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Royal Elastics Gets Freudian with Pop Art King


We're not really sure what Royal Elastics is trying to say in its current Andy Warhol print series. We know it's for their Warhol line of shoes. But what's with the banana? Bananas, shoes, bananas, shoes, elastics. There's a shaft joke just waiting to be made here but we can't do it without feeling inappropriately grimy after reviewing Match.com's chaste new ad approach.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Magazine

Match.com Shoots for Unsexy in New Ads


After Bob Garfield demolished them for disseminating unrealistic online puffery, we're impressed by Match.com's latest initiative, which takes a more intelligent approach than vapid sex-obsessed competitor True. The aim is to draw warmth to Match.com from people who still pan online dating as creepy, oversexed or are simply just too shy.

It came as a surprise when we learned not everybody is won by a sex-based approach. What do you mean sex doesn't always sell? Of course it does. That's why the phrase is "Sex sells" and not "Sex only sometimes sells" or "Sex just sells if you're living an ongoing abnormal state of puberty." No. It always sells.

Campaign by New York-based Hanft Raboy & Partners.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online

Ideal London Typographist Needs Decoding Skillz


London-based Lunar BBDO doesn't just want to find a typographist, they want to find the typographist. To prove worthy of this destiny, the right candidate needed to decode a want ad cryptically written in Webdings, Zapf Dingbats and Wingdings - picture fonts that appear in everybody's Word program for reasons we never understood. We also suspect they're the language of preference for the makers of crop circles.

Copy reads, "Mac-based typographer/designer wanted. Award-winning ad agency seeks help with its Mac/design output. West End space provided in exchange for negotiable hours of work. Contact Daryl Corps on 07802 499 658." The ad was disseminated at art colleges and typography mags. And apparently it really did nail a hire.

Kudos to Lunar for being far cleverer than we, because when we need new hires we get drunk and try releasing smoke signals in the shape of martinis from our backyards. This has yet to yield interest outside of the local police force, and the occasional cat.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Magazine

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