To tout their fully reclining World Business Class seats, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines decided to give away two free World Business Class tickets to the first person who fully reclined in a tricked out airport seat that was altered to recline like the seats do on the airplane.
And that's all there really is to the stunt. And that's about the closest most of us will ever come to flying in style like that.
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Latching on to the well known fact that no matter how difficult it might be for people to find porn online when they really want to, they will most certainly find it, Fred & Farid Shanghai launched Diesel Erotica, a stunt that placed its non-pornographic fashion imagery in a zip file and unleashed it in a bit torrent file. Here's how it went down.
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Well this is intriguing. Leveraging the notion that life isn't fair and people make decisions based on appearances over need or skill, Y&R Prague created a social experiment as part of a promotion for Forbes Magazine.
The agency had a man pretend to be ill in a public square. No one came to his aid. But when they did the stunt a second time and dressed the man up in a suit, within 15 seconds, several people came to his aid. Same man, different clothing.
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Normally, advertising loves to highlight the wonders of the human race portraying it as if we were all as giving and caring as the biblical Jesus. Alas, it appears we just don't give a shit. Or at least most of the people in this Russian ad stunt for an orphanage.
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Belgian ad agency 20Something created a stunt for road safety organization IBSR/BIVV whereby loved ones were invited to their own funeral in an effort to, well, get them to stop speeding. Yea, they used a funeral scenario to deliver a marketing message.
Why these invitees didn't get up in the middle of the funeral and leave (or laugh) once they new they were in an ad makes us ponder. But from a marketing standpoint, the message seems to have succeeded. Or at least succeeded in being seen. Currently, it has 1.1 million views since being launched two days ago.
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OK this is a little cheesy but you have to admit, these bathroom prankvertising stunts are pretty funny. This one's far milder than the one that scared the shit out of people for a drunk driving campaign.
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This must have taken a lot of work. We can't imagine the lengths to which Saatchi & Saatchi South Africa went to in order to create this sweet smelling garbage truck it used to promote Tuffy scented trash bags. It must have take a Herculean effort to sweet up this ride.
But, it seems, they achieved their goal in what is one of the wackiest stunts we've seen. Yes, thy converted a garbage truck into an ice cream truck with a giant blob of melting ice cream on top.
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Here's an interesting prank. Claiming it has more vehicles, more employees and more locations "in most countries," the brand (or so it seems...we have reached out for clarification) decided to have it's competitors advertise for it.
Boxes were coated with a temperature sensitive paint that originally appeared black but upon warming up during delivery would reveal the message, "DHL is Faster."
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Dressed as referees, a collection of women traveling around Manhattan in a Westwood One radio bus are hopping out, blowing their whistles and crying penalty when they see smokers out in the cold taking a drag. And their offering free samples of NJoy e-cigs.
But, really, what's the point of this stunt? That you can smoke e-cigs inside out of the cold? Not after exiting New York City Mayor Bloomberg, on his last day in office, signed a bill that making smoking e-cigs inside just as bad as smoking real cigarettes inside, right?
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If Arnold Schwarzenegger walked into your gym, would you recognize him? What if he was wearing a wig and a mustache? Not everyone would as you can see in this video he did for the gym with the aim of promoting the After-School All-Stars program which offers kids health and leadership education.
There are quite a few funny moments in the video as well as some fitness advice doled out as only Schwarzenegger can. Funny stuff.
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