nicole Lynn's cleavage endorses...oops, I mean Nicole Lynn endorses Adobe. By displaying the SocialVibe badge on profile pages, people get points they can use to donate to charities as well as the chance to win trips, gadgets and entry to events.

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by Steve Hall    May-15-08    
Topic: Cause, Social

Numa Numa Dude Blocks iJustine From Chat


You know her from that iPhone bill video. You love her for all the weirdly wacky videos she's made since. Justine Ezarik a.k.a iJustine, famous for, well, being internet famous, in another weirdly wacky video takes on, Gary Brolsma a.k.a. Numa Numa for booting her out of a chat room.

Apparently, Gary didn't like what Justine had to say in the chat room so she was slapped with the message "ijustine was blocked from the chat for inappropriate behavior." Ouch.

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by Steve Hall    May-12-08    
Topic: Games, Social, Strange, Video

CEO Uses Daughter's Ass on Billboard, Rossellini Has Sex With Bugs


- It's got to be a creepy thing to use one's daughter's ass in one's corporate advertising but there it is: the ass of 36 year old Laurie Adams, daughter of Georgi vodka CEO.

- Following AdWeek, MediWeek has unveiled its new website which mirrors the look of the new AdWeek quite closely.

- Previously a no no, yesterday's change in Google's terms and conditions now allows brands to mention competing brand names in their ads.

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by Steve Hall    May- 6-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Outdoor, Racy, Social, Strange, Tools

Social Media Measurement Tool Hypothesized


Though, according to Alisa Leonard, there really isn't such a thing as social media since all internet media is, by definition, social, Alisa has crafted what cold be the ideal social media analysis tool to peer inside this oh-so-conversational segment of media.

Mashing together share of voice, sentiment (via Summize), tonality of conversation, weighted influence, tag aggregation, authority, page rank and much more, Alisa has put forth the building blocks for what would appear to be the holy grail of social media measurement. All she has to do s get it built.

by Steve Hall    May- 6-08    
Topic: Research, Social, Tools

Renegade Espouses Marketing as a Service


It would be easy to toss off this Renegade video which espouses its belief marketing should be a service to consumers rather than an intrusive method to get people to buy stuff. It's not new and it's been voiced by many an agency eager to illustrate they know marketing has to engage, enable conversation, provide benefit, offer participatory experiences and provide a service that goes beyond an excuse simply to sell product.

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by Steve Hall    May- 5-08    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Social, Trends and Culture, Video

Darfur Cause Aims for Paris Hilton-Like Publicity


Forrester Senior Analyst Jeremiah Owyang has written a concise summary with insightful commentary on the Louis Vuitton brand-jacked Darfur t-shirt situation. Briefly, an artist, Nadia Plesner, created a t-shirt showing a Darfur child holding an LV bag and a little dog.

Imagery sound familiar? It should and that's Plesner's point who explains, "My illustration Simple Living is an idea inspired by the media's constant cover of completely meaningless things [ie. Paris Hilton]. My thought was: Since doing nothing but wearing designer bags and small ugly dogs apparently is enough to get you on a magazine cover, maybe it is worth a try for people who actually deserves and needs attention."

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by Steve Hall    May- 5-08    
Topic: Brands, Cause, Celebrity, Consumer Created, Opinion, Social

National Geographic Wins Three Ellies, Y&R Mails, Social Media Whitepapered


- National Geographic hauled in three Ellies at the National Magazine Awards with The New Yorker and New York each getting one.

- PJA Advertising + Marketing is hosting Portfolio Night in Boston on May 8th at District.

- For some reason, some Y&R types created a Facebook group based on some big "reply all" email chain. Beyond that, it's totally unclear what the hell this is all about or why anyone would care.

- smashLAB has crafted a white paper on social media designed to be a primer for those clients who look at you with a blank stare when you utter the words "social media" in a meeting.

- Want on of those Flip video cameras all the cool kids have? Head over to Budget's Flip for Budget contest. Be sure to check out the rejected videos from Budget employees.

by Steve Hall    May- 2-08    
Topic: Agencies, Magazine, Research, Social

GoDaddy Diggs, Pix Clicked, Draft/FCB Boxes, Twitter Discussed


-The boys at Diggnation Live had their way with the GoDaddy Girl last night. Or, rather, she had her way with them.

- PIXSTA, a UK-based company, launched an image-based online ad network which lets people click on various things in an image returning search results based on the object clicked.

- Draft/FCB Italy is moving and they've created a video to celebrate. George Parker doesn't like it but hey, it's better than looking at the faces of all that Draft/FCB ugliness, right? Kidding.

- During my dinner with the American Shelf Life crew in Boston last week, we discussed Twitter and the brands that are getting on board. Hear the good, the bad and the ugly.

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by Steve Hall    May- 1-08    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events, Online, Social

Life Would be Very Strange if Facebook Interaction Was Real World


Here's is an absolutely perfect (and hilarious) representation of what real life would be like if everyone acted the way they do when they use Facebook. Scary, Very scary. The video comes from the UK comedy group, Idiots of Ants. Earlier, the group had fun spoofing the debut of Facebook News Feed feature.

by Steve Hall    May- 1-08    
Topic: Good, Social, Spoofs, Strange

Not That You'd Know But Facebook's MorphMonkey Has Chlamydia


AdFreak reports The American Social Health Association is using...what media to educate people about the STD Chlamydia with a Facebook application, MorphMonkey. Created by Duval Guillaume, the application, lets people create love children by combining their images with a friend's.

In a bit of reverse nastiness, the campaign's tagline is "spread it to beat it."

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by Steve Hall    May- 1-08    
Topic: Games, Online, Opinion, Social, Strange