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Maurice Saatchi an Idiot, Adland Redesigns, Hadrian's Zigs, Garfield and Clow Chat


- Apparently, Lord Maurice Saatchi is an idiot. Yup, he is.

- Adland has re-designed and we like it a lot.

- Part name-change announcement, part just-fun-to-do, the Chicago office of Zig has created a silent auction to remind their old Hadrian's Wall email list of their new name. They're auctioning off various Hadrian's Wall paraphernalia on eBay.

- Landor Associates has unveiled the new identity and rebranding work it did for The Museum of Television & Radio which is now dubbed The Paley Center for Media. Hmm, even posthumously, media types have an ego the size of a museum complex.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-11-07    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Weblogs

It's Not So Easy to Get A Lion


Damn, damn, damn. This has been sitting in our "to be published" folder somehow unnoticed since May 30 collecting dust but we're still not too late in getting to it. Y&R Israel put together an online game called Lion Combat in which the player tries to get a lion using a selection of different weaponry. Closing with "it's not so simple to hunt a lion," the game then lets you bet which work you think will win a Lion at Cannes with a plasma TV as the prize.

You can go and get drunk or stay at home and win a TV. Your choice.

by Steve Hall    Jun-10-07    
Topic: Games, Industry Events

Erectile Dysfunction Spoof Has Unhappy Ending


We never thought we'd tire of the millions of erectile dysfunction spoofs that have found there way to us but we finally have. It's just not that much fun anymore to listen to a fake voice over drone on about 36 hour erections while a dude walks around with a big dick prop sticking out of hin his pants. Except, of course, when that dick prop and closing elevator doors are in the same scene and the spoof stars Cuba Gooding Jr.

by Steve Hall    Jun-10-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Spoofs

Milk Worse Than Second Hand Smoke


The Truth campaign's latest commercial informs the public tobacco companies, in 1996, said drinking a glass or two of whole milk is riskier than second hand smoke and does so in its usual fashion with Derrick Beckles...and his glasses... visiting a dairy farmer. The perplexed farmer simply can't believe anyone could say such a thing about something so wholesome as milk. Though there are those out there who think drinking milk is disgusting, claim most milk contains harmful additives and the fat content (remember, we're talking whole milk here) is bad for the body, equating that to the inhalation of second hand cigarette smoke is a bit of a stretch even for the Truth campaign.

Why doesn't the Truth campaign just show a picture of this dude and be done with it.

by Steve Hall    Jun-10-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

Newsflash! Hearing Aids Are Cool!


A long time a go in a place far, far away, a certain class of people were once not so affectionately known as retards. Now, far more affectionately, if a bit sterile-sounding, they're known as mentally-impaired/challenged/disabled. As well, there once was a class of people known as cripples. These very same people are now known as the handicapped.

In the 19th century, doctors coined the terms midget and dwarf to describe people whose height was other than normal or proportional. These height-challenged (oops, did we just make up a new one?) are now known as little people. Doctors even threw around the terms moron, imbecile and idiot to describe people of varying (and low) IQ levels. Now, not so much.

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Bitmunk Takes Bite Out of Digital Piracy


Hoping to make a profitable business out of the flurry of activity over digital media asset ownership and the associated royalties tied to the ownership if those assets, Virginia-based Digital Bazaar has introduced Bitmunk, a patented "watermarking and royalty distribution technology" which the company hopes will usher in an eBay-like marketplace for audio, video, documents and games.

As explained on its wiki site, "the Bitmunk software would handle all of the sales, receipt handling, monetary transfer, watermarking and ensuring legal compliance during the sale. The Bitmunk software is also used to transact movies, electronic books, medical records and many other forms of digital content."

by Steve Hall    Jun-10-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Publishing, Tools

Boy Tugs Skirt-Clad Lands' End Back End. Confusion Ensues


There are so many confusing messages emanating from the cover of this Lands' End catalog, we simply don't know where to start. First, there' the very curvaceous back end of women juxtaposed just beneath the title of the catalog, Lands' End, as if illustrative of some sort of early American west conquest for land but with a tone far removed from that depicted in the Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman movie Far and Away.

Then, there's the young boy tugging on the women's spandex-like skirt with a cute, semi-mischievous look on his face. Is the woman his mother? Is the boy just some random kid grabbing at some random woman's skin tight, bathing suit-like skirt? Is he just doing what all men eventually do, literally or figuratively, when they grow up? Or is this some art director's realized wet dream?

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by Steve Hall    Jun-10-07    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Direct, Strange

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