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Axe Turns Tables on Construction Worker Cat Calls


While women might hate getting cat calls from construction workers, men, on the other hand, love any attention they can get and stench-maker Axe is taking advantage of this in a new Bom Chika Wah Wah promotion that has females dressed as construction workers cat calling men as they walk by. Ask A Copywriter was one of the unfortunate (fortunate?) to experience this ritualistic name calling and snapped a shot of the lovely cat callers who were dressed in denim shorts and stylized construction vest tops.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Opinion, Trends and Culture

Well Endowed Bikini Adjuster Can't Be Held


Upon viewing this interrogation of a nicely endowed, bikini clad beauty who, after the interrogator leaves the room and tells her co-workers "guys, we don't have enough to hold her," adjusts her bikini top to, well, hold her better, we were ready for this to be something entirely different than the program promotion it turned out to be.

by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Promotions, Television

Wipe Up A Mess, Win A Kitchen Makeover in Bounty One Sheet Challenge


Bounty wants o make it really easy to win a kitchen makeover. With its One Sheet Challenge, all one has to do is use one of their paper towels to wipe up a dirty mess and share the dirty details of the cleanup in a 100 word write up. The best out of the first 50,000 submitted stories will receive a $30,000 kitchen makeover. There's also an $8,000 second place makeover and a third prize that provides a year's supply of Bounty towels.

This being the ad industry, we assume one of you is creative enough to come up with clean up story so compelling, the judges would have to, hands down, award you first place. So have at it.

by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    
Topic: Promotions

Agency.com's Eastman Leaves. No, Really. This Time It's True


Seems we had the right idea in the first place. David Eastman is actually leaving the much-maligned Agency.com after all. It was said he would stay on as president of international operations but that seems to have lasted just two months with Eastman now leaving for good. He will take on the role Omnicom Zulu CEO. Someone should bolt that Agency.com door shut to save whoever's still there fist bumping in the hallways.

by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    
Topic: Agencies

Once Again Boobs And Beer Subject of Complaint


About six months too late, boob haters are complaining about that Australian Hahn boob ad in which a women, after frolicking lovingly in the waves with her man, draws a heart in the sand only to have the man, as men will do, edit the heart image into a less threatening (to a man) image of boobs. Also subject of complaints is the online component of the campaign which has a video up hand-cupped boobs which turn out to be man boobs and closes with the tag, "Boobs, great on women. Not so good on men."

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by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    
Topic: Trends and Culture

VIA (The Small One) Rebrands As Plaid, Launches Brand Aid '07 Tour


Perhaps to avoid confusion with much larger shop, Portland-based Via, or simply to reflect the agency's model of bringing in outside talent, smaller, lesser-known VIA (Visual Intelligence Agency) from Connecticut is re-branding itself Plaid. In doing so, the agency is launching Brand Aid 2007, a three week summer road tour during which agency personal will hop in a van, travel across the country to visit clients, prospective clients and share the social media love with all while web 2.0ing the whole thing with videos posted on YouTube and other content published on social media style sites such as Twitter. Twitter Tripping. That's a new one.

Rather than going it alone and funding it on it's own - though the agency promise it will take the trip regardless of funding, Plaid is looking for sponsors who, they promise, will reap the benefits of publicity that is sure, they claim, to shower this tour. While we're not so sure about that, we can't fault an agency for going about promotion a bit differently with at least the intent towards using emerging media to do so.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Guerilla, Social, Sponsorship, Video

VooDoo Doll Urges Use of Condoms


Every once in a while, a commercial comes along that is so odd and so different that the only response is a very loud WTF. Somehow aligning AIDS with a VooDoo doll, this AIDS Awareness commercial or Concept Initiative from Flea Global is supposed to urge the use of a concept. Now, we're not dumb. We get the concept. It's just, well, a weird way to make a point.

by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Get Big Love in Big Love Land


HBO's Big Love is back and what HBO series would make a return without being accompanied by some sort of online game? That's right. Check out Big Love Land, created by Deep Focus, and wallow in the land of multiple wives, angry relatives, seething doubters and overly curious co-workers. It's always fun to explore someone else's lifestyle, right?

by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    
Topic: Games

Darth Vader, Sheep, Dog and Toaster, Yes, It's A Woolworth's Ad


Most likely you have to be a real Star Wars freak to like this BBH-created Woolworth's commercial. Or at least enjoy bad sitcom-style commercial babble between sheep and dog puppets while Darth Vader wonders where the toaster is.

by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    

Google Reports, Spending Decreased, JWT UnBolded, Upfront Pricey


- Google has launched Placement Performance for AdWords providing advertisers detailed information on how each site within their buy is performing.

- TNS Media Intelligence has revised its 2007 ad forecast downward from a previously predicted growth rate of 2.6 percent to 1.7 percent.for a total spend of $152.3 billion within the media it measures.

- Oh JWT, how we feel for you. It seems Ford doesn't think it's getting all it can from the agency and has reached out to two WPP sibs for new ideas. We said it last year; your move was not bold.

- Well this is logical. Since television rations are sliding downward because of new Nielsen metrics discovering reduced viewing levels, the networks want brands to pay even more for even less during this year's upfronts.

- Copyranter thinks Strawberry Frog's new self promoting "t-shirt test" ad is properly filed under his "agencies are stupid" category.

- Personal Life Media CEO is featured on DoubleClick's NerveCenter series to discuss the world of social marketing.

by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Online, Research, Tools

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