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Guys Escape From Work to Get Hummer


Well if we had any interest in Steve McQueen or ever saw his movie Great Escape, we might like this Hummer commercial from Modernista in which three guys plan an elaborate escape from work as if simply walking out the door would be a problem for grown men in an adult environment. Well, we haven't and we don't. This is advertising after all. Everyone in commercials has to be either dumb, incredibly hot or dress like an art director.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Commercials

'Prison Break' Promoted With Wanted Posters


Adrants reader Sanj sends us an image of wanted poster wild postings which promote the beginning of the second season of the FOX series Prison Break. It's actually a really good show.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Television

Superhero Has It Tough, Blood Donors Have It Easy

superhear_b lood.jpg

Well it is possible to believe everyone at Euro RSCG and the Ad Council gave the collective head nod to the notion it's hard for a superhero to save the world all the time and it's pretty easy for the average human being to donate a pint of blood, our head just isn't quite nodding yet. Maybe we just have to watch these two (1, 2) J.J Sedelmaier-produced spots several more times before it all sinks in. OK. There it is. Now we get it.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

Robots Replace Cat Fights In Beer Ads


Like a bunch of ten year old boys playing with the circuit breaker in the basement, Brewtron, Defender of Beer was created by some guys as the perfect drinking buddy. Oh, and to rebrand Icehouse beer to 21-35 year old men because 36 year olds don't drink beer and would rather play with a woman than a robot. But anyway, Dennis Digital created the site for this Icehouse/Maxim.com partnership. If you're tired of catfight style beer ads, you might like this one.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Commercials, Online, Video

Krystal Square Off Live on Burger Cam


Burger chain Krystal has launched its World Hamburger Eating Championship contest the prelims of which will be viewable via webcasts from the Krystal Suare Off site. The finals will be televised on ESPN on October 28 with the grand prize winner receiving $30,000. Hungry? Like to eat? This is your thing.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Cable, Good, Online, Promotions

Dilbert Does Advertising, Ad Sex Is Too Design-Laced


- Announcer Roy Coffman sends us this Dilbert comic strip in which Mom analyzes her son's advertising abilities.

- Like a marketer who can't wait to put put up a MySpace page, Scion has jumped into the Second Life. Time to move on to the Third Life.

- Ariel wonders why MK12 and other marketers are always asking her to "find my spot color or to uncoat my pantone" and why the use of sex in advertising "is so design-laced."

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Online, Opinion

We Like Advertising Age's Ad Campaign, Want One For Adrants


Apparently, it's just us but we really like that house campaign Advertising Age is running which features media planner Nicole Lee who babbles on endlessly in that typical valley girlish accent about her inebriated night with some creative at Nobu. To hear it you have to visit Adverting Age and reload a few times to get the banner to appear. If any Adrants reader thinks they can create an equally interesting or even more entertaining ad that centers on why people read Adrants, we wouldn't dissuade you from sending it in and perhaps running it on the site. Or if your feeling witty, create a spoof of the Advertising Age campaign and we'll have fun with that too.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Online

Fat Stomach, Quirky Bubble Gum, James Spader Fill Week's Ads


This week, in Ad Age's TV Spots of the Week, there's an ad for Old Navy that's just goofy enough to be good. If you were ever scared as a kid that blowing a giant bubble with bubble gum would send you into the sky, this spots for you. There's also a great spot for the Acura RDX in which Mac G5's worship the vehicle while Secretary-kinky and Boston Legal-smarmy James Spader intones the voiceover. And what's up with this? A third spot in a row we like. Yes. An ad for Secret Deoderant has two sisters talking to each other and one reveals to the other she told their mother about the other's first sexual encounter.

more »

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Commercials

Gamers Want Cannes MIPCOM Mojo


Two Finnish guys, Michael and Maesky, from Make It Real Sports think the 145 million gamers (their number, not ours) the world over, more players than any other sport, should have representation at Cannes MIPCOM and have announced their own call for entries of a sort. They're asking people to send in videos lauding the importance of virtual sports as compared to real sports. They'll take the top four videos and their creators to Cannes MIPCOM, all expenses paid. They're goal is to shop the videos as fodder the creation of a gamer-based television show. English is obviously not their primary language so go easy on them if and when you visit the site.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Games, Industry Events, Television

Cans Cover 'Cans' In Desperate Attempt to Get A Pepsi


Some people will do anything to get their hands of a can of Pepsi. Even if it means using one's clothing to make it across the hot sand to the soda stand. And for this clothing-challenged woman, Pepsi cans are more than containers for the bubbly stuff.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

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