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Crappy Jeep Commercial Leads to Wasted Saturday on YouTube


With nothing better to do on a Saturday afternoon, we decided to follow a link under a really crappy Jeep spoof commercial on YouTube to morbeck's Biggest Video Response Chain Ever thing. We sometimes lead a very sheltered and quarantined life here in the Adrants high rise because, well, we're just too busy finding trivial advertisms and time wasters for you to enjoy so, we end up spending 24/7 trolling the Internet for crap like this that makes you wonder why the human race has nothing better to do that act like an idiot in front of a webcam. Oh wait. Sorry, I mean join the social ecocosm, and pump out paradigm-shifting consumer-generated media which, according to A-list bloggers, is transforming the world and causing marketers to drool uncontrollably like a male ad slut watching a Flirt Vodka ad.

more »

by Steve Hall    Aug-26-06    
Topic: Consumer Created, Video

Discovery Channel Thinks Katrina Was Comedic


You've got to wonder what those media buyers are thinking when they place and write Goofle AdWords ad. Take, for example, this ad that appears on a Fox Interactive exec's Linked in page that promotes "Surviving Katrina," a Discovery Channel documentary. The headline for the ad? Comedy. Yes, Katrina was fucking hilarious don't you think? Click the thumbnail to see the humor.

by Steve Hall    Aug-26-06    
Topic: Bad, Online, Strange

Race Car Skids Atop Turkish Billboard


Outdoor is one medium that, unlike many others, seems to be weathering the storm the Internet has rained down on other media and it's executions like this one that insure the medium will remain viable for, well, ever. This is s promotion for the Turkish GP, and Indy 500 of sorts, sponsored by Turkish fuel company Petrol Ofisi and created by Alametifarika

by Steve Hall    Aug-26-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Common Fronts Common Gap Merch For Common People


Among the many celebs the retailer has hooked up with, supposedly hip rapper Common, according to Animal, "The Gap couldn't have picked a better spokesperson to try and help sell their bland suburbanite t-shirts." Calling Common a common choice for a common brand, Animal calls into question the logic of the Gap having Common "slaving away in one of their NYC stores silk screening t-shirts for we assume, mostly white moms with absolutely no style." Indeed.

by Steve Hall    Aug-26-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Point of Purchase

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Vintage Sweater and Mind-Clearing Ads Questioned


Our Toronto correspondent Sanj sends us a couple ads and wonders about their merit. The first is an ad for fashion brand Jil Sander which Sanj says looks like an ad out of the 1940's and questions why that would motivate any woman to consider the brand. He also points out that, apparently, the brand is doing something right since it's worth 100 million.

Second, Sanj shows us an ad for Westin Hotels which does the Kettle One blank page thing with the headline, "Clear your mind. Free your sense. OK, so that blank page thing works with the headline but Sanj wonders what makes the Westin so special that it would actually clear your mind rather than , oh, say, a nice cabin in the Colorado rockies? After all, sleeping in a building with 1,000 other people isn't exactly mind-clearing.

by Steve Hall    Aug-26-06    
Topic: Magazine

Internet Celebs Star In Wacky Net Neutrality Videos


What would you get if you collected all the Internet celebrities like the Subservient Chicken, Leslie Hall, Tron Guy, Peter Pan. the dancing baby and put them all in one place? You'd get the hilariously kooky We Are the Web. The Barbarian Group's Eva mcClosky sent us this gem in which the celebs are there to support net neutrality, the movement to stop big business from tiering Internet access. It's a hot political potato but the site's a deliciously quirky delight.

by Steve Hall    Aug-25-06    
Topic: Best, Online, Strange

Walmart Turns on Gaydar, Wants Gay Shoppers


Hoping to get some "Tar-zjay" cache, stodgy and very un-gay Wal-Mart his hooked itself up with gay marketing firm Witeck-Combs Communications and joined the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. Not quite sure there's a match there.

by Steve Hall    Aug-25-06    
Topic: Brands

It's Not My Fault, It's Your Fault. Pay Me


If OMD has it's way, it's the media that's also shit out of luck as well if some client complains and demands to be refunded for a screwed up ad buy. Media Daily News reports the agency has added wording to it's insertion orders requiring the media to pay the agency back if the agency issues a credit to the client. Can you see the creative accounting this enables? Client to agency: Let's screw those fuckers over at ABC. Agency to media: You need to pay us back for that screwed up buy on Lost. Agency to Client: here's that invoice for that...uh...fee for that...uh...work we did for...uh...something that...uh...just happens to match the cost of that ad buy on Lost.

by Steve Hall    Aug-25-06    

Having Known Leo Burnett Makes You Old


Mike Yuhas over at AdFreak has a great You've been in advertising to long list if... list that recalls some really old ad markers like the DoubleMint Twins seeing you through puberty or actually saying you knew Leo Burnett versus saying you know Alex Bogusky when you're trying to pick someone up at an ad conference. The most depressing indicator: agency interns calling you Sir or Ma'am.

by Steve Hall    Aug-25-06    
Topic: Trends and Culture

Typography Raped And Beaten by Designer


Ariel, serving up some smack talk, offers us her review of a recent campaign for high-end women's athletic apparel boutique Sporteve and it isn't pretty. Designers take cover. Since there's no women in the testosterone-fueled offices of Adrants, we felt it only fair and balanced to ask the opinion of someone a bit closer to the audience with whom the ad is actually attempting to communicate. If you like a good ad trashing, give her a read and let her know what you think.

by Steve Hall    Aug-25-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Opinion

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