Jedi Mind Tricks (Don't Quite) Help Promote Criss Angel's 'Phenomenon'


Phenomenon, a crappy '90s movie with John Travolta, is now a crappy 21st-century TV show with Criss Angel.

Play the promotional game. Criss and minion Uri Geller will try to convince you they are reading your mind with a little numbers game.

It's pretty clever if you're in the 5th grade, but at the very least it gets you to play so you can be all cynical about it afterward.

We recommend you turn your sound off unless you're into that whole Universal Studios feel.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-25-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Celebrity, Games, Online, Promotions   

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I posted about this show. An excerpt from that post is:

[refering to Chris Angel] Teaming up with Uri Geller and lending him any credibility at all is about the worst freakin� thing he can do. Shame on him, shame on NBC and shame on anybody that gives Uri Geller money. Full post here:

Posted by: Mr. Wisdumb on October 25, 2007 6:04 PM

I posted about this show. An excerpt from that post is:

[refering to Chris Angel] Teaming up with Uri Geller and lending him any credibility at all is about the worst freakin� thing he can do. Shame on him, shame on NBC and shame on anybody that gives Uri Geller money. Full post here:

Posted by: Mr. Wisdumb on October 25, 2007 6:05 PM

I posted about this show. An excerpt from that post is:

[refering to Chris Angel] Teaming up with Uri Geller and lending him any credibility at all is about the worst freakin� thing he can do. Shame on him, shame on NBC and shame on anybody that gives Uri Geller money. Full post here:

Posted by: Mr. Wisdumb on October 25, 2007 6:06 PM

Sorry about the triple post... I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't get any kind of feedback that my post went through.

Posted by: Mr. Wisdumb on October 25, 2007 6:08 PM