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Jennifer Aniston Doesn't Excite in Glaceau Water Campaign


We simply can not put our finger on it but we haven't thought of Jennifer Anniston as attractive or sexy since back in the Friends days when, it seemed, nothing she wore could cover her permanently erect nipples. And even though she's doing the naked pretzel thing in this new ad campaign for Glacea Smartwatter, we're still not feeling it the way we did back then. It's very nice photography but it's just not exciting us that much about the product. Which, of course, is just fine because who really wants to get that excited about a bottle of water?

by Steve Hall    Jun-12-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity

'Transformers' Budget Depleted, Studio Resorts to Stickers


Defamer notes Dreamworks has had to scale back its marketing budget following the millions it's spent on building wraps and customized Lamborghini-bots to the point where the only thing it can afford are a few stickers placed on a random vehicle seen in a Burbank Staples parking lot.

by Steve Hall    Jun-12-07    
Topic: Guerilla, Outdoor

Ford Edge Goes on Vacation, Gets Raffled Off, Funds Tom Joyner

Ford Edge on TJ Fantastic Voyage.JPG

"Gas prices are so high even cars are taking a vacation from driving these days," said a pressie this morning, followed by the image at left and this Tom Joyner Cruisin' shot with the Ford Edge.

This is for Tom Joyner's Fantastic Voyage, with heavy sponsorship from Ford Edge. The self-titled "Ultimate Party with a Purpose" raised over $1 million to benefit the Tom Joyner Foundation on Royal Caribbean International's Navigator of the Seas.

The Ford Edge on board was later adopted by Aubrey Wagner, who won the contest and got to speak on the Tom Joyner Morning Show today.

If somebody wants to shoot $1 million in our direction we'll raffle off an honorary Adrants martini glass - real olive included - and bestow two-line ranting rights on some future edition, contingent on if we feel like it and if some martini company wants to sponsor our glass giveaway.

We'll even throw in a cheesy line like, "Drink prices are so high, we're giving away free martini glasses in hopes you'll one day pay us back in alcohol content."

by Angela Natividad    Jun-12-07    
Topic: Promotions

Hatten's Ode to 2012 Olympics is Rebranded, Re-Undesigned 'Unionjack'


The London 2012 Olympic logo having pulled a Pokemon on us, Phil Hatten Design decided we could all use a little Wolff O'Branding. So they decided to re-brand, re-undesign and re-spell the Union Jack as the Unionjack (at left).

True to Wolff Olins' branding manifesto of "frenetic, contemporary and stretchy (which they call 'dynamic, modern and flexible')" design, Hatten lamented he was only able to work the word "branding" in twice.

In the forward-looking spirit of 2012, the final result looks like some hacked-together early 90s concept logo for a shoe that lights up on impact. The only thing we need is a remixed version of the "Clarissa Explains it All" theme song, and hey, we've got a new anthem, too.

What do you say, UK?

Thanks to Scott at Advertising Industry Newswire for the heads-up.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-12-07    
Topic: Spoofs, Strange

Jersey Beckons Price-Scalded, Closeted (Not that Kind of Closeted) Manhattanites


For Jersey's Newport Associates Development Corporation, agency woods witt dealy & sons put together a clever campaign that revolves around a family just getting by in NY - inside a closet that belongs to the wife's in-laws.

The answer to their problem is just one stop away from Manhattan. "Get more out of New York. Move to New Jersey," the ads admonish.

We recently cooped back in with our parents for a few weeks to save cash in preparation for our own move to New York. Some aspects of being back with mom and pops just don't jive with our imagined adulthood. Like the violating way they have of throwing doors open - bathroom doors, bedroom doors, doggy doors - at all hours of the day or night.

more »

by Angela Natividad    Jun-11-07    
Topic: Commercials, Promotions

Moroch Partners, Joan Rivers Are Apparently Bone-Friendly


Dallas-based Moroch Partners was just crowned Agency of Record by the National Osteoporosis Foundation. Interestingly, Moroch is responsible for quirky McDonalds fare (predating their "we're healthy we swear to God!" phase) like the excuse generator and the dolphin v. man face-off.

How best to respond to the designation? Moroch Partners considers. Then, in trademark style, it releases a gossipy Joan Rivers PSA where she examines the bones of red carpet stars. Rivers is also the National Osteoporosis Foundation spokeswoman.

The PSA could have been funnier but at least it wasn't a dolphin v. man or excuse generator revisit. Anything involving Joan Rivers triggers a reflexive wince, a little like preparing for a mental and emotional pummeling.

We're welcome to being wrong, and maybe it's the X-ray effect, but for the first time in our short lives we wondered if she's smarter than she looks. Maybe we grow more sympathetic as the likelihood of getting osteoporosis increases.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-11-07    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Celebrity

50 Cent Bastardizes Orchestra in Name of Vitamin Water


In theory we have nothing against 50 Cent. All he has to do is not steal things from us and not replace symphony members with DJ Whoo Kid in order to weave "In Da Club" into classical fare.

He breaks the latter rule here. Thanks bunches, Vitamin Water.

And thanks Shedwa for the heads-up. You should probably also check out this Vitamin Water ad where Kelly Clarkson charms a snake. It reminds us of this, except less funny.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-11-07    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials, Television

Live Garmin Commercial to Air on 'Tonight Show'


For a very different reason than it was done years ago, NBC will air a live commercial during Tuesday night's broadcast of The Tonight Show for Garmin International - the folks who brought us that Godzilla-style Super Bowl commercial. Tonight Show announcer John Melendez will perform the spot dressed in a white lab coat discussing direction disorder which is an allegory to the company's mobile direction devices. A "regular" spot will also air during the commercial break immediately following the live commercial.

With DVRs having a noticeable effect on commercial viewership, we may begin to see more and more of this as the nets continue to circumvent ad skippage.

by Steve Hall    Jun-11-07    
Topic: Commercials, Television, Trends and Culture

Candystand's Vector Makes Us Feel Strategic in a Non-WoW Way


Candystand, which, if nothing else, has begun addressing us on a first-name basis, just pointed us to Vector TD. The game takes a second to learn and is slightly more complicated than the meditative Awesome Blossom, but there's no laggage and you feel a little bit productive after blowing half your morning learning how to kill the malicious red asterisk things.

We also got to watch Steve-O during loading time, which primed us with a desperation to feel accomplished about something.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-11-07    
Topic: Games

Triumph Motorcycle Shares Its Far-From-Normal Manufacturing Process


As only the British can, here's a Triumph Motorcycle commercial that's both understated in it's matter-of-fact, deadpan delivery and over the top with its driest of English humor. Ever wonder how a Triumph motorcycles is built? Wonder no more as this commercial takes you through the manufacturing process from engines created through some sort of embryonic process to the testing process which involves men with their legs spread while laying on the ground.

by Steve Hall    Jun-11-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

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