Social Media to Increase the Importance of Inbound Marketing


With the explosion of social media, the direction marketing flows is shifting from outbound to inbound. After all, with the ability of a company to have an infinite number of "findable" touch points in every corner of the internet, spending the bulk of marketing dollars on traditional outbound push marketing makes less and less sense.

As this shift continues, the practice of inbound marketing becomes ever more important. So what is inbound marketing? According to inbound marketing company HubSpot, it's a combination of "getting found" through SEO, blogging and social media; conversion through landing pages, lead tracking and lead management and analysis through marketing analytics, competitive analytics and lead scoring.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-10-09    
Topic: Opinion, Social, Tools, Trends and Culture

Paid-to-Tweet, Close-Captioned Arranged Marriages, Verified Twitter Accounts


- Twitter to launch Verified Accounts.

- Fox brings Third World matrimonial magic to the States. (Via.)

- On Gino Fisanotti, Nike's new GM dude for the UK and Ireland. (Via.)

- Toyota's 3G Prius site. By EVB.

- Dunkin' to sell Alabaman's sour cream/Heath bar doughnut.

- More paid Twitter stream swill.

- Wikipedia crosses into printdom.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 8-09    
Topic: Online, Packaging, Promotions, Social

Rooftop + Tweetup = Roofup


Last night in Boston several hundred people arrived at the Rattlesnake Bar and Grill for one of the biggest tweetups the city has seen. Organized by Northeastern University student Sarah Merion and sponsored by Johnny Cupcakes, Kickass Cupcakes, Annie Mulz and RUNmyERRAND, the event was held on the rooftop of the Rattlesnake.


In attendance were @stevegarfield, @patrick, @schneidermike @urwingman @robertcollins @michaelpsweeney, @pamelump, @repcor, @gradontripp, @mathurrell, @swirlingmedia, @bostonist, @Meg_Goullet, @michaelpsweeney, @urwingman and many, many others.


As Tweetups go, it was a good one...and an interesting one. While there were many familiar faces there, there were more unfamiliar ones. As Twitter expands beyond the inner circle of early adopters, Tweetups will no longer represent the tech elite, the Twitterati or whatever label you want to apply to those who just love to get there first. Nope. Now it's all about the regular people. And you know what? That's a very good thing. After all, how long can we all talk to ourselves over and over again saying the same things over and over again at the same places over and over again?

And while it's always fun to see your friends, it's never a bad thing to step outside your clicke every once in a while.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 5-09    
Topic: Industry Events, Social

iJustine Tells Us How to Eat A Carl's Jr. Burger


Working with YouTube, Justine Ezarik (iJustine) created a video for Carl's Jr. in which she plays the duel role of Carl's Jr. employee and customer. She perfectly epitomizes the valley girl of yesteryear and, at the same time, the confused customer of today.

Entitled How to Eat a Burger, the video - following the employee/customer exchange - tells us how to eat a burger iJustine style. Yea, she likes to eat her burger with a fork, knife and lots of ketchup. LOTS and LOTS of ketchup. Never quite understood that method but hey, to each their own.

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-09    
Topic: Celebrity, Opinion, Social, Video

Doritos Unleashes Sweet Chili Lovers on Willing Webcammers


To promote its Sweet Chili packs, Doritos Brazil adds a touch of the surreal to your day.

Click on "Liberte seu Doritos Lover" ("liberate your Doritos lover") in the upper left-hand corner of the Doritos Sweet Chili website, then enable it to access your webcam. Your presence on-screen is supposed to stimulate the release of a "Doritos lover" -- a friendly cartoon monster, of which over 18 trillion unique variants are possible, says Contagious Mag.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 3-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online, Social

Nine Tips on Proper Use of Social Media For Brands


"There are a lot of social media experts out there, and I'm not one of them. I don't think your business needs a Facebook Page (actually, I say that they're largely bunk); meanwhile, I feel that a lot of "blogger outreach" is an outright waste of time. In fact, I argue that you should probably ignore a lot of tools and features out there."

Well yikes. That's harsh. But oh so insightful. Do give Eric Karajaluoto's More mess; less B.S. (or: Nine simple suggestions for using social media) for some insightful, um, insight or the merits of social media and how companies can tread properly through the overblown hype of social media.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-09    
Topic: Social

Deconstructing Album Mugs, Twitter on Paper, Gay Marriage Rage Crosses Coasts


- Personality traits ... of album covers.

- Bring your tweets vintage. (Via.)

- Hope, delivered on the spin cycle.

- Facebook vanity URLs.

- Hulu desktop.

- Porn on Bing.

- Anti-gay-marriage ads hit NYC.

- Boone Oakley has fun trashing agency holding companies on its new website.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 1-09    
Topic: Online, Opinion, Outdoor, Political, Poster, Social

Facebook Causes Adultery, Sprint Saves Screens, Gout Gets Week


- In Indonesia, Facebook leads to adultery.

- Sprint has an interesting new screensaver and it's powered by social media pulling in Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr data as well as other real time elements, such as local traffic and bus schedules, the weather and Google matches.

- Here's a new book called AD BOY: Vintage Advertising with Character which features retro ad characters.

- During Internet Week, PSFK will hold an event to help peers and friends. The Good Ideas in Collaboration Salon aims to introduce entrepreneurs who need help with out-of-work creative professionals who are looking for fresh opportunities (paid, unpaid or other).

- Who knew it was National Gout Week?

by Steve Hall    May-29-09    
Topic: Desktop, Events, Industry Events, Social

Psycho Killer SocMedia, Twee-ality, in:fluencia Bounces Back


- Real housewives of intervention. =P

- What "Psycho Killer" can teach you (yes, YOU!) about social media.

- in:fluencia, a French ad/media/trends rag that used to send us awesome overseas campaigns (1, 2, 3), returns from a long hiatus with a snappy redesign. Even if you can't read French, the thumbnails alone are click-candy.

- Twitter reality show.

- Getty + Flickr: a match made in ... (Via y via.)

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Free SEO and Social Media Consulting Offered


- Be careful premature ejaculators. The Bedroom Police might suddenly appear bedside.

- Joseph Morin tells us, "In honor of my 44th birthday this week I will be giving away 44 hours of consulting and training on everything I've learned over the past 10 years doing Internet marketing, Enterprise Level SEO Consultation to some of the largest brands on the Internet, speaking at conferences globally and visionary architect of some of the largest social media campaigns - ever.? Check him out.

- AgencySpy gives us a blow by blow breakdown of product placement in the Pussycat Dolls new video, Hush, Hush."

- Yup. It's another gigantic animal doing stupid things in a commercial.

by Steve Hall    May-27-09    
Topic: Social