Social Media Measurement Tool Hypothesized
Though, according to Alisa Leonard, there really isn't such a thing as social media since all internet media is, by definition, social, Alisa has crafted what cold be the ideal social media analysis tool to peer inside this oh-so-conversational segment of media.
Mashing together share of voice, sentiment (via Summize), tonality of conversation, weighted influence, tag aggregation, authority, page rank and much more, Alisa has put forth the building blocks for what would appear to be the holy grail of social media measurement. All she has to do s get it built.
A lot of rich insight in Alisa's post. Thank you for linking to her blog Steve. Definitely adding to my RSS feed.
@Alisa looking forward to following all of your posts
we're working on it! a few like Radian6, Collective Intellect, Buzzlogic...have pieces of this, but not the whole picture yet..our own dev team at iCrossing is working on this as well...will be exciting to see what rolls out in the next year!