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Study Predicts Brands' Benefit From Super Bowl Ads


A survey of 2,500 men and women ages 18 to 59 was conducted by New York-based Brand Keys and found - through some sort of proprietary prediction model - Budweiser, Footlocker, Frito-Lay, Pepsi and Coke will benefit most from the money they spend during this year's Super Bowl. This is the third year the organization has conducted the study which you can download here (Word Doc).

by Steve Hall    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Research

People Actually Need A Search Engine to Find MySpace


Is it just us or are people idiots when it comes to navigating to popular websites? A recent Hitwise study featured on eMarketer found MySpace to be the top search term for 2006. Also on the list are ebay, Yahoo and Mapquest. Are we the only ones that realize all you have to do is add a .com to these popular names rather than search for them? Hmm. I suppose somewhere in the world, there are still people who haven't heard of the Internet either. Oh well. At least Hitwise is making some money with this nonsense.

by Steve Hall    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Online, Research

Hilary Clinton Grabs Mad Ave Execs For 2008 Presidential Bid


For her 2008 Presidential bid, Hilary Clinton has gathered together her advertising team including GSD&M CEO Roy Spence, Voluntary United Group of Creative Agencies CEO Andy Berlin and former BBDO Senior Executive Creative Director Jimmy Siegel. Spence is a close friend of Clinton and has known both Bill and Hilary since 1972 and worked on Bill Clinton's bid for the Presidency.

Already, the Hilary Clinton campaign has been seen advertising on blogs through the BlogAds network in an effort to reach the several very powerful political influencers who inhabit that space.

by Steve Hall    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Agencies, Campaigns

RMX Direct Gets Best Ad Revenue For Small Publishers


If you're a small publisher and you want to insure you are getting the most revenue you possibly can from your advertisers, you might want to check out the just launched RMX Direct from Right Media, a service that pits inventory-bidding ad networks against each other and serves the highest paying one to the publisher. Automatically. Currently, RMX Direct has nine ad networks in its system but publisher can add as many others as they want and pit them against the existing networks for bidding.

We'll admit it's one of the few sites we've been to that actually does a good job explaining what the company does and how it can benefit the parties involved: advertiser, publisher and ad network. While we haven't used the product, if you're trying to maximize revenue as a publisher, it sure sounds like something one should check out.

by Steve Hall    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Publishing, Tools

Commercial Tells You Where Your Hands Have Been


When we shake someone's hand, we often wonder where that hand has been before. A new commercial from the LA County Department of Health answers that question in an effort to prevent the spread of the flu. We're told washing one's hands is the number one method of curtailing the spread of germs. We are so with Howard Stern on this one. If we didn't feel like a jerk refusing to shake someone's hand, we never would again. The ad is the work of DDB and Curious Pictures.

by Steve Hall    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Television

Entercom Called 'Criminal,' FM Gets Responsible, Bud Gets Funny


- FMBQ reports Royce International Broadcasting alleges to the FCC that Entercom, which hopes to acquire 16 CBS radio stations, is "a highly-leveraged criminal enterprise that cannot be relied on to serve the public interest" an wants the sale stopped.

- It seems the idiocy that is the FM radio promotional stunt may come to an end. FMBW repoprts, "After radio contestant Jennifer Strange died from water intoxication - the result of KDND/Sacramento's water-drinking contest Hold Your Wee for a Wii - syndicated radio personality Erich 'Mancow' Muller has announced that he is creating the Foundation For Responsible Radio and calling for an end to 'voyeuristic FM radio stunts.'" Nah. Opie and Anthony are still out there.

- Cynopsis reports the President's State of the Union address was viewed by a combined station total of 45.5 million people, up from 41.7 million in 2006.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Brands, Cable, Radio, Super Bowl 2007, Television

Animal Clinic Gets Witty With Sex-Laced Genital Cutting Campaign


If sex sells for humans, why can't it sell for animals as well? Well, it does, (sort of, considering it's the humans who are the ultimate buyers here for their pets) for the Kentucky Humane Society which launched a campaign to promote a new spaying and neutering clinic. The billboards and bus shelter posters, created by Creative Alliance, feature humorous copy such as "You're going to cut off my what?", "Safe Sex? That just means she's been declawed", "Because I simply refuse to wear a condom" and "Cause humping your leg doesn't do it for me anymore." You can view all the creative here.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Racy

Printer Colours Get Sloppy, Outlast Bartender


We laughed ourselves to pieces when we saw this ad for Brother Innobella's DCP-330 C printer. To promote the theme "Colours that stay longer," three oblivious wankers dressed like printer colours hang out past their welcome at a closing bar. Work is by Duval Guillaume, Antwerp.

The douchey be-suited hangers-on drew comparisons between Teletubbies and The Wiggles, two kid shows we find strange but obnoxiously watchable for a reason that lies beyond us. We generally just contribute it to dysfunction on our part but this ad made us feel better because we think somewhere behind Duval Guillaume's walls are a few creative directors suffering the same affliction.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine

Kid Toothbrushes Get Teeth White Against Colourful Odds


This series of ads for Condor Child's Toothbrushes gets the point across and probably attracts their demographic of choice in a big way.

We played with the idea of how awesome it would be to have a toothbrush with a crayon on the other end, then realized that initiative may result in a completely opposite effect from this ad. When you're a kid, it's amazing what seems worth eating. We preferred glue ourselves.

The agency responsible was OpusMĂșltipla out of Curitiba, Brazil.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Magazine, Poster

Ad Spend for Sex Oil Builds Momentum at Expense of Critical Friction


According to Advertising Age, marketing for female arousal sex products will be jumping in '07 with ramped-up campaigns for K-Y Jelly's warming fluid and Zestra's arousal oil.

The act of sex in 2007 sounds like it'll be both exhausting and mildly frustrating. With men on Viagra and women oiling up as if for competitive sports it's a wonder we won't all die of hyper-achieverism come 2008. We hear Microsoft has a cure for that though. More importantly, does this mean our spam rate is going to double?

by Angela Natividad    Jan-29-07    
Topic: Brands, Online

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