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Cleavage Is A Phone's Best Friend

cell_between boobs.jpg

It seems the marketers of this Asian-based cell phone maker have been looking at a lot of goofy MySpace, Flickr and Webshots images where goofy girls like to stick all sorts of things between their breasts. Somehow this ad is supposed to demonstrate the phone's small size. Personally, we prefer phones that require far more ample storage room. Oh be quiet! We have to make idiotic jokes like that or else everyone will go read Advertising Age.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Anti-Suicide Bombing Ad Does Matrix'y 360 Degree Effect


There's another one of those anti-terrorism ads floating around. Featured on Adland and AdFreak, the ad, which does the whole 360 degree special effect thing (badly), aims to dispel myths and rebut terrorists' distortion of the Islamic religion.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Commercials

Bloggers Contribute, Politicians Bullshit, Arby's Aggravates


- Bloggers can't help themselves and spontaneously contribute to a Bivings Group report on Web 2.0 features of newspaper site.

- Scott G examines a pile of bullshit otherwise known as political advertising.

Kevid Dugan points out the endless number of hoops Arby's requires peope to go through for its I'm Thinking Music Sweeps/.

- On Thursday September 7th 2006, 7-11pm Kidrobot will host The Paint Ball, a launch party and special benefit for Save the Children Federation in New York.

- American Express is bringing back PONG in a campaign, titled Roddick v. PONG, launching on August 21 and featuring a television spot and website, StopPong where players can help Roddick take on PONG's challenge in an updated version of the classic Atari computer game.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Research, Weblogs

The Elephant In The Room Is AIDS


Everyone loves an elephant. Or at least it seems everyone who works in advertising loves elephants. Skippy does. GE does. Bombay Saphire does.And now VH1 and The Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria do. A new PSA produced by Post Millenium features sports commentator and television personality John Salley and an elephant named Sally who takes on the roll of "elephant in the room" or, more exactly, AIDS. The goal of the spot, of course, is to take the elephant out of the room and into the workplace and get people talking about AIDS.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Creation of Chrysler's 'Ask Dr. Z' Explained


Comic Sheldon explains the real reason why Chrysler ended up with its less thatn loved ad campiagn featuring that weird dude, Dr. Z. It has something to do with a drunk circus monkey .

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Strange

Chevrolet Wants Your Spare Time, Where Time Comes From A Mystery


That new mirror pic ad babe, Ariel, isn't too pleased with Chevrolet's second foray into the whole consumer generated media thing. oh wait. Sorry. She doesn't like being called an ad babe. Besides, that's rude and inconsiderate. WTF were we to think. Our most sincere aplogies, Ariel. Anyway, enough with our Neanderthal mentality. Let's talk about Chevy.

Chevy's new promotion, called reduceuruse, is, we guess, a follow up to its Chevy Tahoe roll-your-own commercial thing which through a dumb-ish commercial featuring a guy with a bucket on his head getting smacked by baseballs launched from a pitching machine, asks people to submit a video showing what they'd do with all the time they'd gain by using E85 fuel. As far as we know, E85 doesn't magically appear in one's gas tanked and still has to be pumped so we're not sure where all this saved time is coming from. Perhaps someone can enlighten us. Perhaps someone can enlighten Chevrolet too. The reduceuruse site doesn't exactly do a great job explaining what it wants. Oh, and the Alternative Fuels link takes you to a page that features the much crapped on Tahoe. Perhaps they could have featured a different vehicle. After all, GM says E85 fuel works in a lot more vehicles than the Tahoe. And what's up with that freakishly odd dancing couple?

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Bad, Consumer Created, Online

Lad Mag 'Maxim' Thinks Lad Locale Maxxim Treats Women Poorly


Gawker brightens our morning with some legal frivolity of the illogically stupid kind. Not that any lawsuits are ever overflowing with intelligence but when a magazine that glorifies women as sex objects sues a strip club that, oh, glorifies woman as sex objects, we just stick that in the WTF category, Yes, Maxim Magazine is suing Tampa-based Maxxim Men's Club for trademark infringement because it claims "an establishment that allows women to perform sexually explicit dances has hurt the magazine's trademark and Dennis' reputation." Alrightly then. And showing women in a constant state of undress for the masses to droll over doesn't hurt anyone at all? It's time for an Agency.com fist bump and a collective "dude!" between the two parties in acknowledgment of their "glorification" of the female persuasion.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Magazine, Policy, Strange

Closet Shelving is A Fashion Statement, Dammit!


For years. we've seen the very utilitarian ads for that closet shelf company, California Closets. That utilitarian approach always seemed appropriate since closet shelving is, well, utilitarian. It seems someone over at California Closets got bored just showing pictures of their shelving in ads which were usually placed unceremoniously in the back of many newspaper's Sunday magazine. A frustrated California Closets marketing person apparently stood up and said, "Dammit, we want some far forward right hand page action!" to which the Sunday magazines replied, "Dammit, we don't want any crappy utilitarian closet shelving ads ruining the front of our preciously wannabe culturistically fashionista-like magazine pages" to which California Closets screamed,"Dammit, we need to get ourselves some hip, vapid looking, ridiculously dressed models and drape them across the ad and, like, just kinda show our shelving in the background" to which the Sunday magazines said, "Cool, we'll take your money now for this ad we know people are gonna look at and go 'what the fuck are they selling here?'" To which we say, well, we've said enough.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Magazine, Newspaper, Strange

Stupid Stoners Steal Fake Weed, Net Puts Surveillance Video on YouTube


Because it's hard to believe anyone would be stupid enough to think a sandwich bag filled with fake weed was real on a Prime TV billboard in New Zealand promoting the Showtime series Weeds and try to steal it, this "surveillance" video released on YouTube just seems like another planned social media promotion. Not that that's a bad thing but we just wonder about the intelligence of those in this video. The video shows people trying to pull weed-like substance out of the big bag affixed to the board and ends with "$429 Reward. To the stoner who ruined our Weeds Billboard: please call 021 682526 to return the missing buds. Please." Oh wait, those stupid people are paid social media actors. Silly us. How could we have thought otherwise? Oh wait again. This is supposed to be funny. OK, now we're laughing.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Guerilla, Online, Strange, Television, Video

Stripping Flirt Vodka Girl Has Bra Clasp Difficulties


Yawn. Yet another ad that uses a hot babe in lingerie stripping to sell something. When will people tire of this ineffective dreck? Oh wait. Damn! This is hot! Oops. Excuse us. We lost our strictly non-bias approach to sex-laced advertising there for a minute. As you long-time readers know, Adrants content never resembles the droolings of a male ad slut. Sorry. Anyway, this is how Flirt vodka convinces people to buy their stuff.

by Steve Hall    Aug-20-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

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