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Adrants Isn't the Only Place to Find Typos


While we (perfect speller Angela excluded) have absolutely no business pointing out other's typos when you can find plenty of them right here on the pages of Adrants, what fun would it be if we couldn't all poke fun at big boy Reebok for producing a subway card with the word "everything" spelled "eveything"? And besides, Copyranter brought it up first. We're just sharing.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 7-07    
Topic: Bad, Outdoor, Poster

Guerrilla Gardening Gets Major Press For Music Festival


Just how do you promote an environmentally-focused music festival in Budapest on a shoestring budget? You create gardens overnight and plant 800 flowers in unused and run down public areas, of course. That's exactly what Budapest agency RayGun did for the Hegyalja music festival and Hungary's participation in the celebration of World Day of Environment Protection. The agency trecked to four Hungarian cities; Budapest, Miskolc, Debrecen and Nyireghaza to create the gardens and plant the flowers mostly near bridges and overpasses.

The effort, at not much more than the cost of the flowers, garnered major news coverage on television news programming and within major national newspapers. While it's difficult to argue against the planting of flowers, the Budapest Council did threaten legal action against the agency but Creative Director Alex Poulson tells us the agency is now working with the governing body to discuss further means of beautifying the city.

View additional images of the plantings here.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 7-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla

Nike Loosens 'Victory' Jockstrap, Rebukes Man Boobs


Advertising for Peanuts points us to a Nike ad put together by Wieden & Kennedy, Amsterdam for the UK.

It's a lot more casual than other work they've done but maybe it's a precedent-setter for the type of tone their iPod collabo will take. Because really, we haven't seen jack out of this liaison since the OK Go liftoff.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 6-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Transformers Marketing Dives Deep ... into the Playskool Family


We're not completely sure how we feel about this Mr. Potato Head Optimash Prime (an undoubtedly subtle plug for the upcoming Transformers movie), but it's somewhere between "OMG OMG!!!1111111" and "Dude, I think I actually need one of those."

Nice one, Hasbro. Nice.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 6-07    
Topic: Good, Packaging, Promotions

Audi A3 Tips Glass for Sweet Music


Audi continues her campaign of lux nose-tweaking playfulness with this spot called Audi in Crescendo.

Word on the street (read: an Audi pressie) is the formula for this spot required 600 bottles, one Audi and several days of anal-retentive brain-drain in Cape Town before production company Agosto and agency Tandem DDB were able to pull this off.

The simple, bottle-tipping A3 spot is a suitable hat-tip to Mozart, a notorious mischief-maker himself, unless Amadeus lied to us. (And movies never do.)

In general, Spanish ads just do music right.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 6-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good, Television

Hygiene Cops Shine Spotlight on Germ-Ridden '5th Guy'


Following the premise that one in five loo visitors don't wash their hands, the Florida Department of Health invites you to Talk to the 5th Guy. (Why you'd want to, knowing what you now know about him, is anybody's guess.)

The campaign, hoping to convict 5th guys far and wide, includes TV and outdoor spots that berate germy behavior and suggest clean new habits.

We're just wondering to ourselves how much more sanitary it is to admonish people to wipe their sneeze snot on their arms. Maybe it's only hands (and the occasional salacious employee cheek-lick) that pass germs.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 6-07    
Topic: Cause, Outdoor, Television

London Olympic 2012 Logo Video Causes Epileptic Fits


As if the crap the London 2012 Olympic Organizing Committee received over this week's release of its much-maligned logo weren't enough, now eight reported cases of epileptic seizures caused by the logo's supporting video have caused the organization to pull the video. Epilepsy photo sensitivity expert Graham Harding explained, "What it appears has happened is that the flash rate of the diving sequence contravenes the Ofcom guidelines." Odds makers have given the logo 10-1 odds it will be replaced by year's end.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 6-07    
Topic: Brands, Worst

Forget the Jetpacks - RAY GUNS Have Finally Arrived


For Weta Workshops, which makes action figures and other collectible props for movies and stuff, New Zealand's Touch/Case Next gives us SteamPunk ray guns.

And best of all, the ray guns are real (if not really deadly, at least really for sale). Models like the ManMelter 3600ZX and the FMOM INDUSTRIES Wave Disrupter are "constructed from metal with some glass parts," and only 500 of each is being manufactured.

Tell us that doesn't bring your lawn dart-loving '80s baby out to play, and we will glower at you in disdain.

For our own purposes, the Goliathon 83 dissolves seven-ninths of an elephant in 10 earth seconds. We could really use that kind of power whilst standing in line at the post office.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 6-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Packaging, Promotions, Strange

Capitalism is the New Revolution! (Really?)


Propaganda and advertising play in the same sandbox. With that in mind, we re-examine Forbes' longtime "Join the Movement!" marketing stint, where images like this and this are used to trigger a taste for the concrete jungle that recalls a certain Slavic brio (1, 2).

The Economist kinda does it, too.

When did red become the new green? Are they two sides of the same coin? Oh God, is that what Christmas is all about?!

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 6-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Opinion

Homeless People Used to Condemn Use of Homeless People In Ads


Dripping with egotistical irony, this Giovanni+Draftfcb Rio de Janeiro-created campaign for the Creative Club of Rio de Janeiro rips on the nation's apparent obsession with the use of homeless and disabled people in advertising seemingly to achieve creative brilliance and win awards at their expense.

With headlines, "I helped a copywriter become a creative director", "I've made a creative team win a lion at Cannes" and "Thanks to us. An art director had his salary doubled," pulls no punches while, at the same time, does the very thing it's trying to stop.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jun- 6-07    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Good, Poster

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