Flashcards Get Facelift, Come Back 'Thumbelievable'!


Remember the "flash" or index cards you used to remember spelling words in grade school? Now they're pegged to a key ring and proffered by Thumb Cards for a future in promotions.

Well, it's not the worst idea we've ever heard (toilet paper rolls? Branded college-ruled looseleaf?).

by Angela Natividad    Nov-13-07    
Topic: Direct, Promotions, Strange, Tools

Get Down with the Homies with the ad:tech NY Ad-Jive Dictionary


You can't call yourself a new media advertiser if you're not hip to the jive, and ad:tech is a great place to brush up on this crucial skill-set.

But it can be tough to keep up. With that, I give you the 2007 edition of the Official ad:tech New York Ad-Jive Dictionary. Use this knowledge well, and you're sure to be the life of the break room.

Better still, you'll confirm your CEO's conviction that burning $5K to send you to an ad conference was a very intelligent idea.

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'Dolby Volume' to Eliminate Overly Loud TV Commercials


What with everyone using their TiVos and DVRs to skip ads, we really can't see why Dolby had to go out and actually spend time creating a technology that levels the volume of programming and commercials on TV putting a top to advertiser's trickery that makes their ads louder than the programming. Personally, the few times we haven't skipped ads, any change in volume is so insignificant it seems foolish a company would actually spend time and resources on a problem that really isn't a problem. But, this is about geeks in a technology company and they simply can't help themselves.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-07    
Topic: Commercials, Tools

Google Adds Big Boy MySpace to OpenSocial Adopters


Once upon a time there was a social networking site called MySpace. Everyone was on it. Everyone loved it. It was the place to be. Then came the pedophiles. Then came the spam. Then came News Corp. Then came Facebook.

Oh, who are we kidding? It's still the largest social networking site in the world. It's just lost a bit of its shininess since Facebook took the spotlight. Well, MySpace isn't fooling around and has hooked up with Google as a premiere supporter of Google's recently announced OpenSocial development platform. OpenSocial hopes to bring some standards to social network development with its open API.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-07    
Topic: Brands, Social, Tools

The Cookie May Crumble With 'Do Not Track' List


Today, a group of privacy groups declared war on advertisers by asking the Federal Trade Commission to establish an online Do Not Track list similar to the offline Do Not Call list. The Consumer Federation of America and the World Privacy Forum, among others, want marketers to stop using cookies which enable behavioral targeting.

There has been much debate on the merit of cookies and their use to track online behavior. Marketers argue it makes the online experience better because ads are more closely targeted to the individual. Privacy advocates claim advertisers have no business collecting information about where on the internet someone has gone unless consent has been given.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-31-07    
Topic: Online, Opinion, Policy, Tools

Johnny Lighting Battle Wheels Break Office Monotony


Get your eyes off that intern. Unhand that foosball table. Quit wasting time on Facebook. Stop reading Adrants, Get your ass out of your chair and go buy some Battle Wheels. Recently released by Johnny Lighting, these Transformer-ish things race, spin, crash, charge, crash and generally let you get your aggressions out without having to endure the senseless blood an gore of most online games. Plus, you won't get carpel tunnel syndrome.

SCC Grossman Public Relations was kind enough to send us a pair to fool around with and that we did; continuously until we depleted our supply of batteries. There's five "characters" which come with various body armor attachments and weapons. The goal is simply to knock all the loose parts off the other bot to win. It's simple and it's fun. And, no, they didn't pay us to say that. We just thought you'd have fun racing the things around the office, scaring the shit out of the accounting dweeb in the corner cubicle or mounting a wireless camera on it then parking it under the desk of the hot, new intern.

by Steve Hall    Oct-25-07    
Topic: Games, Tools

Video Advertising Distribution Gets Easier


Life just got easier, it would seem, for those of you charged with distributing online video ads. Eyeblaster has just released Channel Connect, a tool that lets you deliver pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll and overlay ads without having to deal with all the confusingly proprietary video technologies different publishers use.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-18-07    
Topic: Tools

Kolbrener Compiles Branding Elements in Periodic Table

elements of branding.png

Hey, this is neat. In the style of the Periodic Table of Elements, Kolbrener put together a Table of Brand Evolution Terms. Each set is segmented by color under Advertising, Direct, Branding, Marketing Communications, M&A, and Misc.

We never thought we'd actually ever like playing with a table. If there were a way to incorporate it into an educational framework, that would be cooler still. (We remember learning a ton of these definitions in marketing class. There was no way to make that fun. Making it scientific, however, might add to the conceit that we're all going to go off and do something important with our lives.)

Play with your elements here. Thanks to Allie at PETA for pointing it out.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-15-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Tools

Nielsen Triples, Monster Consolidates, NBC Cheats, Slingbox Chats


- In an effort to more accurately capture true television viewership, Nielsen has announced it will triple the size of its national people meter to 37,000 households and 100,000 people. 100,000 to 300 million? Well that's better than before.

- Monster.com has consolidated its $155 million North American media buying responsibilities with Mediaedge:cia.

- For Heroes, NBC is taking advantage of a Nielsen loophole which allows the network to add ratings from this Saturday's repeat of the premiere back into Monday's premiere. The loophole states re-airings with the exact same content and advertising can be counted together.

- The Slingbox Guy is back and this time he's doing what TiVo should have done when it first launched: tell people what the product does.

by Steve Hall    Sep-28-07    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Online, Research, Television, Tools

Adrants Unleashes AdGabber, A Social Network For the Ad Industry


It's not easy to officially launch anything when you don't even have a logo. Now that we do, we are pleased to announce the official launch of AdGabber, a social network for individuals in advertising, marketing and media. AdGabber, which soft launched in May, has just over 1,600 members with about 40 new members joining each day. An offshoot of Adrants, we couldn't be happier with the growth and the activity we've seen to date on the network.

AdGabber offers all the usual social networking stuff like member profiles, forums, topical groups which member can create on their own, a video section that serves as the ad industry's YouTube, a photo section, a calendar section where industry events are listed, a music player, and chat feature, blogs for individual members and an RSS feed providing news from Adrants. In fact, the thing is so flexible, that anything at all can be added to the network such as daily or weekly survey, ad industry job listings and creative portfolios.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-19-07    
Topic: Announcements, Online, Social, Tools