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Shoot-The-Hottie Paint Ball Game Promotes Movie


Here's a fun time-waster that falls into the shoot-the-hottie category. Called School For Scoundrels: Fight Dirty, it's an online paint ball game to promote the movie School for Scoundrels that lets you shoot paint balls at guys, girls or an image of someone you upload into the game.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-07    
Topic: Games, Good, Online

GM Fires Production Line Robots In Super Bowl Commercial


Here's some GM Super Bowl commercial leaky leak that, if we're understanding the commercial correctly, claims robots won't build cars anymore because they aren't as good as humans. Hmm. Can anyone imagine a GM production line staffed entirely by humans with no assist from those cool, yellow robots? i guess we'll find out during the game.

UPDATE: The robot has...drumroll please...a blog!

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good, Super Bowl 2007

Pause Resumes, Girlfriend Loved, Guerrilla Banned, Sprint Teases


- FOX has released its second Ignited Minds-created PSA in its Pause campaign which urges young people to stop and think before they make a stupid decision.

- Can we please stop with the pregnant stomach advertising auctions?

- Copyranter loves his girlfriend. We do too!

- Reaching new levels of un-informed stupidity, Boston's Mayor Menino now wants to ban all guerilla marketing from Boston, saying, "This nitwit technique has no place in our city."

- Now we have ads to promote Super Bowl ads. Sprint is running a teaser on YouTube for their Super Bowl activity.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-07    
Topic: Commercials, Guerilla, Super Bowl 2007

Movie Claims Western Environmentalists Should 'Mine Their Own Business'


Now here's angle you don't see very often. A new film, Mine Your Own Business, "exposes the dark side of environmentalism" and posits Western environmentalists are to blame for keeping poor, third world countries in poverty claiming development and progress will ruin the poor's "quaint" lifestyle.

The movie follows 23 year old George, an unemployed Romanian miner who can't find work because Western environmentalists have launched an anti-mining campaign against a propsed mine in the area that would offer jobs and growth to many people. The movie is said to make us "think about the unintended consequences of blindly supporting environmentalist/anti-development campaigns across the globe. It is a challenge to the cozy consensus that allows westerners to deny progress to those who need it most."

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-07    
Topic: Video

AHA Buys Super Bowl Time, Sidesteps Product


After spending $4.2 million on a couple of spots in the uber-competitive ad orgy called Super Bowl, you naturally want some serious run for your money. But not everybody takes the expected measures to ensure an ROI.

Adrants reader Roy points us to this interesting story about the American Heart Association, who paid the Super Bowl invoice and dropped still more cash to produce light-hearted cautionary piece "Heart Attack," then did something odd: they neglected to mention the product, heart drug Altace.

"I don't think it is appropriate to have some guy in a white lab coat staring into the audience saying, 'You are going to die if you eat another chicken wing,'" says Rebecca Sroge, executive VP and managing director of Glow Worm, the agency that created "Heart Attack."

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by Angela Natividad    Feb- 2-07    
Topic: Good, Packaging, Super Bowl 2007

Match.com Says Love's for Everybody, Even You


Match.com's Make Love Happen campaign pushes the notion that there's a match for everybody, no matter how quirky or off-colour. The lively prints come courtesy of Serge Seidlitz. Well, we said we were all for the unsexy in a primarily sex-driven industry so this is what we get: sexless Lego pieces in an Erect-a-Set city.

Check out a pink variation of the ad here. It merits a close look as there are a lot of details. Whether it will draw attention to said details is a story only time will tell.

by Angela Natividad    Feb- 2-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Outdoor

Mini Knows Who You Are and Is Putting it On Billboards


Mini Cooper marketers Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners get savvy with billboards that talk to cars. RFID technology in Mini Cooper keyfobs get picked up by billboards which then reflect that information in little messages like "Hey Bill" and "Nice convertible."

Check out the video here. We're impressed but creeped out, not least because if people still wonder whether Big Brother is watching, this would be an appropriate time to suspect that yes he is. And he approves of your taste in cars.

Mini users not in the RFID loop can sign up for it at the Mini website. You'll be asked a few questions about your private life. Try not to let slip the awkward BDSM fantasy about your boss unless you want it aired 200 feet above you.

by Angela Natividad    Feb- 2-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Anti-Ad Agency Makes Ads Against Ads


Appropriating ads and turning them into fuck-the-man messages is not actually anti-advertising. It's turning an ad into another (granted, irony-rich and possibly more sophisticated) ad.

While like Mortarblog we have serious doubts about the Anti-Advertising Agency's claim that "city dwellers see 5,000 ads per day," we agree that the world out there is oversaturated ad-wise. But in an ideal world, that raises the bar for us - not to become more ostentatious with our messages, but to make them more slow-moving and subtle. In an ideal world, anyway.

We dig what the Anti-Ad Agency's trying to do. It's important to ask questions about the presence of ads in our daily lives. But isn't that what this whole consumer-gen thing is all about? It's our strong suspicion that, short of finding a society bent on ridding themselves of ads, what they truly want are ads on their terms and not The Man's. That's okay with us.

by Angela Natividad    Feb- 2-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online, Outdoor

AKQA Not For Sale, Will Recapitalize With Private Equity Firm


There was speculation over the past month that AKQA was up for sale but the agency tells us that's not the case. They are, however, "recapitalizing" by selling off stake of the agency to private equity firm General Atlantic. The agency will retain its independent status and we are told speculation the agency would sell was exactly that: uninformed speculation.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-07    
Topic: Agencies

The O.C. Should Cancel Its Cancellation


There's nothing like the reality and freedom of series cancellation to get the creative juices flowing. For sure, FOX's The O.C. was heading for shit and deserved to be canceled but in the past few weeks the show has gone through a dynamic rejuvenation worthy of re-instatement. The show has been turned on its head with Ryan's transformation from brooding, tough guy loner to active participant in the human race, Taylor's morph from cartoonish high school caricature to smart girl with feelings, Seth and Summer's maturing relationship, Julie Cooper's shift from vapid bitch to love struck nice girl (even if she doesn't really love the Bull oops...Bullet...or stay with him...shouldn't write while drinking a martini), Kaitlin Cooper's change from stuck up, ego-centric mean girl to supportive daughter and Sandy and Kirsten Cohen's transition from perfect couple to even more perfect couple.

FOX, you ought to reconsider your cancellation. Or, at least threaten all shows with cancellation in order to achieve improved creativity. And yes, we admit we watch the show.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-07    
Topic: Opinion, Television

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