ING Direct To Turn Philadelphia City Blocks Into Board Game


AdFreak just received an email which claimed ING Direct this Friday would, "take over two city blocks with a life sized board game. 'Road to Saving' is designed to teach Philadelphians how to save their money, in a fun, innovative way." Apparently, local celebrities (they have them) will be there to instruct people on how to play the game as well as compete with the $5,000 first prize going to charity. The average Joe, three of which will compete after the celebs, not being so rich will get to keep the prize money for themselves.

So if you live in Philadelphia, don't be surprised if your favorite block suddenly resembles Monopoly...or something.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 5-07    
Topic: Games, Guerilla

Kwik-Fit Insurance Brings Us 'Pimp My Sleigh'


You can pimp your ride, pimp your profile, un-pimp your ride, pimp your brand, pimp your stroller, pimp your burger and pimp your minivan.

Now, courtesy of Tamba Internet and Kwik-Fit Insurance, you can Pimp Your Sleigh. Yes, that's right. You can ad mods until Santa's sleight looks like something out of a Fast and Furious movie. You can trick out the seating, add a hood ornament, affix a spoiler, colorize it with stickers, choose a driver, race your creation down a slalom course and, yes, send the whole thing to a friend.

Somewhere in all of this is a promotion for Kwik-Fit Insurance in the way of prizes and placement of winning designs on the main page of the site. Let your inner Santa out to play.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 4-07    
Topic: Games, Good

Scouting for a UK Vacay? BMI Gives You Wings!


Red Bull isn't the only thing that gives you wings. Now, Visit Britain and UK airline BMI do too. (Funny how an airline isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you phrase the words "It gives you wings!")

Check out The Perfect Flight, an advergame composed by CherryandCake. Draw your own BMI-based flight route, then try coming closest to the real-life flight duration. Winnings include all-paid stays in London, Yorkshire, Scotland and the East Midlands.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-27-07    
Topic: Games, Online

Zippo Lighter Game Eases Turkey Coma


This is just what we need and about all we can handle after a long Thanksgiving holiday break: a mindless match game from Zippo. Created by Blattner Brunner, It's your standard pair match thing: click, flip, click, flip. That's it. Nothing else to it. Oh, you can buy a Zippo lighter after you win if you want. Maybe this is perfect therapy to work off the Turkey coma as you sit at your desk this morning trying - but failing - to get yourself motivated for the week no less the day.

by Steve Hall    Nov-26-07    
Topic: Games, Online

Here's a Winner: Throwing Lambs Out of Planes for Sick Kids!


Here's another one of those for-charity games. Developed by Koko Digital, it's called Lamb Chop Drop and is raising money for the Make a Wish Foundation. All donations get handled by Just Giving.

The game involves sky-diving sheep. You're supposed to slam the falling sheep into little colorful stars and try to earn as many pounds (that is, the British currency) as possible before the sheep hits the ground. We don't really understand why and will probably go back to playing Headcase shortly after this.

One charity game we really liked was that rice/vocab thing, though we feel mildly suspicious about its actual ties to a charitable organization.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-19-07    
Topic: Cause, Games, Online

Candystand's 'Headcase' Will By No Means Make You Crazy, But it Will Waste Tons of Time


Because dividing us from our workday routine isn't ambitious enough, Wrigley's Candystand is doing its best to keep us from Thanksgiving family fun time too.

The new game is called Headcase. It's got an old-school Nintendo feel and you gather coins and break stuff with your head. Plus, you're pretty much walked through every level by helpful little information bubbles. It's not super challenging but if you're the type of person who enjoys the cheap high that follows immediate gratification, you will easily become a fan of Headcase.

Shit, we wrote too soon. A series of spikes surprised us and now we're dead.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-19-07    
Topic: Games, Good, Online, Promotions

Instead of Buying Gap Gear, Improve Your Vocab for Charity


An ad-supported page called Free Rice, sent to us by Jamie from Virginia Tech, improves your vocabulary and donates 10 grains of rice to the hungry at the same time. Free Rice is the sister site of Poverty.

So far Adrants has managed to get 30 grains of rice donated. We would've had more by now, but who would have guessed "hardtack" meant "biscuit" and not "thug"? Come on.

And we're not even going to try guessing for "collywobbles."

by Angela Natividad    Nov-16-07    
Topic: Cause, Games, Online

E.ON Energy Champions Ensures You'll See Janitors with New Eyes


Here's a fun little game. E.ON Energy Champions is a simple effort by TAMBA in which you have to pick up the trash of careless employees and recycle them in the proper bins.

What makes it tricky is the speed and the stacking of trash when you get too slow, and the wildcard trash bags that could contain anything.

We tried a few times, improved our scores by mere pennies on the dollar, and ultimately decided we like it.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-15-07    
Topic: Cause, Games, Online

Stanley Works Wants You to F#@k Things Up


Without really saying it because, after all, what marketer really can in their ad campaigns, Stanley Works is telling us to fuck things up or, more precisely, to fuck things up beyond all repair using its Stanley Fubar site. So if you want to get your aggression out smashing toilets, sinks, pianos, armoires and even a bunny (well, not really) with the strangest tool you've ever seen, Stanley provides you those items and a burly construction crew to aid you with your destructive tendencies.

more »

by Steve Hall    Nov-15-07    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Games, Good, Online

Love Comes a-Calling on Halo 3


Shake Well Before Use pointed us to a proposal that took place on Halo 3. To win over his girlfriend, some dude spelled "Will you marry me?" out with weapons.

Everybody heard those geeky but true stories about people proposing to each other and getting married over that Halo 2 "i love bees" scavenger hunt orchestrated by 42 Entertainment. So it's probably fair to say love has always been always been part of Halo's architecture.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-13-07    
Topic: Consumer Created, Games, Online