LG "Life's Good" Contest Approaches Deadline, Entries Could Use Some Sparkle


The deadline for the LG "Life's good when..." video contest is fast approaching. In fact, it's Saturday at midnight. If you think you can beat a dancing baby and a Lego man that can't read packaging instructions, you have a pretty good chance of winning $18K in electronics.

The clock's ticking. Ready, set, record.

Submit 11th-hour oeuvres here.

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 9-07    
Topic: Games, Online, Video

Don Fielding's Mysterious Sponsor Revealed


We were going to make some sort of "more whimper than bang!" type joke right about hereish, but all we can really hear right now is the endless sound of sucking.

That's because Dan Fielding's Domestic God sponsor is the one and only Electrolux. The big news was revealed on the snarling comedian's MySpace after a three-month scavenger hunt for the sponsor in which you had to consume almost as much Dan Fielding propaganda as the guy himself does.

According to this video, Dan Fielding is a comic book character sponsored by Electrolux. Per the plot, his girlfriend leaves him because of his mess. No big shocker there.

Fielding also goes to lengths to highlight how his favorite books, authors and movies -- listed on MySpace -- all have to do with identity deception.

Yeah, because the inclusion of JT LeRoy didn't give that one away.

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 5-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Games, Online

The Gadget Show's Suzi Perry Gets Her Own Game


Courtesy of UK viral game maker TAMBA Internet, The Gadget Show's Suzi Perry now has her own game called Suzi Says. To play, you have to grab the items she tells you to. Sounds easy? It's not. But it really doesn't matter how well you play because after the game, you are treated to a video of Suzi undressing while a Nokia N95 strategically covers the NSFW parts.

What's this promoting? Um. Sorry, We have no idea. We are easily distracted.

by Steve Hall    Oct-31-07    
Topic: Games, Good, Racy

Dan Fielding Domestic God Mystery to Be Solved Soon


Remember that Domestic God promotion where you have to consume all the Dan Fielding stuff and try to guess who the sponsor is? (We don't either.)

On Monday, November 5, when his last video clips are released, Dan is going to reveal all on his MySpace.

"The mystery surrounding Dan and his sponsor has baffled online communities," the pressie swears. "Dan has built up an online following with over 100,000 people watching his video clips on domestic life."

If you happen to be one of those people, tune in at Dan's MySpace. The winner of the scavenger hunt gets a prize "worth 700 quid." It will probably be something (or many somethings) that you don't want.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-31-07    
Topic: Games, Online, Promotions

Creative Poaches, Coulter Obama'd, Cleavage Examined, Faces Pumpkin'd


- Yawn. Another creative sets up shop and poaches creatives from his former shop.

- Anne Coulter gets Obama Girl treatment.

- We have no idea what this skeleton sitting in a chair in London is for but since it was sent to us by a marketer, no doubt it's some stunt we'll soon be hearing more about.

- Donny Deutsch talks about cleavage in the workplace on the Today Show. He mocks the puritanical view of it. He's our new friend.

- If you've got a webcam and you like to fool around with pumpkins, this Indusblue-created Halloween time waster is for you.

more »

by Steve Hall    Oct-30-07    
Topic: Agencies, Games, Spoofs, Video

Guinness Generates Online 'Beer ARG,' Launches Mystery Site


If the Guinness ad scavenger hunt actually sparks your curiosity, we've got news for you: Guinness Tipping, the official campaign site, has been launched, courtesy of iChameleon Group.

The plot thickens with the inclusion of dominoes and mystery numbers. There are also people in an unfiction forum calling the ad-hunt a "beer ARG" comparable to a previous Stella Artois effort which we thought was interesting but never heard about again.

Happy hunting. We're getting curious about the treasure on the other side of this rainbow.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-29-07    
Topic: Games, Guerilla, Online, Promotions

Meaty Bone Game Competes With Sexy Intern


If for no other reason than to talk about pissing, this Agency.com-created game for Meaty Bone, Mark Your Territory, lets you empty your doggy bladder all over various objects as they float by. Just don't piss on the cat and you'll be OK.

more »

by Steve Hall    Oct-29-07    
Topic: Games, Good, Online

Pow Pool is Really Not that Great. So There!


To promote either 5 Gum or Orbit (because those are the ads that pop up), Candystand gives us Pow Pool, where you shoot little time-bombs into holes before they explode.

The game was developed by Stimunation in Germany. Like any pool tourney it's a matter of getting your angles just right.

But we're not engineers, and we're really bad at this game, so in our minds it possesses absolutely no value at all in the known universe.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-25-07    
Topic: Games, Online, Promotions

Jedi Mind Tricks (Don't Quite) Help Promote Criss Angel's 'Phenomenon'


Phenomenon, a crappy '90s movie with John Travolta, is now a crappy 21st-century TV show with Criss Angel.

Play the promotional game. Criss and minion Uri Geller will try to convince you they are reading your mind with a little numbers game.

It's pretty clever if you're in the 5th grade, but at the very least it gets you to play so you can be all cynical about it afterward.

We recommend you turn your sound off unless you're into that whole Universal Studios feel.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-25-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Games, Online, Promotions

Johnny Lighting Battle Wheels Break Office Monotony


Get your eyes off that intern. Unhand that foosball table. Quit wasting time on Facebook. Stop reading Adrants, Get your ass out of your chair and go buy some Battle Wheels. Recently released by Johnny Lighting, these Transformer-ish things race, spin, crash, charge, crash and generally let you get your aggressions out without having to endure the senseless blood an gore of most online games. Plus, you won't get carpel tunnel syndrome.

SCC Grossman Public Relations was kind enough to send us a pair to fool around with and that we did; continuously until we depleted our supply of batteries. There's five "characters" which come with various body armor attachments and weapons. The goal is simply to knock all the loose parts off the other bot to win. It's simple and it's fun. And, no, they didn't pay us to say that. We just thought you'd have fun racing the things around the office, scaring the shit out of the accounting dweeb in the corner cubicle or mounting a wireless camera on it then parking it under the desk of the hot, new intern.

by Steve Hall    Oct-25-07    
Topic: Games, Tools