Condoms Jump, London Educates, Canada Battles


- London-based Bare Bones is heading to New York and will host an exhibition Tuesday, June 29th from 6 - 9PM at envoy enterprises (131 Chrystie St) which will feature London/Euro-exports and NYC locals. Following will be an after party downstairs at Home Sweet Home from 9-11PM. Live performances by the mighty Jugger-Nut & The Giggle Fits.

- SKYN's got a a little game you can play. Somehow this sells condoms.

- A London ad campaign aims to introduce the true face of Islam and reverse negative attitudes toward Muslims.

- Here's Cristiano Ronaldo's ego hub.

- Montreal vs. Toronto vs. Vancouver. You decide.

- Leave it to the Japanese.

by Steve Hall    Jun-28-10    
Topic: Games, Industry Events

Transformers Transformed, Guy Slapped


- Want to ogle a Victoria's Secret hottie? You can do it here or wait until next summer for Transformers 3 to come out. Yes. Megan Fox is out and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is in.

- Like games? Like fast cars? Like insurance? The you might like this new game from Koko for insurance company Adrian Flux. Don't ask. We didn't.

- This has nothing to do with advertising but it does have sexy amazonian women in it.

- Still on his mission to keep Lebron James in Cleveland, Brandon George went out and got himself slapped by 23 girls. Some hot. Some not. Some big. Some not. First girl is out favorite for various reasons. But it doesn't matter. You gotta love the guy's spirit.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 2-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Consumer Created, Games, Social

Movie's Create-A-Hottie Site Proves Breasts Can Never Be Too Big


Adding to the growing collection of create-a-hottie promotions, this work from Firebelly for the months old movie Surrogates creates a custom hottie for you after you answer a few questions. Called Surrogate, the site also lets you share your creation on Facebook or send it off to a friend.

We're happy with our creation, Jessica, who likes strawberries and who, apparently, made off with all the breast molding material.

by Steve Hall    Jan-22-10    
Topic: Games, Online

Faces Clopped, D&AD Calls, ADC Calls, Gen Y Speaks


- If for no other reason than to stave off boredom, check out Monoclops and turn yourself into a morphlicious monoclop.

- The deadline for entering the D&AD Awards in Wednesday, January 2010. If you're inclined, you can view the call for entry ads here.

- For the second time in the history of the broadcast, Super Bowl ad pricing has dropped. Last year, spots went for $ 3 million. This year, they are going for $2.5 - $2.8 million.

- Mullen-supported The Next Great Generation is a GenY-focused blog which covers crowdsourcing, explores the GenY demo and aims to educate brands and marketers about the segment's thinking and lifestyle.

- The Art Director's Club is looking for entries for its 89th Annual Awards. get them in by January 22.

- How were Legos...uh LEGO bricks...invented? by some strange looking dude with a mustache after he realized people can't fly. And it's all about community. And there's a video. And there's a Twitter profile to follow. And there's an iPhone app!

- Hmm. Branding people with AIDS? Or just making them aware of it?

- When making a billboard buy for alcoholism, it's best not to place the board near a board that promotes an alcoholic beverage.

by Steve Hall    Jan-13-10    
Topic: Games, Industry Events, Strange, Super Bowl 2010, Weblogs

Lazy Fridays + Well-Written PR = Cut And Paste News


Why try to re-write something when you don't have to. We're lazy like that here at Adrants. OK, we're rarely this lazy but it's Friday, it's snowing, and we have a six hour drive ahead of us so we're going for simplicity today:

"Starting today at noon and running through Feb. 8, football fans will be given the opportunity to visit's GMC Sierra Engineered to Win Playoff Challenge to test their familiarity with the Playoffs and take part in a challenge hosted by Tom Jackson. As part of the program, fans will also be able to take a 10 question, timed quiz each week testing their NFL Playoff and Superbowl knowledge, with chances to win a number of different prizes including a 2010 GMC Sierra. The mobile version of the program also launches today.

Digitas was responsible for all of the strategy, planning, and creative development of the program."

Got it? Good.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 8-10    
Topic: Games

Ladies Vacation, Doritos Bowls, Coupons Go Mobile, Sheen Pulled


- Ladies. Need to plan the perfect girls weekend? Expedia has the building blocks you need.

- Once again, Doritos is doing the consumer-generated Super Bowl commercial thing. Six finalists have been selected and their work can be viewed here.

- The Savannah College of Art and Design hosts the 2010 SCADDY Awards Friday, January 22, 6pm at the Trustees Theater, 216 E. Broughton St. The SCADDY Awards honor excellence in advertising and the related fields created by SCAD students.

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by Steve Hall    Jan- 7-10    
Topic: Games, Industry Events, Mobile/Wireless

Sick of Elf Yourself? Try Santa's Snow Globe


Elf Yourself! Elf Yourself! Elf Yourself! Sick of the annual OfficeMax insanity? Then you'll love this little game from Studio Tiga called Santa's Snowglobe. You get to pummel the elves with a snowstorm, shake them silly or have a reindeer kick the crap out of them. Glee.

by Steve Hall    Dec-21-09    
Topic: Agencies, Games

Box Jocks, Dumb Ads, California Calls, Critter Crosses, Chrome Confused


- Box Jocks lets kids can design, download, print and build their own papercraft figure while learning about sports safety. It's sponsored by Levine Children's Hospital and Kohl's and was created by BooneOakley in Charlotte, NC.

- CNN Money has a list of the Dumbest Moments of the Decade. It includes Jay Leno's move to primetime, the Chris Farley DirecTV ad and the shake the baby iPhone app.

- Want to be in a California Tourism ad? Here's your chance.

- Want to play a game in which you help a cute little critter cross the river? Then check out Dodge to the Lodge from TAMBA Internet.

- Mullen's North Carolina office has been awarded the Men's Wearhouse and K&G Fashion Superstore accounts and the agency has promoted Group Creative Director Jason Black to Executive Creative Director.

- Can't Google explain anything simply? Apparently not.

- Provision thinks it has the answer to ad blindness.

by Steve Hall    Dec-15-09    
Topic: Games, Video

Trivial Pursuit Wants to Know Who's Smarter. Men or Women


It's like America's Finniest Home Videos! Yup. Men and doing stupid/brainless/forgetful things. And Trivial Pursuit wants to keep score. It's to promote a big ass, online meta-game which, yes, pits men against women.

Currently, the men are winning. Ladies? You better head over to the website and fix that!

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-09    
Topic: Games

Cathay Apps, Subaru Gets Hyper, Dawn Saves, Homeless Advertise


- Haven't we seen this Chinchilla crap before?

- Cathay Pacific wants you to "Meet the Team" by using its new iPhone application.

- Subaru is out with a new DDB Canada-created commercial for its Legacy. It points to a site which launches next week and "features 3D audio technology using a new 'hypersonic' recording technique that mimics the hearing experience of a test drive."

- RockYou has teamed with Procter & Gamble's Dawn brand for the "Dawn Saves Wildlife" campaign to encourage consumers to join the movement through Dawn's Everyday Wildlife Champions Facebook fan page.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-17-09    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Games, Industry Events, Mobile/Wireless