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Bloodbuster Blows Chunks


Coolzor brings us a disgusting ad campaign courtesy of Italin B movie store Bloodbuster, a haven for classic horror movies of old. Not that any movie, however gross, would cause this reaction, it certainly makes the point. Se more of the chunky goodness here.

by Steve Hall    Aug-20-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Strange

Binn Hated, Hand Needed, Flooring Fingered, Zombies Attack


- Copyranter hates, really hates Niche Media publisher Jason Binn and his prickish self importance. W don't know him but we think we hate him too after reading about his recent behavior

- Smaller sized newspapers are better. Especially if your laying in bed and your spouse needs a hand.

- BlogAds Founder Henry Copeland marvels at the Washington Post's description of its new blog ad service as "the next big, slightly-outside-the-mainstream idea."

- Intentional or not, the upside down version of this ad brings a whole new meaning to this flooring company's slogan, "Laid by the Best."

- Not at all related to marketing - unless, of course, it turns out to be some stealth promotion for the next zombie flick which it won't because it's just a fun little flash mob gig - but a mob of zombies attacked San Francisco Saturday. And Vancouver.

by Steve Hall    Aug-20-06    
Topic: Newspaper, Publishing

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