- Chanel and Audrey Tautou's adlicious love affair brings the sin of envy out in rivals. Christian Dior fights back with Lady Dior, featuring the darkly glamorous Marion Cotillard, who played Edith Piaf in La Vie en Rose.
- This makes us want pest control.
- Kindle 9 XXXD har har. This spoof tries a little hard in our opinion.
- Starbucks courts social media scene with print ad effort.
- Daft Punk leaps upon the piracy parade -- offering a remix album, Human After All, as a free download at participating blogs. (Each blog hosts one track.)
- Something about oh, what the fuck.
Threadless is developing a crowdsourced line of tees with statements from Twitter. Users can enter any tweet for inclusion; the best tweets are voted on by the community and ultimately turned into shirts.
More exciting than the crowdsourced chest manifestos, however, was the PR, which Threadless decided to limit to 140 characters:
Chicago, IL (PRWEB) May 19, 2009 -- @Threadless to crowdsource #TwitterTees. @Biz says "Awesome!" http://thrdl.es/~/R
Isn't that the most beautiful pressie you've ever seen?!!
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- Strobey Audi D7 ads.
- Middle-agers inflate Hulu 490%.
- More BeanCast shenanigans: "Johnny Wall!"
- Contemplating Wolfram|Alpha.
- Something about pumping iron. And also furniture.
- Leonard Nimoy talks origins of the Vulcan salute. (*swoon*). Via @ChristopherY.
- Mob mentality invades social media. (Wait a sec ... aren't they kinda the same thing?)
- Doner CEO Barry Levine retires.
"The Bicycle Factory" is an uplifting piece about the many uses of bicycles in Africa. Under the weight of a single enterprising pedaler, one bike can deliver food and water, or play the roles of ambulance and school bus.
Put together by The Hive/Toronto for Cadbury Canada, which is raising funds to send 5000 bicycles to Africa. Whenever users enter a Cadbury UPC at thebicyclefactory.ca, they're adding a bicycle part to somebody's spiffy new ride. 100 UPCs build a complete bicycle.
Nice way to add a hands-on dynamic to a good cause. Here's hoping Cadbury gets the 500,000 UPC entries it needs to meet its goal, because boy, that's a helluva lot of Fruit & Nut bars.
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- Creativity launches design blog.
- After user freakout resulting from a small change to its replies feature, Twitter's decided to go back to the way things were. It's also promising to release features that enable individuals to customize their Twitter experience.
- Feed Company, the viral seeding firm that's given us this and this, needs an experienced Social Video Marketing Manager. The position is full-time and based in Southern California. Email josh [at] feedcompany [dot] com for more details or to turn in a resume.
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- Dollplay for Dollhouse, ARG-style.
- Sprint's YouTube-tastic human clock. (Saucy.)
- Calling all yelpers. No, not the hipster elitist resto-reviewers.
- Yahoo Sideline is an app that lets you keep track of Twitter searches you make often, updates them in real-time, and lets you skim them in tandem. Think TweetDeck for the buzz-thirsty. (More thoughts at Mashable.)
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- Magnetic poetry a la Twitter.
- TV ads buoy Hulu.
- Mobile e-commerce barcode thing.
- Plugging value matters. Especially now.
- Thanks to a simple enough idea floated by this guy right here, El Pollo Loco decides to accept the KFC-Oprah coupon. (Okay, only on Mother's day. Still: coup, baby, COUP!)
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A week or so ago we told you about this thing called RoadTwip. Surely, you thought we meant Road Trip, right. After all, there's typos on Adrants all the time. But no, We got it right this time. It really is RoadTwip.
So what the hell is RoadTwip. Well, it *is* a road trip but it's so much more as well. The goal of RoadTwip, as one third of the RoadTwip crew, Jolie O'Dell, writes on ReadWriteWeb, is to "stop spinning on the NYC/SF/LA axis of the tech world, get outside the echo chamber, test the IRL capabilities of social media, and get a glimpse of something new and authentic."
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- Stoned? Jack's yer man.
- Sears and Kmart go "My" way.
- Palm Pre to associate heavily with Facebook.
- MTLB: righting fast food wrongs, one tweet at a time.
- All you need to know about Twitter. Minus this crap.
- No, Apple, Twitter is not for you. (There's a bird/worm/apple pun in this somewhere, but we can't seem to find it.)
- Deconstructing the psychological logic behind sex and controversy in advertising. Because you need someone to do that for you. < / s >
- 7 deadly sins of social media.
- The Tourism Bureau of Queensland bestows one Ben Southall with the best job in the world.
- Fingerpainting with Adidas.
- Invoke CEO tries dragging Zipcar into customer service 2.0. It's resisting.
- R/GA gets Agency of the Year at the 13th annual Webby Awards.
- El Pollo Loco vs KFC. Somebody fucking kill us.
- Something about the depths of hell.
- Happy mother's day from MomsRising.org.
- James Cooper is now Interactive Creative Director at Saatchi & Saatchi.