Get Your Country on With Big State Games


To promote Texas' Big State games, Grow Interactive, which created PaloozaHead, has launched the Big State Games website where it's all about country and all about country music's two day jam October 13-14 in Bryan-College Station. The site's got all you could want about the festival including the ubiquitous bull riding game and a race car driving game.

As with all Flash creations, finding your way back to the homepage is not easy which, perhaps, is the idea after all since the goal is to get you to buy tickets, a link that is conveniently at the bottom of every page while the back button isn't so accessible. Other than that annoyance, we like the site.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-07    

Heinz UGC Entry Says 'Next TIme Hire an Ad Agency'


Los Angeles freelance art director Brian Engleman thinks the consumer-generated content craze has gone too far and illustrates this by creating an entry in the Heinz ketchup contest which offers $57,000 to the winner. Oddly, Engleman's entry is one of the best we've seen so far. Well, in terms of production values. And insiderish humor.

At the risk of being un-PC (oh we never do that here!), we do have to wonder if there wasn't a bit of an inside joke here with the casting of the token hottie and token African America who sit by the hot tub as Chris Lusti completes the spot by advising, "Next time hire an ad agency." OK, shoot us now but we're just wondering. Maybe they're just part of the crew. OK, we're gonna shut up now.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-07    
Topic: Consumer Created, Good, Video

German Engineers Wish They'd Built the Subaru Imprezza


Subaru makes good cars. At least that's what Consumer Reports says year after year. But why do most their cars look, well, so pedestrian. While that's one person's opinion, it seems, according to a recently launched campaign for the Impreza (which does actually look better than past models) created by DB Canada, German engineers are jealous of Subaru's performance.

The campaign consists of an onslaught of television, out-of-home, online, print, direct and cinema. The cinema ad broke late July and the rest is coming soon to Canadians country-wide.

The cinema ad, which you can view here, features four German engineers out for a joy ride in the Imprezza. They cruise the test track to the tune of Falco's Amadeus until they are met with the disapproving eyes of their senior engineer who mutters disgust in German.

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Adrants Sponsors Senior Level Diversity Recruitment Event During Advertising Week


As September approaches, we thought we'd remind you again of an event Adrants is sponsoring during Advertising Week. Continuing our quest to open the advertising industry to a more diverse group of people, Adrants along with Business Development Institute and the organizers of Advertising Week 2007 will host Experienced Hire Diversity Recruiting Program at the Worldwide Business Centres in New York during Advertising Week September 25-28, 2007.

The event, unlike our two previous diversity in advertising events, will "focus solely on advancing the presence of mid to senior level diversity leaders in the communication industries by offering individual companies the opportunity to exclusively recruit top level experienced professionals through private one and half hour recruiting sessions."

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by Steve Hall    Aug-21-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Kanye West Leaps onto the McFly 2015 Project with 'Graduation'


Hot off his last eye-popper, Kanye's making yet another political statement with the art on his third album, Graduation.

Created by Murakami (best known for his cavity-sweet Louis Vuitton line), the cover features Kanye's mascot flying fast in a pair of legendary McFlys. For a pair of shoes that never actually existed in the mainstream, the McFlys are making a runaway comeback like nobody's business - activists and all.

A glance over the comments section of Rumors Daily betrays mixed feelings about the album art. Generally speaking, we love Kanye and the McFlys. But others, like Malik, call this a "horrible drawing" that makes the beloved shoes look like "some K Swiss shit."

Not to hate on Murakami or Kanye, but they kind of do.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-21-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Celebrity, Good, Trends and Culture

Duracell Shoots for Bunny Nemesis, Breaks Toys Instead


Considering Energizer's got a stranglehold on the beloved Bunny, an icon in our childhood, it's understandable that Duracell may have trouble competing on the same front.

But a broken clown toy? (Possibly beaten into submission by that rolling pin to the left of it?!??) And we won't even touch the It component. Are you trying to give us nightmares?

Tagline: "Lasts longer, much longer. Sorry." No, Duracell, we're sorry.

Update: Kristof just shot us another ad from the same campaign, which you can check out here. We've just been overwhelmed by fond memories of Mommy screaming "PICK THAT SHIT UP!" in a drunken rage.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-21-07    
Topic: Brands, Magazine, Poster

And Philips Gives us RoboSkin, the Future in Subservient Technology


So this is completely not creepy at all. < / sarcasm > Having teased us into near-apathy with this 5th Element-esque ad that, it turned out, was only pushing the latest in razor technology, AdFreak points us to the complete spot for Philips' razor of the future.

What we find is a housebot that slides an ordinary-looking electric shaver into her wrist and meets Mr Morning Breath in the shower, where they experience a sci-fi moment of intimacy - she trimming his fuzz, he writhing in Best-Part-of-Waking-Up ecstasy - and finally, he parts with her, rubbing his chin with quiet glee.

Meanwhilst, our electric friend (the robot, not the razor) remains, staring at her magical wrist in awe.

Has she become self-aware? The next episode, where presumably she either hacks master into pieces or does other sexy tricks with her wrist, will tell us for sure.

Dude. What would the fembots say about this? Madame would not be pleased.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-21-07    
Topic: Commercials, Television

Clearasil Puts Mrs. Robinson Lovin' Back into Juvie Fantasies


Three new ads by Clearasil give us chills, mainly because we think the old school brand is taking a huge positioning risk. But the effort is welcome - we were sick of all those Neutrogena-type spots where Jennifer Love Hewitt tries winning her career back in a towel. (Oh wait, she's since moved up to underwear.)

In this spot, a pubescent boy makes a clear (and wince-worthy) pass at his friend's mom. Here, a girl comes onto a guy while her mom shows him baby pictures. And here, a guy stands up in the middle of an auditorium and tells a speaker it's okay to picture him naked.

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by Angela Natividad    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good, Television

Squeeze Breasts, Open Mouth (Or Legs), Insert Tom Ford


We weren't going to do it. We promise. Nope. We weren't going to fall for the obvious trap but, then again, we are here to serve. Here to provide you with everything your advertising-addled brain desires. So after receiving a few "have you seen this," "dude, you gotta see this," "I can't believe you haven't seen this" emails and links to all manner of publication, we decided to provide our desirous readers what they crave.

So, here it is. Tom Ford's new creation. Gee. Wow. Boobs. An agape "insert here" mouth. Oh, and some Tom Ford for Men Fragrance. OK. Can we move on now?

by Steve Hall    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Bad, Magazine, Racy

Even 4.5 Inches Can Provide Pleasure


For all you men who than stupendously hung, fear not. This recent IRN-BRU outdoor board just might help sway prevailing wisdom that bigger is better. Of course IRN-BRU's got some serious girth itself so it still falls into the bigger is better category in one respect. Sorry, guys. I was trying to help. At least IRN-BRU's provided a bikinied, sexy-looking lady to look at. Maybe that will lift your spirits to greater heights.

by Steve Hall    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Outdoor, Racy