It's Official: The Cool Train Has Left the MySpace Station


Looking to leverage public disdain for Michael Vick? You probably can't do it any better than this triage of veterinary clinics in Ontario, Canada, which is inviting Facebook users to donate unwanted Vick paraphernalia for reuse as cage lining.

Sufficiently slashed jerseys will then be burned in some sort of ceremony. We're touched. The point is, marketers are riding Facebook like it's a new breed of horse. We'll see how long this lasts before co-eds say "fuck it" and move onto the next high.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Trends and Culture

'Book of Spam' Invites Us to Further Spam-Out our Desktops


Spam gets an increasingly bad rap - it's hard to remember that some aspects of it are nice. When it's on toast, for example.

To remind us of its merits, check out The Book of Spam, which suggestively pulsates when you hover your mouse over it. Enjoy all the necessary accoutrements of a big Spam fan, including wallpapers and videos.

And to prevent the persistent from laying more abuse on this most versatile of non-meats, ruminate instead over a new artery- and inbox-clogging buzzword: bacn.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions

Hayden Panattiere's Milk Explodes All Over 'Got Milk' Ad


We don't know what it is. We can't place our finger on it but there's just something wrong with this Hayden Panettiere Got Milk advertisement. All that milk flying around? That look? The dress? The...OK, we're just gonna stop here and let you analyze the rest. Or just go home for the weekend thinking, "What the hell is Adrants' problem? Do they have to completely over analyze everything?"

by Steve Hall    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Magazine, Strange

Hot Italian Stallion Promises Multiple Orgasmums in Ad Outtakes


Aw, this is cute. Watch a mouthwatering actor try and fail repeatedly to say the word "orgasms" in the outtakes for this Lavalife ad, created by zig.

The funny thing is, every once in awhile he comes really close to getting it, then when action time comes he falls so short of expectations. How very much like the real thing...

The guy didn't make the cut in the final spot, but hey, we'll take one of those orgarms/orgasnuns/orgamsums anytime.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

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Rude Clients Get What They Deserve in the End


Writing on Advertising Age's Small Agency Diary, Doug Zanger shares a story of a client meeting that didn't go so well. If you've worked in advertising for even just a year, you've experienced plenty of these nightmares and the idiots that fuel them. The story Zanger shares doesn't actually sound as bad as some we've experienced or, perhaps you have. We'd love to hear your horror stories and so would Zanger.

Because Small Agency Diary is published by Advertising Age which, one assumes, has deep pockets, they're offering prizes for the best horror stories so you might want to share your story over there. All we can offer at this point in a used iPod and a ream of white paper. So you decide.

by Steve Hall    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Agencies

zunePhone Launched on YouTube, Again


Following this, we wondered why this took so long. After all, it's a rule there has to be a Microsoft-related spoof for every Apple product released illustrating just how awful it might be if Microsoft actually tried to do anything Apple does. So here, courtesy of Adrants reader John Brock, we have zunePhone. Yes, a Zune that's also a phone. Predictably, it doesn't work so well. Of course the iPhone is far from perfect itself but Microsoft just lends itself to this sort of thing.

by Steve Hall    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Spoofs

Lifestyle Condoms Offers Enrique Iglesias $1M to Model Condoms


OK, this is weird. Apparently, Enrique Iglesias is small. As in small down there between the legs. Small as in most condoms are too big for him. Why anyone might publicly admit to this as Enrique does to Esquire saying, "I can never find extra-small condoms, and I know it's really embarrassing for people - you know, from experience" baffles us a bit.

Reacting to this public statement, Lifestyles Condoms says it will guarantee Enrique one million dollars if he agrees to try on and model the varies sizes Lifestyles offers. If he agrees, photos of the condom fitting session will appear on the manufacturers site and on the packaging of the product the fits Enrique properly. Of course, we think the photos that do appear, won't be blatantly showing Enrique in all his extended glory.


Perhaps not being so big has its advantages. After all, with a girlfriend like Anna Kournikova likely causing "extentions" 24/7, it might be a good thing not to have to take your pants off every time one of those "extensions" decides to occur. Especially in public.

So will Enrique take the bait? Unlikely but at least Lifestyle condoms will get some press. And, we'll have yet another excuse to show you a picture of Anna. Oh, and Enrique too.

by Steve Hall    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Events, Good, Racy, Strange

Yellow Up, Anderson Out, Nielsen Socializes, Blu-Ray Revealed


- Simba reports worldwide yellow pages revenue increased 2.8 percent to $31,62 billion in 2006. While a slight decline is anticipated for 2007, 2008 is predicted to see another increase. Who knew people still used yellow pages?

- As if you hadn't heard, DDB Chicago President Dana Anderson has left the building citing the need to spend more time with her daughter before she heads to college next year.

- That forward thinking company, Nielsen has gone all social networking on out asses with its Hey! Nielsen.

- Sometime you want to appreciate a commercial simply for what it is. Other times, you want to analyze to death all aspects of it and all the work that went into creating it. If you're interested in the latter, Sony's got a behind the scenes video covering the making of its recent Blu-Ray commercial.

- David Pitlyuk has a nice summary of the history of online video advertising and where he thinks it's going.

by Steve Hall    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Agencies, Social, Yellow Pages

Subaru Gets Punny with 'Peel Out' Impreza Ad


We're glad Subaru never tries to depict its Impreza as a super-sexy or even very fast car, because the only thing it really has going for it is its intellect. It's like that well-read but ugly girl in grade school.

Thus leveraging its best quality, this new ad for the Subaru Impreza has been cleverly titled "Peel Out." And instead of showing self-gratifying cuts of a Subaru burning precious tire across concrete (we actually can't even imagine that), it shows a Subaru jumping through pages of magazines after some drivers magically "peel out" of one.

There's probably more to it than that because the pressie was really long and gushy, but then we thought, if we need reading material to "get" a commercial, what the hell's the point?

by Angela Natividad    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Television

Dear Denver Water: Guerilla Stunts Aren't 'Stunts' if You Tell Everyone Beforehand


This Sunday in Colorado, director David LaFrance of Denver Water is going to put on a toilet costume and go racing across the Rapids' field when Beckham appears. He'll be wearing a cheesy sign that says "Running toilets waste water." Then he'll be tackled by a dude wearing a sign that says, "Stop running toilets."

This is for a campaign called Use Only What You Need, launched with the help of Sukle Advertising and Design. Sukle calls it "witty." We're sure there are other words for it but we're too lazy to come up with any. We might just put on a sign with something patently insulting printed on it and go running across a field ass-naked.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Guerilla