HSM Rocks Ratings, Diesel Fuels, Asses Wiped


- Cynopsis reports, "High School Musical 2 premiered on Disney Channel on Friday night and drew in a record breaking audience of 17.2 million viewers, according to the Nielsen preliminary fast national ratings." The kids do like their HSM.

- If you think the CxO Insanity has progressed to buffoonery "WorldNow announced today that advertising sales veteran Adam Gordon has joined WorldNow's Local Media Network as Chief Revenue Officer, National Ad Sales."

- Diesel's up to something again.

- Mini gets even..."minier"?

- We once said wipe your ass with this ad. Now, apparently, all you have to do is use up all the toilet paper.

- "Facebook surfers are costing Australian companies billions of dollars a year in lost productivity." Oops.

OK, this is just gross.

by Steve Hall    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Cable, Online, Specialty

Christian Slater's Job is to Save Ellis Island


While it might be callous to say Christian Slater has nothing better to do than appear in...oh...we're just going to say it: the once great Christian Slater has nothing better to do than appear in a save Ellis Island campaign - along with other celebrities - called We Are Ellis Island. The campaign goal is to build support for saving the island and its crumbling architecture.

Callousness aside, the campaign is a nice effort at calling attention to a place through which millions of soon-to-be Americans passed and the legacy it left for the decedents of those who did pass through. Sponsored by Arrow and featuring Katharine McPhee, Joe Montana, Kristin Cavallari, Christian Slater, Richard Belzer, Elliot Gould, cast members of The Sopranos and others, two commercials, a print campaign and individual videos bring Ellis Island stories to life.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Good, Magazine, Television

Spector: Who's Protecting Employees from Micro Managing 'Net Nazis?


Homeland security ain't got nothing on cubicle lock-down. This SpectorCNE ad for managing employee internet abuse features pretty regularly in PC World and apparently also gets on JumbledPile's nerves.

The spot includes a three-headed cluster, and on each of their foreheads is writ a cardinal cubicle sin: "I pass company secrets on the web," "I surf porn websites from behind cubicle walls" and "I shop online after closing my office door."

An equal opportunity variant appears here, so no one can accuse Spector of attributing a stereotype or two to the white or Asian guy. The woman, however, continues to shop behind closed doors. (We just can't resist.)

by Angela Natividad    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Magazine

When Acting Can't Cut It, Go Back to Language 101


Some drunk guy at a party recently quipped that 80 percent of language happens outside of conversation. We don't know about all that, considering these CLL language ads via 2wenty 4our seem to say otherwise. There's nothing more awkward than a dude aping your culture in an attempt to get himself understood. Then again, homoerotic Hammer-time might take the cake.

Check out a variation hither. The spots were put together by Duval Guillaume, Brussels, according to Balendu.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Good, Poster

Greenpeace Fights Cape Wind Foes With New Campaign


Greenpeace has launched a new pro-wind power campaign aimed at Cape Cod NIMBY's and other opponents to the Cape Wind project which aims to build wind turbines off the shore in Nantucket Sound off the shore of Cape Cod. Apparently, 80 percent of Massachusetts resident (likely all those living inland where the turbines will not be visible) favor the construction of the wind farm but Massachusetts Representative William Delahunt and Senator Edward Kennedy oppose the project.

The $40,000 campaign, which counters a recent anti-Cape Wind radio campaign, breaks this week for two weeks and then the week of September 10

by Steve Hall    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials

Independent Healthcare Not Up on Star Trek Trivia


Adland has an image of a Buffalo-based Independent Health billboard which reads, You Deserve the RedShirt Treatment which, apparently, refers to the company's red shirted staff. It's a fairly innocuous headline until you realize the definition for Red Shirt, according to Wikipedia, is "A redshirt is a stock character, used frequently in science fiction but also in other genres, whose purpose is to die soon after being introduced, thus indicating the dangerous circumstances faced by the main characters. The term comes from the science fiction television series Star Trek, in which security officers wear red shirts and are often killed on missions under the aforementioned circumstances." Oops. Of course, not that many people passing this billboard would actually know that so guess it's all good.

by Steve Hall    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Outdoor, Strange

Beef Curtains Served With Man Sandwich and Cream Pie


Well since there's apparent surprise we haven't yet seen this cheeky New Zealand spot for Sky Television's Fresh TV, an adult channel, we're happy to oblige anyone who's confuzzled as to why we, contrary to popular belief, don't have spies in every agency in every country around the world. So here it is. During it's 1:10 length, it contains more metaphors and sexual innuendo than we'd dare say you'd find on Adrants in a year. Or maybe a month., OK, a week but still. We particularly like "beef curtains."

Give it a watch. It comes courtesy of DDB New Zealand. See how many metaphors you can spot. There's an accompanying website but it seems it's too filthy and there's only a "Be Back Soon" image.

by Steve Hall    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Good, Racy, Strange, Video

Nike Crosses Line, Makes Man into Beastie


It's a visceral pleasure to watch a good Nike ad. Few companies can consistently pair graceful victory alongside the carnality of sport (remember the gypsy ad?).

Anywho, Wieden+Kennedy, Portland put together this piece called The Line for Nike and Dick's Sporting Goods. We wouldn't call it the best spot we've seen, but it's got a nightmarish werewolf-under-the-moon aspect, which, while not deeply moving, meets expectations if nothing else.

W+K: what did we say about an ad not being a film?

by Angela Natividad    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Television

Coke Eliminates Confusion With It's Version of Pepsi Challenge


Don't you hate when you get one of those letters in the mail that promises to be something it's not? You know, the one's that come from Bank of America every third day - or any financial institution for that matter - that promise magic but always turn out to be yet another credit card offer. Or how about those officious looking plain white envelopes with nothing but "open immediately" written on them which turn out to be some lame chance to win something.

Wouldn't it be nice if, when you received a piece of direct mail, it contained something you could actually use? Perhaps that's what Crispin Porter + Bogusky were thinking about when they created this legal spoof letter which contains the Covet & Yourminy Taste Confusion Kit - a coupon for a free Coke and free Coke Zero,

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by Steve Hall    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Direct

Multi-talented Phishers Don't Just Write Crappy Emails; They Build Crappy Banner Ads, Too


For most people working closely with the internet, it's almost laughable to think somebody out there is still falling for schemes where a company is updating its databases and "needs" your username and password.

But apparently people still do. It happened to a friend and Adrants reader, whose Gmail account is now being used to send urgent messages demanding financial aid via wire transfer for her dire-straights "husband" in Nigeria. We were like, "What, she got married? And the guy's trapped in Africa? And he uses Western Union?!"

Thankfully there's help - like that promised by this banner ad, which claims it will check if your credit card has been compromised if you'll just tap your card number and expiry date into the boxes.

We're sure a couple hundred people fell for that one, too.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-19-07    
Topic: Bad, Online, Spoofs