Hmm. And we thought the pleated plaid miniskirt was the hottest thing a woman could wear. After watching this DB Latina Puerto Rico-created Axe ad, we may have to reconsider.
We've watched the ad twice and we're still not sure what they're selling. Deodorant insurance? Who knows. From the moment a woman dressed in a short black miniskirt and high heels struts into view and says something along the lines on, "In the game of love, there are times of war," our focus was, shall we say, distracted.
So do us a favor. Give the ad a watch and let us know what they're really selling.
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Classical music gets a bum rap these days. It's perceived as the thing only your grandparents listen to yet its the backbone to almost every great move ever made. B-Classic, a Belgian music festival which promotes classical music is out with a new video that asks us to envision classical music differently.
We all know a great video can vastly increase the appeal of a piece of music. MTV knew that and built a business on it. Now that's YouTube's job. But we digress.
Check out this video in which cheerleaders and hot pants-clad hotties shake their booties to Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 Allegro con fuoco as if they were in a hip hop video.
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Well now at least we know Chatroulette is still thing. Who knew? We can thank Spanish ad agency VCCP for reminding us with a testicular cancer awareness campaign which made use of the chat services primary feature; guys who have no problem self-pleasuring themselves on camera.
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In a new video created by TDA_Boulder for Sir Richards Condom Company, Andrew Kresge, director of operations for Sir Richards, says, "I'm doing my part to help the world. That's what we do here at Sir Richard's. For every condom you purchase, we donate one to a developing country. So far, Sir Richard's has donated over 2.5 million condoms."
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It's been a while since we've seen shenanigans from American Apparel. But an image currently on their website promoting a new line of miniskirts features a women wearing a pleated miniskirt bent over exposing her underwear. And it caught our attention.
As many have noted, the brand seems uninterested in actually showing the skirt and far more interested in pervy titillation.
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When our dear friend Shannon Stephaniuk from glossy sent us this video, directed by Leblanc + Cudmore who just signed with Revolver Films, for Timber Timbre's Hot Dreams, we had to whip out the Oban, light up a cigar and pretend we were at a very elegant strip club. Because, where we live, there are no elegant strips clubs so we had to use out imagination.
Thanks for distracting us and filling our head with dirty thoughts, Shannon!
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Jen Selter, the New Yorker whose amazing ass brought her fame and now fortune on Instagram, has -- as we knew would happen -- signed yet another marketing partnership deal. This time, it's Cirrus Fitness, a fitness equipment manufacturer.
If you haven't heard, or have been living under a rock, a couple years ago Selter began working out. She noticed it was firming up her body, most notably, her butt. So she decided to post posterior pictures, of belfies, to her Instagram account. She now has 2.2 million followers. Most probably following for reasons entirely separate from fitness-related purposes.
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If you use Instagram, no doubt you have heard of Jen Selter, the 20-year-old New York woman who joined Instagram in March 2012 and rose to fame because of her stunningly curvaceous ass. If not, you aren't one of her 1.4 million (and growing) followers.
Selter, who began taking belfies (butt selfies) of her ass after she began working out following high school, has endorsement deals with New York water brand NY20 as well as nutrition supplement company Game Plan Nutrition. She's also had offers from Nike, Lulumon and New Balance. While she won't share details of the deal, she did tell the New York Post the deals will earn her "a lot more than a [college] graduate would be making. So take that all you Harvard MBA types.
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If there's one thing PETA's good at, it's leveraging every last sexual connotation to prevent you from eating meat. But maybe this connotation is the best yet because it has to do with meat (both kinds) and the fact that eating meat (the animal kind, not the human kind) can apparently cause men to "release" to quickly. Watch as this one guy conjures Fidel Castro while aiming to go long with a hottie busy polishing his knob.
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Here's a "banned commercial" from China that touts a product that is guaranteed to protect women from rape and abduction. The translation to English is almost as funny as the video itself. Pick up a pair, ladies. It will scare the crap out of the creeps (well, most of them) away and keep you safe. Via.
Oh and Recommended Videos spits out this oddity afterwards.
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