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Barely Political's 'Obama Girl' Sexes Up Obama Campaign


Anytime you stick a stunningly beautiful, hot looking, busty girl in a video and have her coo alluringly into the lens, wide viewership is not far behind and that's exactly what happened with this BarelyPolitical-created video featuring Amber Lee Ettinger, known here as "the Obama Girl," lip syncing the song "I Got A Crush on Obama" written and performed by Temple University student Leah Kaufman who also wrote and sung (but did not appear in) the famed My Box in A Box video. The whole stunt was orchestrated by 32-year-old advertising exec and My Box in A Box creator Ben Relles. So far, the song has achieved 56,000 views on YouTube to date with more sure to come.

In the song, the hottie dances, prances and gushes lustfully about her love for Obama, singing, "I never wanted anybody more than I want you" and "you can Barack me tonight" while giving the camera "the look." It all points to ObamaGirl.com where you can drink in even more of Obama Girl's beauty - including ubiquitous bulging bra shot - and more on the spreading story behind the phenomenon that took Obama campaign officials quite by surprise earlier this week which distanced itself from the movement claiming it had nothing to do with the creation of the video.

by Steve Hall    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Racy, Social, Video

Levi's Courts Scandinavian Beats. Their Jeans, However, Still Suck


We actually really dig this gritty promotion called Levi's Sounds, a collabo between Levi's and VICE, even if the object is pretty typical: To build brand awareness by conducting an open call for fledgling bands, all of which are seeking the opportunity of a lifetime (or at least the next six months). Participating countries include Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland.

So if you're a Scandinavian band with some beats and a dream, join the contest. Submissions are all due by mid-August and the winner should be announced in November.

Winners can record a CD produced by Knut Schreiner of Turbonegro and released under NIGHTLINER, a sublabel that belongs to Universal. Oh yeah, you also get to do a Levi's ad campaign.

We suffer from a love/hate relationship with Levi's because its ads are so consistently stunning and their product remains consistently crappy.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Promotions

Seat Back Pockets Keep Conference Attendees Away From Trash Barrel


Pity the poor conference attendee. At every turn, they are bombarded with useless handouts that, two feet later, end up in the trash barrel. Or, worse, they find themselves on every email list known to man after leaving the conference. Rather than foist this crap on attendees in a manner that's annoying and far too easy to ignore, why not provide them something useful they won't want to toss as soon as they come into contact with it?

At a recent media conference held in Tel Aviv, Israeli retail fashion chain H&O had the right idea when it created seat back mounted "chair vests" complete with pockets filled with bottled water, a snack bar and the reatailer's catalog, all easily stowed in front of a captive audience without a trash barrel in sight. Come on conference sponsors, take a hint from H&O and give your prospective customers something they can actually use.

by Steve Hall    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Specialty

Silver Surfer Makes Waves in the Underground


20th Century Fox is using this Silver Surfer trailer to entice roving eyes on the commute between Jersey and Manhattan on the PATH line. It's slated to run the entire month of June.

This is a really interesting idea. Submedia has a patented tunnel system that turns static images into moving pictures right outside a train's window. Beats staring at the LavaLife ads slathered all over the Bay Area's BART train interiors.

We actually want to watch Silver Surfer now, even though we've been burned one time too many by superhero films that, far from authentically adapting a comic book concept, really just suck the love out of nostalgic fans.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Promotions

Drummer Wilds Out on BBQ Grills, Leaves Us Wanting Saucy Ribs


Draft FCB had its fist around the BullsEye BBQ Sauce account for awhile, and this is one of the concepts its creatives put together. We don't know if it actually made "legit" commercial status but we really don't care, considering we like it anyway.

Indie drummer Dave Suycott wilds out on a set of grills piled with steaming-hot meat. It reminded us of those Chili's babyback ribs ads from the '90s, because how often does anybody ever mix meat and music? It's a combination that needs more play.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Brands, Good

Widgets Measured, Upfront Begins, eBay Yanks AdWords


- Cynopsis reports ComScore will now begin measuring the reach of widgets, used more and more buy brands as a commercial platform.

- Cynopsis also reports the first major upfront deal has been struck between NBC and Group M. The deal is reported to be between $800 million and $1 billion and was based on live plus three ratings.

- There's a bit of a bitch fight going on between Google and eBaby over Google's courting of unhappy eBay merchants who Google would like to have as Google Checkout customers. In an apparent reaction to that, eBay has pulled all its AdWords advertising

- When NBC's Heroes returns this fall, Nissan will be all over the show like Syler on Hiro with increased product placement and exclusive sponsorship of the season opener.

- Ford Models has hooked up with MySpace for its International Model Search. MySpace will be home to the search for both aspiring models and those who just like to look.

- It seems the iPhone is too big for some over at Apple and they want to make it appear smaller in their ads.

by Steve Hall    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Online, Social, Television

'Never Ending Story' Puts Nail in Winding Road Car Ad Coffin


Damn you, AdFreak. We were all ready to get busy with work this morning and you go and point us to a new Renault commercial which, as well as having hotties in bikinis riding bikes, contains the theme song from the movie Never Ending Story, a movie we love and whose contagious music we can never get out of our head once we hear it. We might as well just throw in the keyboard, call it a day, go rent the movie and watch it over and over again for the rest of the day. Yes, we know, the movie and the song are totally bubble gum kid stuff but we loved them then and we love them now.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Best, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Strange

Reyka Vodka Delivers on Campaign Promise


Back in April, we reviewed a new campaign from Iceland vodka maker Reyka Vodka. It was quirky. It was different. It was really good. And, as we wrote, the campaign was "oddly transfixing in a 'wow, this doesn't look like an alcohol ad' sort of way."

Upon receiving a sample of the product and, of course, drinking it, we are pleased to report the vodka itself is oddly transfixing in a "wow, this doesn't taste like your usual, everyday vodka" sort of way. Simply, it's really great stuff. It has a flavor but, as the ad campaign touted, it's distinctly vodka tasting as opposed to some of the high end vodkas that have been "smoothed" so much, they taste like nothing at all.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Opinion

Tonnage Not the Best Method of Message Delivery


Kansas City agency Kelly Russell Advertising thinks it can do a better job telling a brand's story and this self-promotional video which closes with "Tell it well. Not just loud," gets the point across quite nicely.

by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    
Topic: Agencies, Video

Jack Daniels to Sponsor AMC's 'Mad Men'


The folks over at Commercial Alert don't like the fact Jack Daniels has signed on as a major sponsor of AMC's upcoming series Mad Men which will display the brand and the product prominently in the show with a character getting drunk on the stuff at a bachelor party in the first episode. Drunk at a bachelor party? That never happens.

With Mad Men taking place in the sixties, the height of the three martini lunch, to us, it makes all the sense in the world for liquor sponsors to be all over this show and for the show's characters to, heaven forbid, get drunk once in a while. Remember, this was the era of pre-political correctness, pre-cause group, pre-well, everything. People had unfettered, guilt-free fun back then.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    
Topic: Cable, Opinion, Policy

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