Psycho Killer SocMedia, Twee-ality, in:fluencia Bounces Back

- Real housewives of intervention. =P
- What "Psycho Killer" can teach you (yes, YOU!) about social media.
- in:fluencia, a French ad/media/trends rag that used to send us awesome overseas campaigns (1, 2, 3), returns from a long hiatus with a snappy redesign. Even if you can't read French, the thumbnails alone are click-candy.
- Twitter reality show.
- Getty + Flickr: a match made in ... (Via y via.)
- J&J's retro first aid kit.
- Sliced bread notebooks -- pupil-dilation-worthy packaging.
- Outtakes from the Shaq and Ben Stein Comcast commercials.
by Angela Natividad
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Topic: Good, Magazine, Online, Opinion, Packaging, Social, Trends and Culture
Topic: Good, Magazine, Online, Opinion, Packaging, Social, Trends and Culture