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iPhone Gets Monolithic Spec Treatment


Here's some iPhone spec work from Ryan Landels, Director for a Santa Monica production company. Landels has taken the scene in the movie 2001: A Space Odessy where the astronauts first discover the monolith which Landels has replaced with the iPhone. It's a nice piece of work that could certainly be a part of Apple's official iPhone campaign.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Spoofs

Win A Trip to Cancun, Las Vegas Just For Going to ad:tech Miami


If you're planning on attending the Miami ad:tech show, you could win a five day vacation for two to Las Vegas or Cancun just by walking into the exhibit hall. The chance to win is explained thusly, "Using cutting-edge Bluetooth technology, powered by Proximity Media and MangoMobile, a message will be sent to your mobile phone, PDA or computer as you enter the ad:tech Miami expo hall. Simply accept the message and you'll be instructed on how to enter the sweepstake. Winners will be announced at the close of ad:tech Miami, Thursday, June 27th via Bluetooth and/or SMS message. Entrants must be present to win." Couldn't be easier, could it?

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-07    
Topic: Industry Events

MySpace CMO Shawn Gold to Keynote Miami ad:tech


Interviewed by CNN Financial and Business News Anchor Alberto Padilla, MySpace CMO Shawn Gold will discuss the explosion of social media what parent News Corp. and sibling Fox Interactive have planned for the U.S. Hispanic and Latin American markets, a focus of the Miami ad:tech Conference.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Weiden + Kennedy Wins CareerBuilder Account


The tipsters have spoken. First to George Parker. Now to Adrants. It seem the idiots over at CareerBuilder who fired Cramer-Krasselt apparently because its Super Bowl ad didn't place the the wholly unscientific USA Today Super Bowl ad poll have awarded their account to Wieden + Kennedy. Good luck guys. Hopefully, you'll convince the intelligence-challenged CareerBuilder folks there's far more reliable studies out there to determine ad effectiveness.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-07    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

Campaign Launched to Save Ford's Marketing


Boston area marketer Kevin Glennon, in response to an article he wrote about Ford's marketing which received hundreds of responses but none from Ford, has launched Helping Hank, an effort to convince Ford to make an actual Bold Move: hire him as its Chief Marketing Officer. More than a ploy for employment - which Kevin doesn't need having launched his own successful business years ago - Kevin has written a letter to Bill Ford calling his attention to the article he wrote in which he urges Ford to think differently and offers up such suggestions as partnering with Lowe's and/or Home Depot to provide a Zipcar-like rental service.

Whether it's crazy or brilliant, you can decide for yourselves as Kevin has set up a full blown online campaign and weblog to support and continue his efforts towards improving Ford's marketing efforts. If we didn't know Kevin, we'd figure this was some sort of elaborate stunt blog marketing efforts so favored by some ill informed brands a few years ago but it's not. It's an honest effort by a smart guy who thinks he can improve a companies marketing. Only you and Bill Ford can decide if the effort is worthy.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-07    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Good, Weblogs

AMC Brings Back Good Old Days of Advertising With 'Mad Men'


Hey old timers, remember when there was this thing called the three martini lunch? When men ran the office without fear of women climbing the ladder? When advertising was unfettered by annoyances such as fees, unbundling, the Internet, agency consultants, sequential liability, TiVo, consumer-generated media, Donny Deutsch? Yes, there were once simpler times in the ad business. When men were men and a handshake was better than a 300 page contract.

Susannah Breslin tells us Cabler AMC plans to bring back those day with its Mad Men, a series about the New York ad business in 1960 from the executive producer of The Sopranos. The trailer promises the show will be every bit as sexist as it supposedly was back in the day. Of course, we're sure they'll be the required current day tweaks to make it all more palatable so as not to completely alienate the now overly sensitive society in which we now live.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-07    
Topic: Cable, Good, Trends and Culture

Jessica's Dribbling Ice Cream, Head on Head Promote Lucky Chuck


Ah yes, the dribbling vanilla ice cream cone. The barely seen head of a woman near the other head of a smiling man. Ah, yes, the late summer oddity known as Good Luck Chuck, a movie about a guy named Cahrile who has sex with women which then brings them luck. That is until he meets Jessica Alba and his luck forces him to, well, not sleep with her but with others so, well, following summer bubble gum movie logic, Charlie gets the hottie of his dreams. Watch the trailer. It makes sense. Sort of.

Oh, and we're thinking these posters are a a bit less than official. Either way, see both posters here.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-07    
Topic: Good, Poster

Fist Bumper Tom Ajello Pokes New York


An Adrants reader writes, "Tom Ajello, and several of his favorite 'creatives' from the ship he sunk, Agency.com, will be starting up an interactive division of MotherNY called PokeNewYork. The official announcement is rumored to be on June 5th. Currently the only thing on the site of pokenewyork.com is a picture of Tom's baby. Expect to see lots of 'upload your face' banner ads and a sharp drop in Mother's coolness!"

Poke New York? That has to be a joke? Who'd name an agency Poke? Oh yea:-)

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-07    
Topic: Agencies

Sun Gods Uphold Modesty For Vanity Fair Billboard


For once, it's not a whining cause group throwing down a verbal assault of the oh-so-horrific nature of the seemingly blithe attitude some marketers have for parading hotties in public to sell stuff. No. This time it's the Gods. The Sun Gods, to be exact, are making a statement about the barely dressed model on this Vanity Fair billboard. Apparently, they feel additional coverage is needed and that there's something horrifically wrong with the female nipple which, after all, is nothing more than a device to provide newborn babies the nourishment they need to survive. What could possibly be wrong with that? In fact, it should be celebrated! Yes, we say. Celebrated. All hail the erect female nipple! The bigger, the better!. It's for the kids, you know.

Alright, alright. There's no Sun God. There's no erect nipple celebration. There's just Flickr dude who got a great camera angle. But that would have made a pretty boring piece, right?

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-07    
Topic: Outdoor, Racy, Strange

The London Olympic 2012 Logo Trashed, Questioned, Praised


Creativity is subjective at best but we think we'll have overwhelming support when we say the newly released London 2012 Olympic logo sucks. On the other hand, creativity is subjective at best but also we think we'll have overwhelming support when we say the newly released 2012 Olympic logo is brilliantly infused with modernity of motion and the mastery of motivation. You choose. We can't.

Viewing the logo, designed by Wolff Ollins, initially caused an immediate WTF? Letting the logo sink in while viewing the illustrative brand video behind the logo causes an entirely different reaction. The support for the brand direction could have easily gone down the ill but well traveled road of Olympic fist pumping, rather it quite eloquently examines what motivates humans to achieve. Interestingly, it wasn't for quite some time, we realized the logo's imagery visually represents the numeric date 2012.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-07    
Topic: Best, Brands, Creative Commentary, Opinion, Worst

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