So everyone's loving these new Old Spice commercials featuring a less than functional android man who, despite his inadequacies, is a hit with the ladies because, well, he wears Old Spice and smells great. The two ads, created by Wieden + Kennedy, are being compared to Axe work because, well, they focus on man magnets who always get the ladies.
At the same time, and no one is really mentioning this, the ads, much like Axe ads, treat women like idiotic bimbos easily controlled by a fragrance even though it's being worn by a scrawny wimp or a klutzy robot.
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It's not every day that you see a baby drinking beer or attempting to do lines of cocaine. Do we have your attention yet? Good. It means 12 Keys Rehab's latest ad campaign is working, and you haven't even seen it yet.
There happens to be a long history of babies and young children being used in advertisements; it's a practice that dates back to the 1800's, though it would be quite some time after that until actual photographs of babies became fodder for ad campaigns.
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AdWeek doesn't like the new Miller High ads and neither do we. While Gabriel Beltrone does an exquisite job of explaining why the ads suck, we'll be more blunt. They come off like some copywriter's hipsterific dream of cool as defined by a sort of fuck you sensibility to the fact losers who drink Miller High Life can't afford to get out of the pool hall and make something of themselves.
Rather, they'd prefer to spew a stereotypically Millennial "I don't give a shit" tonality -- with "we're so cool we're in black and white" 'tude no less -- that just wants to make you punch Rich for his lame attempt at wry wit and self-importance.
Too harsh? Go read Gabriel's take. She was much nicer.
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That Neal McDonough ad for Cadillac in which he struts around his pool and home and raps about building the American dream with crazy hard work and "only" two weeks off in August has finally received spoof treatment.
Ford developed "Upside: Anything is Possible" featuring Pashon Murray, founder of Detroit Dirt, who raps about the beauty of turning waste into compost which she sells to people who create urban gardens.
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The press release for this wonderfully created and produced work, by McCann and Psyop, for Toshiba tells us "it will leave you asking for an encore." Well, perhaps, but not necessarily for the Toshiba Encore which the work promotes.
After watching this "experience" -- in which fractal zoom is employed to place viewers in the the middle of the action using using 3D cameras, symbolic elements and matte painting environments that add depth and dimension to the shots -- you are left with the feeling that technology has let you down. Because, really, does any device give you the glorious experience depicted in this work?
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You know, after seeing Kmart's Draftfcb-created Ship My Pants and, to a lesser degree, Big Gas Savings, you wonder what the agency could possibly come up with next that would be even remotely interesting. Well, George Parker be damned, the agency has delivered again with Show Your Joe, a co-branded effort with Joe Boxer.
In a ad, six men dressed in a tux on top and boxers on the bottom perform jungle belles with, yes, their junk. And this is how we sell underwear in 2013. Your grandmother will be horrified!
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In an excruciatingly boring, overly-long "homage" to Apple's "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" campaign, the International Content Marketing Summit is out with a video that tells us the way to get a girl is through targeted conversation rather than a numbers-based, "spray and pray" approach. Now, on the surface, this approach aligns well with real life. After all, walking up to every single girl and asking her for sex is far less likely to get anyone any sex. Taking the time to get to know each other through conversation at least begins the process of determining whether or not, ahem, further engagement makes sense.
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My how times haven't changed. Remember that classic Goodyear Polyglass commercial which many have dubbed the most sexist ad of all time? You know the one. The one in which...OMG...you wife has to drive alone!
On one hand, advertising culture has moved beyond portraying women like moronic, bikini-clad bimbos whose sole purpose is to drape themselves across the hood of a car or stand in front of a refrigerator. On the other, we have TrueCar.com which, in a serious headscratcher, thought it smart to imply women are still hapless nitwits who have no idea how to buy a car on their own.
A not-so-recent ad from the used car site features women telling us how the site gave them the necessary confidence to buy a car on their own with one particular woman saying...wait for it..."I don't even need to bring a dude with me."
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Often times I like to use what I call the "alien test" when reviewing advertising. What's the "alien test" you ask? Well just imagine if an alien race decided to come check us out and, while orbiting the planet and listening ion on our activities, they found this thing called YouTube. And on this thing called YouTube they found this MySpace promotional video (released last month) in which the likes of Pharell, Ciara and Mac Miller cavort with a bunch of hipsters.
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AMV BBDO has released a rather epic commercial for Guinness that features a rogue cloud that gains sentience and begins a journey from the sea to the city. On his travels, the cloud becomes witness to human life and, in the end, helps put out a fire with an on-command thunder shower.
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